Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Assessing Teachers‟ Preparation For Teaching Pupils With Visual Impairment In Inclusive Classrooms: A Case Of Selected Teachers‟ Colleges In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The general objective of this study was to assess teachers‟ preparation for teaching pupils with visual impairment in inclusive classrooms in Tanzania. A cross-sectional design was employed as well as a qualitative approach with some elements of quantitative approach. Data were collected through documentary review, interviews, questionnaires and observation which involved 45 respondents. This sample was obtained through purposive sampling, simple random sampling and stratified ran...

Influence Of Catholic Church Owned Secondary School Heads’ Motivation On Management Of Students’ Holistic Development In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was designed to assess the influence of Catholic owned secondary schools’ heads’ motivation towards management of students’ holistic development. Specifically, the study was guided by four objectives targeting first, informants’ understanding of Catholic Church policy’s guideline on holistic development of students; second, school heads’ management of social dimension; third, heads of schools’ promotion of intellectual aspect, and four; how heads of schools ...

Assessment Of The Implementation Trend Of Learner-Centred Approach In English Language In Primary Schools: The Case Of Kongwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study is about assessment of the implementation trend of learner-centred approach in English language primary school classrooms in Tanzania. It explores the strategies used by primary school teachers in teaching and learning, assesses the extent to which the strategies that teachers used reflect learner-centred approach in English language teaching in primary school classrooms as well as explores teachers’ opinion on the effectiveness of the strategies used in the implementat...

Effectiveness Of School Climate In Improving The Quality Of Secondary Education: A Case Of Bukoba Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to understand effectiveness of school climate in improving the quality of secondary education in Public schools in the Bukoba Municipality, Tanzania. The study was dominated by qualitative approach, and supported by quantitative research approach by adopting correlational research design in order to investigate the influence of effective school climate and quality secondary education improvement. Open System Theory was used as guiding theory to th...

The Effects Of Teaching Fractions By Using Physical Manipulatives On Standard Four Pupil’s Performance

ABSTRACT The purpose of this experimental study was to examine the effects of teaching fractions by using physical manipulatives on standard four pupils‘ performance. The study hypothesized that, the pupils would consecutively perform significantly higher on addition of simple fractions when would be taught using physical manipulatives with hands-on practices as compared to when would be taught by using physical manipulatives for demonstration alone. Further, the study hypothesized that bo...

The Impact Of Home Environment On Students Academic Achievement In Tanzanian Secondary Schools: A Case Of Geita Town Council

ABSTRACT This study, using the knowledge trained by the Socio-cultural Theory, examined the impact of the home environment on students‟ academic achievement in Tanzanian secondary schools using Geita Town Council as a case study. The study was predominantly qualitative though some quantitative data were used to supplement the findings. Data were collected from 95 participants, through interviews, observation, questionnaires and documentary review. These participants were sampled through pu...

The Challenges In The Application Of Information And Communication Technology (Ict) In Teachers Colleges In Mwanza And Shinyanga Regions

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the challenges in the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in teachers colleges in Mwanza and Shinyanga regions.To accomplish this work three research objectives guided the study: to investigate the level of availability and use of ICT facilities, the challenges facing the use of ICT, the benefits of using ICT facilities and the ways to overcome the challenges facing the use of ICT in teachers Colleges in Mwanza and S...

The Place Of Religion In Education From The Standpoint Of Roman Catholic

ABSTRACT The many investigations made into the nature of man have resul ter1 in some definite findings; one of them is that his visible appear-ance has the shape of a functioning organism. This part is called the hOdy of man. How this body appeared on e ar-Ll , how it reached its present harmonious development, hoy: lone man has existed, these and other Queries it is not the l'urpose of this thesis to answer- or «ven to consider.In this work man Vin: he dealt with as he is known to-day: that...

Influence Of Planning Of Physical Facilities On The Provision Of Quality Learning Environment In Secondary Schools In Narok North Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The responsibility for planning of school physical facilities should involve all stake-holders in the school, to ensure that every child has a favorable learning environment for quality education. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of planning of physical facilities on the quality of learning environment provided by secondary schools in Narok North Sub-County. The study objectives were to determine whether secondary schools use government provided guidelines on c...

Influence Of School Responsibilities On Prefects’ Academic Work Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Prefects are student leaders elected or appointed and assigned administrative duties in schools. Besides their school responsibilities, prefects are expected to perform well and attain good grades in class tests and national examinations like other students. According to reports in Nakuru District Education Office, students in public secondary school decline academically when they take up prefects’ responsibilities. Several factors have been put forward that include influence of n...

An African Perspective on Advance Directives

ABSTRACT Advance directives, a form of oral or written statement in which people declare their treatment preferences in the event that they lose decision-making capacity, are known to exist in various cultures of the world. Existing studies on advance directives in Western medical tradition place great emphasis on individual autonomy to the neglect of communal and other associative ties characteristic of the practice in African tradition. This study, therefore, interrogated the practice of a...

Large Scale Land Acquisition Implications On Smallholder Rice Production: The Case Of Kilombero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to examine large scale land acquisition implications on smallholder rice production in Kilombero District. Purposive sampling procedures were used to obtain four representative villages. In each village 40 respondents were randomly selected leading to a sample of 160 respondents. Primary data was collected through household questionnaires, focus group discussion, key informant interview and physical observations while secondary data was collected from relevan...

Influence Of Headteachers’ Management Practices On Students’ Academic Performance In Public Secondary Schools Within Kitui Central District, Kitui County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT In Kenya, the education system has been hit by students‘ poor academic performance every year the results are announced. Some schools have maintained good academic performance while others have always lagged behind. These differences are brought about by many factors and one major factor is the headteachers‘ management practices. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the headteachers‘ management practices on students‘ academic performance in Kitui Centra...

The Yakurr: A Reconstruction Of Pre-Colonial History

ABSTRACT This study attempts to use oral sources to reconstruct the pre-colonial history of the Yakurr of Southeastern Nigeria. The Yakurr now inhabit the territory located between latitude 5040' and 6°10 North and longitude 8°50' East. This area is about 140 kilometres north-west of Calabar - capital of the Cross River State. The focus of the research is on Yakurr Migration and settlement and the economic, political and social effects of the migration. The original home of the Yakurr was ...

An Investigation Into Students‟ Low Perfomance In English Language At „O‟ Level In Gweru Urban High Schools.

ABSTRACT This study is an investigation into the causes of the low performance in the English Language at „O‟ Level in high schools in Gweru Urban. It is guided by the following objectives, to find out factors that contribute to the low pass rate in the English Language at Ordinary level in Gweru Urban Schools. The study seeks to also interrogate the possible remedies that schools could harness to arrest the low performance. To carry out the research, the survey method was used in the sel...

1096 - 1110 Of 1340 Results