Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

An Investigation Into Challenges In Accessing Finances By Smes From Financial Service Providers In Khomas Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT  Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) assumes a definitive part in any growing economy. In Namibia around 60 % of the SMEs are the source of employment. Despite the fact that there is an expansion in SMEs, however, there are likewise incalculable difficulties connected with the growth of SMEs. Thus, this study investigates the challenges in accessing finances by SME’s from financial service providers in the Khomas Region in Namibia. Evidence from Namibia show that small firms are d...

Analysis Of The Impact Of Monetary Policy On Economic Growth In Namibia

Abstract  This study sought to examine the impact of the monetary policy on Namibia’s economic growth within Common Monetary Area. The main objective was to empirically estimate the impact of changes in monetary policy on economic growth in Namibia.  This was done by regressing the changes in the repo rate with Gross Domestic Product growth rates, inflation rate and real exchange rate as independent variables. The sample consisted of 64 observations spanning from 2000Q1 to 2016Q4, using s...

The Influence Of Leadership On Employee Commitment To Job Performance In Nigeria Local Government (A Study Of Ivo Local Government, 2007-2015)

ABSTRACT This work examined the influence of leadership on employee commitment to job performance in Ivo Local Government of Ebonyi State. This was motivated by low productivity of Ivo Local Government workers in terms of job performance. Path goal theory of leadership was used as framework for the study. Both primary and secondary sources were equally used in data collection. In analyzing the data, the researcher used likert 5 point scale, frequency and percentage. The hypotheses in this wor...

The Assessment Of Customer Satisfaction Among Alternative Banking Channels In Dodoma City

ABSTRACT This study presents the assessment of customer satisfaction among alternative banking channels in Dodoma City. Specifically, the study examines, the status of customer satisfaction among alternative banking channels, the comparison of customer satisfaction among alternative banking channels, the association between demographic factors and customer satisfaction among alternative banking channels. The study adopted a cross-sectional design, a mixed approach was employed in collecting d...

The Impact Of Budgeting And Budgetary Control Measures, On Non-Profit Organizations A Case Study Of The Catholic Relief Services In Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT This research work was focused on studying the impact of budgeting and budgetary control measures in a non-profit organization. (A study of Catholic Relief Services in Dodoma Region). Budgetary control measures is both a quantitative and qualitative expression of a plan of action of budgeting control preparations in advance of the period to which it relates. The Catholic Relief Organization which is the core of our discussion poses some significance in the usage of effective budgeti...

Seasonal Changes in the Inorganic Constituents of vine shoots

ABSTRACT The subject of study is t he shoot of t he Vitia Vintera, Alphonse Le Vallee . And the general envi ronment of' the plant is l iable to play a v ry i mportant role in influencing the ch ~mi c a l changes occurring ·in 1 ts shoot s.' I t ' has been sho .n that differ ent climatic conditions, cultural pr ~ctic e s, soil compositions and rootstocks, produce profound in the growth and com_ osi_tion of fruit trees. e . g . Sullivan and Baker (52) ~ound that apple trees recei...

SSA Research 214 PAGES (43961 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
The Impact Of Atm Service Failure On Customer Dissatisfaction Case Study Of Kcb Morogoro

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in order to assess the impact of ATM service failure on customer dissatisfaction. The study was put in place to achieve three objectives namely; to assess the essential attributes of ATM service quality, to identify the extent to which service failure affects the attributes of ATM service quality, and lastly to analyze the relationship between ATM service failure and customer dissatisfaction. The study was conducted by using an explanatory case study desig...

The Roles Of Corporate Governance In The Nigeria Commercial Banks’ Performance, A Case Study Of Uba (United Banks Of Africa)

ABSTRACT The research focuses on the roles of corporate governance in the Nigeria commercial bank performance, a case study of UBA (United Banks of Africa). The major objective of the study is, to determine the extent to which noncompliance with corporate governance codes by the bank executives contributed to this present crisis and management problem, to ascertain the relationship between cooperate governance and the performance of commercial banks in Nigeria, to investigate if there is any ...

Challenges Facing University College Graduates In Competing For Official Employment Opportunities In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was conducted at Dodoma Municipality which is located in Dodoma Region. The study attempts to examine the challenges facing University/College graduates in competing for official employment opportunities in Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to examine to what extent graduates unemployment is the problem in Dodoma Municipality, to identify the exact causes why graduates fail to secure jobs in Dodoma Municipality and finally to understand if there is enough programs...

Die BETEKENIS VAN DIE HUISGENOOT as Maandblad 1916 - 1923 In Die Tweede Afrikaanse Taalbeweging

0p 20 M:ei 1916 verskyn vir die eerste mae.l 'n maandblad onder die naam De Huisgenoo't by ,De Nationale Pers, Beperkt," Kaapstad. Reeds op 25 Janu~ie 1915 is ,De rrationale Pers, Beperkt" opgerig op aandrang van sekere vooraanstaande Afrikaners wat van mening was dat ~ 'n eie Afrikaanse koerant moes v1ees w~in die ontv1akende Af'rikaner-nasionalisme tot uiting kon kom. 'n Eie koera.nt wat die gevoelens van die volk vertolk, sou 'n magtige wapen teen die vyand vrees. Daarby sou di t 'n gevoel...

SSA Research 80 PAGES (25622 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
Corporate Governance Practices At National Industrial Credit Bank In Kenya

ABSTRACT Corporate governance systems are in a constant phase of adaptation due to changes in governance. After the extreme corporate failures of Enron and MCI WorldCom in 2001, corporate governance became an important issue throughout the world. Many shareholders had lost confidence in businesses and corporate governance codes of best practice were the main means of restoring investor confidence. However, according to the special requirements of a country, many different corporate governance...

The Expression of Lea Proteins Pisum Sativum Seeds

AbstractSeeds of Pisum sativum cv. Greenfeast were used in all of the experiments. In order to prevent imbibitional damage, seeds were slowly pre-hydrated for 1 hour on damp blotting paper prior to imbibi tion. In order to ascertain at what stage during germination the seeds had lost their desiccation-tolerance, seeds were imbjbed for different intervals (12, 36, 48, 60 hrs) prior to redrying to their original moisture content at room temperature (23° C). SLOW DRYING OF WHOLE SEEDS. For each...

The Impact Of Cloves Production For The Sustainable Livelihood Of People Of Pemba: A Case Study Of Gando Village

ABSTRACT The study was designed to assess the impact of cloves production for the sustainable livelihood of people of Pemba. Generally, the study intended to analyse the impact of cloves production in area of study, to identify contribution of cloves production in livelihood of people, to examine towards the problems of cloves production in livelihood of people of Pemba. The study involved 90 respondents who were selected using simple random sampling. Primary data were collected using interv...

Factors Affecting The Performance Of Water And Sanitation Projects In Dodoma: A Case Of Duwasa

ABSTRACT This study, aimed at identifying factors which affect the performance of water and sanitation projects in Dodoma. The study was specifically put in place to fulfill three objectives, namely; to explore factors influencing performance of water and sanitation projects in Dodoma, to analyze the performance of water and sanitation projects and to investigate on the challenges that hinder the performance of water and sanitation project in Dodoma. The study was conducted by taking DUWASA ...

10276 - 10290 Of 19439 Results