ABSTRACT The study was done to ascertain the role of Central Bank of Nigeria plays in the regulation of Nigerian economy using the monetary policy. Among the goals of economic stabilization the most important is to achieve full employment, price stability, balance of payments and exchange rate stability, hence the regulation of the economy using monetary policy. To solve the research problem, primary and secondary data were collected. The research instrument used in collecting the data ...
ABSTRACTThe importance of banking industry to every economy cannot be ignored. Bank is a place where all financial transaction of an economy impinges on. On the other hand, the impact of computers in alleviating some of the problems encountered by banks cannot be over-emphasized. Computer is seen as the most needed tools of improving banking transaction has not been well adopted by all banks in the Nigerian economy. Some banks see it as a means of upgrading their chequering up, tran...
ABSTRACT The prudential guidelines for licensed banks which are based on globa banking standards, imposed far-reaching requirements in the classification of risk assets and provision for bad and doubtful debts. Since its introduction in November 1990 the implementation of the guidelines has had a profound impact on the operations of banks.In this project, the researcher has succeeded in identifying the features of the prudential guidelines as well as its impact on published financial stateme...
ABSTRACT This project examined the management of current assets in public Limited Liability Company. It is obvious that no company can perform Well without good current asset management. This cares for proper accountability and utilization of these assets for day-to-day transaction of a business concern.A well co-ordinated current asset management will go a long way to boost productivity, availability of funds, profit and encourage expansion. Investigation ha shown that failure of many bus...
ABSTRACT In all nations, the manufacturing sector is the life wire of economy of a nation development. Manufacturing is also a nation Describe as transformation of raw materials into finish goods which can export to other nations whereby earning or improving our foreign exchange reserve. The study investigated the impact of high bank lending rate on manufacturing sector of the Nigeria economy. The research discovered that there is no positive relationship between high cost of funds and capac...
ABSTRACT The prudential guidelines for licensed banks which are based on globa banking standards, imposed far-reaching requirements in the classification of risk assets and provision for bad and doubtful debts. Since its introduction in November 1990 the implementation of the guidelines has had a profound impact on the operations of banks.In this project, the researcher has succeeded in identifying the features of the prudential guidelines as well as its impact on published financial stateme...
ABSTRACT Prior to our contemporary time, the bottling industry will dominated by the products of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc. Recently, 7-up bottling company Plc reemerged in the scene to compete with the Nigerian bottling company Plc, both also struggle with other manufacturers of mineral soft drinks. The scene was complicated further by poor economic situation in the country. Therefore, innovation, dynamism and efficiency vis-à-vis marketing are necess...
ABSTRACT A descriptive study was made about financial distress in some Commercial Banks using secondary statistics.This research work was designed to describe the Financial distress in some Commercial Bank in Nigeria. Also the causative factor as it affects Commercial Banks with the limited area of coverage.The study also look at the following objectives such as nature and type of financial distress facing some Commercial Banks, banks involved in the distress, causes of distress, level of ...
ABSTRACT Fraud is an inherent vice. It has been on from time immemorial even before the invention of money. However, in our yet developing world with the quest to become rich quick on the increase, fraud is becoming rather rampant. Banks deal essentially in cash and other financial instruments and because of that it has been exposed to greater risk of fraud. The attention of many have been drawn to the banks either directly or indirectly. Most people/workers look up to the banks to rise...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to examine the impact of credit management on commercial banks. The introduction of the prudential guideline in banking industry, the volume and value of loans and advances classified into non-performing account has continued to increase in bank lending. Obviously this has adverse effect on banks since it affects their cash flow and impair profitability. Most loans and advances go bad because of the inadequacy in credit management and recovery p...
ABSTRACTNigeria as an importance and first growing country in Africa has in recen years acquired most important role in the work economy. May banks a number of financial institution have taken their rightful place in Nigerian economy. This has resulted a change in test expectations and increasing sophistic cated of the populace. The effect of this change is continuously affecting the mode and method by which the banks services are marked. This had created the need for a research work in this ...
INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Bad debt can be define as those credit facilities that banks grant to its customers, but for some inherent weaknesses, the full or part thereof can not be recovered due to creditors (banks), but full recovery of such debt is considered impossible. Bad debt can also be looked at as credit granted to the customers of the bank with very slim chance of recovering it. The reason why this topic is of interest is that most of our banks are in t...
PROPOSAL This research project titled “Financial distress in some Commercial Bank Reasons, Consequences and solution in made up of five chapters. Chapter one will look in to the introduction, background of the study, objective of the study, statement of problem, research question, hypothesis and limitations of the study. Chapter two will be review of related literature, journals, books articles newspaper materials , internets and all relevant works chapter. There will deal with the re...
ABSTRACTThe Nigeria Banking sector has witnessed a lot of set back in the last decade. This is as a result of series of huge bad debts which resulted to many banks going into liquidation. Undue mergers and acquisition has taken place in an effort to cope with the challenges of existence and survival as a result of financial distress which is mainly caused by irrecoverable debts. It is in an effort to mitigate this problem that this research “Causes and Implications of Bad Debts in Nigeria...
ABSTRACTThis research project is a very crucial study for the Nigeria Banking Industry. The research work is aimed at identifying the causes of liquidity problems in the Nigerian Banking Sector. By this concept, factors militating against Bank liquidity as well as measure to remedy such factors are also identified.To solve the research problem secondary source of data was extensively used by the research that in the review of related materials by prominent writers and authors. This helped imm...