Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Mutation EthAW21R confers co-resistance to prothionamide and ethionamide in both Mycobacterium bovis BCG and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv

Abstract Ethionamide (ETA) and prothionamide (PRO) are interchangeably used in tuberculosis (TB) chemotherapy regimens. Subtle discrepancies between biochemical and genetic information on the modes of sensitivity and resistance of isoniazid (INH) and ETA warrants further studies. We report a new mutation – EthAW21R – in Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guérin that corresponds with co-resistance to both PRO and ETA, which to the best of our knowledge has not been reported before. Ou...

Diversity and Abundance Patterns of Amphibians in Rehabilitated Quarries of Bamburi Near Mombasa (Kenya)

Abstract Amphibians are sensitive to changes in the environment and are, therefore, excellent indicators of success in restoring degraded habitats. As such, a clear understanding on how amphibian populations respond to changes in the environment is required. In order for conservationists to establish if the declining trends are changing, biodiversity recovery studies are essential especially in reclaimed habitats. This study focused on the recovery of amphibians, particularly on frogs, in re...

Morphological variation of Ridged Frogs of the Taita Hills, Kenya

Abstract Comparing of morphological character variation within taxa continues to play an important role in improving species inventories. Using morphometrical and non-meristic morphological adult characters, the diversity of the genus Ptychadena in Taita Hills was studied. Comparative material from elsewhere was not used, and therefore species names were only provisionally allocated to the taxa identified. Available names were discussed on the basis of comparisons with morphological data fro...

Bacteria and Archaea diversity within the hot springs of Lake Magadi and Little Magadi in Kenya

Abstract Background: Lake Magadi and little Magadi are hypersaline, alkaline lakes situated in the southern part of Kenyan Rift Valley. Solutes are supplied mainly by a series of alkaline hot springs with temperatures as high as 86 °C. Previous culture-dependent and culture-independent studies have revealed diverse groups of microorganisms thriving under these conditions. Previous culture independent studies were based on the analysis of 16S rDNA but were done on less saline lakes. For the ...

Metabolic traits of an uncultured archaeal lineage -MSBL1- from brine pools of the Red Sea

Abstract The candidate Division MSBL1 (Mediterranean Sea Brine Lakes 1) comprises a monophyletic group of uncultured archaea found in different hypersaline environments. Previous studies propose methanogenesis as the main metabolism. Here, we describe a metabolic reconstruction of MSBL1 based on 32 single-cell amplified genomes from Brine Pools of the Red Sea (Atlantis II, Discovery, Nereus, Erba and Kebrit). Phylogeny based on rRNA genes as well as conserved single copy genes delineates the...

Morphological characterization of soil bacteria in Ngere tea catchment area of Murang'a County, Kenya

Abstract Bacteria are a very diverse group of organisms in soil, and major taxonomic groups are represented in most soils. The extent of the diversity of microorganisms in soil is seen to be critical to the maintenance of soil health and quality, since a wide range of bacteria are involved in the important soil functions. The objectives of this study were to isolate, characterise morphologically bacteria that are associated with soil quality in tea growing areas of Ngere. Thirty eight isolat...

Isolation and characterization of some gut microbial symbionts from fungus-cultivating termites (Macrotermes and Odontotermes spp.)

Abstract Microbiota of termites is crucial for nitrogen cycle activities and degradation of recalcitrant components of plant biomass that influence soil structure and carbon mineralization in tropical and subtropical regions. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize gut bacteria that may be potentially associated with nitrogen metabolism from two fungus-feeding termites (Macrotermes and Odontotermes spp.). Twenty termites from the intact colony of each termite species were asept...

Hepatitis B infection is highly prevalent among patients presenting with jaundice in Kenya

Abstract Background:Viral hepatitis is a major concern worldwide, with hepatitis A (HAV) and E (HEV) viruses showing sporadic outbreaks while hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) viruses are associated with chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The present study determined the proportion, geographic distribution and molecular characterization of hepatitis viruses among patients seeking medical services at hospitals throughout Kenya. Methods:Patients presenting with jaundice at ...

The Contribution of Occult Precipitation to Nutrient Deposition on the West Coast of South Africa

Abstract The Strandveld mediterranean-ecosystem of the west coast of South Africa supports floristically diverse vegetation growing on mostly nutrient-poor aeolian sands and extending from the Atlantic Ocean tens of kilometers inland. The cold Benguela current upwelling interacts with warm onshore southerly winds in summer causing coastal fogs in this region. We hypothesized that fog and other forms of occult precipitation contribute moisture and nutrients to the vegetation. We measured occu...

Effect of Human Activities and Seasonal Variation on Water Quality of Nkenye (Chikuu) Stream in Chuka, Kenya

Abstract Composite water and sediment samples were taken from Nkenye stream at five different sampling stations during wet and dry seasons. Water quality parameters were analyzed using standard methods to ascertain the effect of human activities on the water quality. The variations in the physicochemical and biological parameters were observed from station to station both in the dry and wet seasons. These variations were attributed to human activities. Results showed significant seasonal var...

Characterization, Enzymatic Activity, and Secondary Metabolites of Fungal Isolates from Lake Sonachi in Kenya

Abstract The soda lakes of Kenya provide an extreme environment where diverse groups of microorganisms thrive. They are characterized by great variation in temperature, halophillic and alkaliphilic- extreme conditions. Lake Sonachi has been the study site for this research. The study sort to isolate, characterize and identify fungi, screen for potential exo-enzymes and secondary metabolites production that may be of industrial application. Malt extract agar was used in the isolation of fungi...

Effects of Zeolite X on Dissipation of Hexazinone from Agricultural Waste Waters in Western Kenya

Abstract Dissipation of hexazinone in Zeolite X treated wastewater followed pseudo first-order kinetics giving a calculated half-life of 41 days compared to a half-life of 144 days in untreated wastewater. The herbicide degraded faster (0.0067 h-1) in treated than in nonzeolite- treated wastewater (0.0027 h-1) forming products A, B, C, D and E within the first 12 h. Zeolite X effectively catalyzed the formation of product A compared to the rest. Calculated rate constants for formation of pro...

Is leaf pubescence of Cape Proteaceae a xeromorphic or radiation-protective trait?

Abstract Although pubescence has traditionally been considered to be related to the water economy of plants, the results are ambivalent and vary between different species. We tested two contrasting hypotheses for the functional significance of leaf pubescence of Proteaceae species from the Cape Floristic Region. First, we hypothesised that pubescence is a xeromorphic trait that conserves water by increasing the boundary layer resistance to diffusion. Water loss was measured in two morphotype...

Hypoglycemic Activity of Some Kenyan Plants Traditionally used to Manage Diabetes Mellitus in Eastern Province

Abstract In this study five aqueous extracts; Bidens pilosa, Strychnos henningsii, Aspilia pluriseta, Catha edulis and Erythrina abyssinica were screened for anti-diabetic activity and their in vivo safety evaluated. The anti-diabetic activity was assessed by intraperitoneally injecting varying doses of aqueous extracts of the five plants into alloxanised mice. Toxicity was determined by injecting normal mice with 450mg of the plant extract / kg body weight and observing the effects of the e...

Heavy Metals and Pesticides in Marine Sediment, Seawater, and Seaplants Along the Kenya-Mombasa Coastline

Abstract Marine sediment, seawater and several species of seaplants along the Kenya- Mombasa coastal region were analyzed to determine the levels of heavy metals by AAS and EDXRF and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) by GLC-ECD. In marine sediments, there were high levels of manganese (1100 mg/L) at Vanga, compared to other study sites. In seawater, the heavy metals were detected in levels higher than those considered as natural in the ocean and the range was 0.01–0.30 mg/L. OCPs were detec...

376 - 390 Of 8855 Results