Curriculum Studies Research Papers/Topics

Computer Aided Instruction And Performance In Kiswahili Language Skills Among Public Secondary Schools In Nakuru County, Kenya Computer Aided Instruction And Performance In Kiswahili Language

ABSTRACT The Ministry of Education initiated the integration of computer technologies in teaching of school curriculum in order to enhance quality of education in Kenya. Poor performance in Kiswahili subject skills has been experienced for a while, among majority students in sub-county secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. The integration of CAI in teaching of Languages, helps to transform pedagogical skills in order to improve learners’ performance. The purpose of this study was ...

Social Media Usage And Its Effects On The Teaching Learning Process In Secondary Schools In Nyamira North, Nyamira County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main aim of this project was to investigate social media effects on the teaching learning process in secondary schools in Nyamira North, Nyamira County, Kenya. This is due to the revolutionizing aspect of social media on organizational performance. Many people including education stakeholders are using the social networking sites than ever before. In educational institutions, social media usage is influencing the students‟ examination performance. The objectives of this study w...

Effects Of Child Labour On Participation In Public Primary Education In Kayole Division, Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the gains achieved through free primary education, there are still factors that hamper participation in education by children in Kenyan primary schools. For children from poor backgrounds, one such issue is child labour. The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of child labour on participation of children in public primary education in Kayole Division Nairobi County. It was informed by the following objectives: to determine the nature of child labour in Nairobi ...

Challenges Faced By Board Of Governors In Secondary Schools Management: A Case Of Taita – Taveta County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The search for quality education has been winding and tedious. It dates back to the days of the missionaries, who introduced the first formal education in the form of 3 R’s; a Rithmetic, Read, wRite. The Africans disenchanted by this type of education attempted to manage their “own” education but flopped due to lack of technical know-how. A reprieve came after independence when the government ensured the education of a Kenyan child was at par with that of the white. Subsequent ...

Learning Challenges Faced By Special Needs Education Learners In Public Primary Schools In Mvita Division, Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify learning challenges faced by special need education learners in public primary schools in Mvita division, Mombasa County. The objectives of the study are: 1) To investigate social culture challenges facing learners in special need education in public schools 2) To assess school related challenges facing learners in special needs education in public schools, 3). To determine teacher based challenges facing learners in special need education in...

A Study On Causes Of Drop Out Among Girls In Selected Mixed Day Secondary Schools In Kasarani District, Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study presents the current factors that contribute to drop out of girls in mixed day secondary school s in Kasarani District in Nairobi province, with a view of getting possible strategies for countering the problems that causes girls to drop out of school. The study was guided by the following objectives; To determine the extent to which school factors in fluence the girls’ dropout rate, to establish the influence of teachers’ attitude on the drop out rate of girls, to...

The Status Of Career Guidance And Counselling Programmes For Students In Public Secondary Schools In Nairobi Province

ABSTRACT The focus of this research problem was that despite the Government efforts to support the provision of career guidance and counselling in public secondary schools, there was no readily available documented data of what is currently going on in the schools.Further more, during her literature review this researcher did not come across any study that had been carried out on the status of career guidance and counselling services in public secondary schools in Nairobi Province.The purpose...

Analysis Of The Effects Of Subsidized Secondary School Education On Access And Participation: A Case Of Manga District, Nyamira County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study assessed the effects of subsidized secondary education on access and participation in public secondary schools in Manga district. The study was guided by the following objectives: to determine enrolments in public secondary schools before and after implementation of Subsidized Secondary Education(SSE), effects of SSE in Manga district and strategies for improving the implementation of SSE in the district. Literature on financing secondary education in the world, financing ...

Implementation Of The Business Studies Curriculum In Public Secondary Schools In Machakos Central Division Of Machakos District, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Purpose of this study was to assess the implementation process of Business Studies curriculum. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to find out the training provisions for teacher of Business Studies for their preparation to implement the integrated syllabus, to determine the attitude of teachers of Business Studies towards the secondary school Business Studies syllabus, to determine the teaching/learning resources and strategies used to implement Business Studi...

The Impact Of Cdf On Secondary Schools Curriculum Implementation In Nyahururu District, Laikipia County

ABSTRACT Although curriculum is the key to learning in every learning institution, there have been complaints about poor performance in certain schools, subjects and regions every year resulting from ineffective curriculum development and implementation. The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of CDF on secondary school Curriculum implementation in Nyahururu District.The objectives of the study were to find out the; extent to which CDF has addressed the textbooks shortages, infras...

Challenges Facing Curriculum Implementation Of Inclusive Education In Public Secondary Schools In Mutitu Sub-County Of Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study investigated challenges facing the implementation of inclusive education in public secondary schools in Mutitu Sub-County of Kitui County. This was based on the fact that children with special needs who pass through inclusive education curriculum in primary schools are forced to pursue their secondary education in special schools while others do not proceed to secondary school. The objectives of the study were to examine challenges in the enrolment of SNE learners, human re...

The Role Of Head Of Department As Perceived By Teachers And Secondary School Heads Of Department In Tigania East Sub-County, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the effort being put by government in regard to establishing good management of task areas by various managers of secondary schools to provide quality education in Kenya, this has not been fully realized especially in Tigania East Sub-county .This study was prompted by the challenges and complexities that surround the role of HODs as middle level managers in executing their responsibilities. The study attempts to address the influential role HODs play to ensure that there is ...

Views Of Primary School Mathematics Teachers About Effectiveness Of Strengthening Of Mathematics And Science Education In-Service Training In Kirinyaga County

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the views of primary school mathematics teachers about Effectiveness of Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education In-service training project in primary school in Kirinyaga County. The objectives of the study were:- to investigate whether all mathematics teachers attend the SMASE INSETs , if mathematics teachers implement the skills they learn in the SMASE INSETs, and determine the views of mathematics teachers about the SMASE projec...

State Of School Safety In Public Urban Primary Schools: A Case Of Kasarani Sub-County In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT School safety is an essential and invaluable element of the schooling process. Certainly no sound and significant learning can happen in a dangerous and risky environment to learners and teachers. It is of vital importance therefore that stakeholders in education promote school environments that are safe and protected to facilitate increased enrolment, retention and completion, leading to attainment of educational goals. The role of schools apart from providing education and co-curri...

Perception Of Teachers On Effectiveness Of Induction And Orientation Of Newly Recruited Public Secondary School Teachers In Githunguri Sub -County, Kiambu County -Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the perception of teachers on the effectiveness of induction and orientation of newly employed teachers. The study was guided by four objectives that focused on the perception, types, the main activities and the role of a mentor during induction and orientation of newly recruited teachers. The study was guided by social learning theory which explains how the social environment determines the actions of individuals to make certain choices. Th...

121 - 135 Of 264 Results