Curriculum Studies Research Papers/Topics

Teaching Life Skills Curriculum In Primary Schools In Lurambi Division, Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study is a survey of the teaching of life skills curriculum in public primary schools in Lurambi Division of Kakamega County, Kenya. Life skills education was introduced in the Kenyan education curriculum by the government in 2008. This was with a view that acquisition of knowledge and psychosocial skills would enable learners to cope with problems they encounter in life and face them with vigor and skills. These problems arise from changes in the environment learners interact w...

The Status Of Private Tuition In Public Secondary Schools In Miirigamieru West Division, Imenti North District

ABSTRACT Despite the repeated banning of private tuition by the Ministry of Education in Kenya, the practice of private tuition has been on the increase. This calls for an investigation into the status and the reasons for the existence of the practice of private tuition despite the ban. The purpose of the study was to investigate the status of private tuition in public secondary schools in Miirigamweru West Division, Imenti North District. The study aimed at achieving the following specific o...

School Based Factors Affecting Implementation Of Kiswahili Curriculum In Primary Schools In Homa Bay County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In Kenya, the method used to determine whether the general objectives of a subject are being achieved is through learner's performance in national examinations. For the last five years Ndhiwa Sub County has recorded low mean scores in Kiswahili that range between 36.62 marks to 40.20 out of 100 marks. These low mean scores in Kiswahili has been attributed to poor implementation of Kiswahili curriculum by education stakeholders. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate h...

Challenges Faced By Principals Of Newly Established Secondary Schools And Their Coping Strategies In Mwingi Central Sub County, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Rapid establishment of new secondary schools present unique challenges in the allocation and distribution of the few available resources which in turn affect the quality of secondary education. For example, in Mwingi Central Sub-county there has been an influx in numbers of pupils seeking secondary education due to the introduction of the free primary education and therefore establishment of new schools to accommodate the extra numbers among other factors. However, these new secondar...

Challenges Facing On-Line Registration Of Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education Candidates In Public Primary Schools In Khwisero, Kakamega County

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges facing On-line registration of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Candidates in Public Primary Schools in Khwisero, Kakamega County. The objectives of this study were; to investigate the Head teachers Proficiency Level in the use of ICT in Public primary Schools. Secondly, to find out the availability of Computers in Public primary schools. Thirdly to establish how effective the new registration system was to public prima...

Challenges Facing The Implementation Of Smasse Project In Kericho District, Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to identify the challenges facing the implementation of SMASSE project in Kericho District, Kericho County. The study was guided by the following objectives: 1.To identify the challenges faced by public secondary school principals as they facilitate the implementation of SMASSE project. 2. To investigate the challenges faced by mathematics and science teachers on the use of ASEI/PDSI concept in their lessons. 3. To find out the effect of ASEI/PDSI approac...

The Role Of Prefects In The Governance Of Public Secondary Schools In Machakos Central Division, Machakos District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The role of student leaders in school administration in Kenya and other parts of the world is increasingly becoming more complex because of the changes in technology, society, culture, encroachment of democracy and emerging issues such as child rights, human rights, HIV/AIDS and drugs. This has brought about the participatory role among the Board of Governors, the teachers, students and parents. This calls for a need to balance roles shared in school governance between the administra...

Wastage Rates In Kenyan Secondary Schools: A Case Of Kathonzweni District, Makueni County (2005 – 2007 Cohorts)

ABSTRACT The central problem to this study is that despite the governments’ increased funding to education and its commitment to use education as the spring board to attain vision 2030, there is still wastage in the education system. Wastage rates have not been adequately investigated especially in the newly created districts. The purpose of this study was to determine the 2005, 2006 and 2007 cohort wastage rates of secondary schools in Kathonzweni District. The objectives of the study wer...

Diversification Of Higher Education Loans Board Funding In Public University Education And Its Impact On Access In Kenya

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to determine diversification of HELB funding of public university education and its impact on access in Kenya and seek for suitable solutions. It has been realized that the funds are not adequate to fully finance public university education causing limited access. This means that the trend of under-funding in public education sector especially the university sub-sector is expected to persist in the foreseeable future. The study evaluated the funds a...

The Effects Of Kenya's Subsidized Secondary Education Program On Access, Retention, Equity And Quality: A Case Study Ofnyakach Sub - County, Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The education sector has tremendously grown since Kenya attained independence. From the reports of the various commissions of inquiry and task forces on education, there is evidence of the need to curb the ever rising costs of education to households in order to ensure maximum access and completion rates. The government introduced the Free Primary Education program in 2003. The launch of this initiative saw increased enrolments in primary schools. However, only about 50% of those pup...

An Investigation Into The Problems Faced In The Development Of Early Childhood Education In Kenya: A Case Of Lari, Kiambu County.

ABSRACT Education is considered to be a basic human right and a basic need as recognized in the 1989 convention of the rights of the child which has won near universal ratification. Education starts from an early age and this emphasizes the need for a lot of careful planning for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). However, this emphasis has not been put in Kenya‘s Early Childhood Education (ECD). This has left ECCE in the hands of private providers and Non-Governmental Organizations ...

Issues Affecting Curriculum Support Centres In Enhancing Teacher Professional Development In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education is a very important tool of development in any given society. It is also widely recognized that teacher education is an essential part in professional development of a teacher. This study sought to investigate the issues facing curriculum support Centre’s (CSCs) in enhancing teacher professional development in Nyeri County. Specifically, the study had five objectives. The first objective was to determine how insufficient resources affect the role of CSCs in providing prof...

Students’ Characteristics, Teachers’ Perceptions And Achievement In Science Subjects Among Students In Public Secondary Schools In Laikipia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The way that students see their future is a central influence on what subjects they choose to take at Secondary school. Previous studies indicate that there exist gender disparities in most careers that are considered prestigious and especially Science-based careers. For national development both boys and girls should take up Science subjects aimed at enhancing innovations. This study therefore is set to find out the influence of students‟ characteristics and teachers‟ perception...

Influence Of School Administrative Practices On Teachers’ Job Satisfaction In Secondary Schools In Kirinyaga Central Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Job satisfaction among employees is affected by factors within the organization they work for as well as factors in the external environment. One of the factors that influence job satisfaction is leadership and administrative practices in place. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of administrative practices at the school level on teachers‟ job satisfaction in secondary schools in Kirinyaga Central Sub County, Kirinyaga County, Kenya. The objectives of the study...

Students’ Learning Challenges In Physics In Public Secondary Schools In Laikipiacounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish students’ learning challenges in the study of Physics in public secondary schools in Laikipia East Sub-County, Laikipia County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: To determine the effect of Practical work in the learning of Physics in public secondary schools in Laikipia East sub-county, find out whether Physics Instructional methods influence the students learning of Physics, determine whether students’ attitude to...

136 - 150 Of 264 Results