Curriculum Studies Research Papers/Topics

Barriers To Female Leadership And Their Influence On Women Inclusivity In Management Of Public Primary Schools In Makueni County Kenya

ABSTRACT There has been a notable gender gap in leadership and management positions globally, regionally, nationally and locally in Makueni County. This has persisted despite the many years of gender activism worldwide. Any unequal society cannot boast of quality in its education system. Therefore this study sought to assess “Barriers to female leadership and their influence on women‟ inclusivity in management of public primary Schools in Makueni County”. The study was guided by Libera...

The School Based Factors That Impact Inclusion Of Learners With Physical Disabilities In Public Primary Schools In Kuria East Sub- County Of Migori County- Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the school based factors that impact inclusion of learners with physical disabilities in public primary schools in Kuria East Sub County, Kenya. This had been dictated by indication suggesting that school factors have had a negative and damaging influence on inclusion of learners with physical disabilities in public primary schools. The study therefore aimed to determine the influence of availability of learning and teaching resources on i...

Teaching Of Life Skills Education For The Reduction Of Violence In Public Secondary Schools In Kieni West Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the extent to which teaching of Life Skills Education has reduced violence in public secondary schools. It was guided by the SelfDetermination Theory and the Theory of Institutional Change. Literature review was limited for Kenyan situation and relevant information from other countries was therefore used to determine what constituted school violence and how those countries solved it. This literature showed that in the developed world, school violence wa...

Influence Of Curriculum Components On Learning Outcomes In Social Studies Among Pupils In Public Primary Schools In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Social Studies is one of subjects offered in primary schools in Kenya. The subject aims at providing the learners with knowledge, skills, desired attitudes and values necessary in preparing them to live appropriately in physical and social environments. The current modes of teaching Social Studies in public primary schools are not inculcating the critical knowledge, skills and competences to the pupils in order to prepare them to achieve vision 2030.This raises great concern to educ...

Effectiveness of the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools in mwingi district, kenya.

ABSTRACT . The rationale of having inclusive education is to value children with special needs so that they can participate equally in all educational activities alongside their peers without special needs. There should be no form of discrimination, segregation or isolation of children with special needs in provision of education services. They must be given equal opportunity to participate alongside children without special needs. The purpose of this study was in two fold, one, to asses whet...

Non-Governmental Organizations’ Educational Contribution To Needy Primary School Children In Voi Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT Parents of needy children lived below poverty line. Consequently their children were denied the opportunity to enjoy increased access in aspects not included in free Primary education (FPE) package. This descriptive survey study sought first to quantify NGOs contribution to education in Voi in aspects not included in the free education package and secondly to find out if there were alternative sources of assistance in the absence of NGOs assistance. The population of the study inclu...

Family Socio-Economic Background And Its Effects On The Investment In Girls Education In Public Secondary Schools In Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Girls secondary school education impact them with skills and knowledge that are essential in bringing positive socioeconomic changes such as economic development and prosperity. The purpose of the research was to find out the effect of the family socio-economic background on the investment in girls' education at the secondary school education in Bungoma County. Despite the implementation of a noble initiative of Free Day Secondary Education, the disadvantaged girls still find it hard...

Evaluation Of Application Of Information And Communication Technology In Instruction In Public Primary Schools In Thika Municipality, Kiambu County Kenya

ABSTRACT Information and knowledge are essential for the advancement of human well-being and progress. This study evaluated the use of ICTs in instruction in public primary schools in Thika Municipality, Kiambu county. It focused on quantity of computer use, and the levels attained in terms of using ICTs to support, expand and transform teaching and learning. The study addressed the following objectives: To find out what types of ICTs are used in instruction and how they are used, to assess t...

An Evaluation Of The Quality Of Free Primary Education In Public Primary Schools In Machakos Municipality

ABSTRACT Introduction of Free Primary Education (FPE) in 2003 was meant to ensure access, retention and completion of primary education in line with the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) number two. This resulted to large classes with limited facilities and learning materials, characterized by low learner achievement; which are threats to Quality Education. The topic of the study was ‘An evaluation of the quality of Free Primary Education in Public primary schools in Machakos Municipality.�...

Non-Governmental Organizations' Educational Contribution To Needy Primary School Children In Vol Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT Parentsof needy children lived below poverty line. Consequently their children were denied the opportunityto enjoy increased access in aspects not included in free Primary education (FPE) package.This descriptive survey study sought first to quantify NGOs contribution to education inVoiin aspects not included in the free education package and secondly to find out if there werealternative sources of assistance in the absence of NGOs assistance. The population of the studyincluded tho...

Based Factors Influencing Implementation Of Physically Handicapped Curriculum In Joytown Institute, Thika Municipality, Kiambu County

ABSTRACT The central problem of this study was the fact that physically handicapped (PH) learners needed changes to the method of instruction rather than the skill and information being taught. This study, sought to find out factors influencing the implementation of the adapted PH curriculum in primary schools in Kenya, with specific focus on Joytown Institution in Thika Municipality. The specific objectives were assessing the current status of the adapted PH curriculum implementation in Joy...

School Factors Affecting Perfomance In Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education In Public Primary Schools In Yatta Division Lower Yatta District, Kitui County

ABSTRACT In some regions of Kenya, poor performance in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (K.C.P.E.) has been attributed to factors such as; absenteeism of pupils from school, lack of facilities, lack of teacher motivation, understaffing and lack of role models. However these factors differ depending on the critical region under study as well as school. Performance in Yatta Division has been dismal in the past five years. This study therefore endeavored to study the factors that are ...

Determinants Of School Dropout Among Secondary School Girls In Kibra And Langata In Nairobi County, Kenya

BSTRACT Education for a girl child is critical since girls are make a significant contribution in families and the communities as future mothers and parents who are expected to care and nurture future generations in any community. Education of a girl child has great benefits not only to herself but also her future family since they are expected to sire and nurture children, who are the future of any society; nevertheless, education of a girl is under threat due to challenges within the school...

Impact Of Tuition Waiver On Wastage In Public Day Secondary Schools In Kirinyaga County

ABSTRACT There are very many challenges facing secondary school education delivery in Kenya in recent times, leading to high dropout and repetition rates. This made the Government of Kenya (GOK) to introduce provision of tuition fee waiver in public secondary schools in 2008. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of tuition fee waiver on wastage in public day secondary schools. This was done by assessing the repetition and dropout rates. Specifically this study sought to; ...

Contributions Of Quality Assurance And Standards To Curriculum Implementation In Primary Schools Of Baringo District, Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The core function of the directorate of Quality Assurance and Standards is ensuring Quality education. This entails monitoring of curriculum implementation in schools. The members of staff of the directorate are expected to visit schools regularly, conduct seminars and In-service courses for teachers, and promote advisory services among other activities. Reports have indicated that Quality Assurance and Standards in Kenya is a thorny issue. Even with the efforts made for instance (in...

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