Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Adoption Of Total Quality Management Practices And Performance Of Manufacturing Firms In Nyeri County, Kenya

Expanding the manufacturing sector is a major part of the government‟s Vision 2030 economic development plan to transform Kenya into a middle-income country by growing the manufacturing to account for 20% of GDP by 2030 which is nearly twice today‟s level, at 10.6%. Addressing some outstanding constraints in the manufacturing sector is the panacea of achieving the goals. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of TQM practices on performance of manufacturing firms in N...

Credit Information Sharing And Default Rate Of Loans Issued By Commercial Banks Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange

The strength of banking systems is key in the stimulation of economic growth and development, creation of employment, domestic and foreign investment and poverty reduction. The banking sector in Kenya has been earmarked as a core pillar for the realization of Vision 2030 of making Kenya a middle-income nation through the provision of financial services and promoting macro-economic stability. From 2013 to 2019, the default rate demonstrates a loan default increase in the Kenyan banking industr...

Effects Of Quality Work Life On The Performance Of Public Health Workers In Kenya: A Case Study Of Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya

In the era of globalization, market economy, hyper competition and rapid changing environment the success of an organization depends on the strategies adopted to improve Quality Work life of employees. The general objective of this study is to establish the relationship between Quality Work Life and the performance of public health workers at Kenyatta National Hospital. The specific objectives include examining the role of work environment on employee‟s performance, determining the effect o...

Exchange Rate Volatility And Stock Prices Of Companies Listed On Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

Kenya has experienced continuous exchange rate volatility since October 1993 when the fixed exchange rate regime was abolished and floatation of the Kenya shilling was introduced. The continuous volatility of exchange rate brings about increase in foreign exchange risk exposure which in turn leads to increase in transaction costs of companies. Higher transaction costs lower the expected earnings of companies which subsequently affect the market price of stocks hence, the value of companies an...

Factors Affecting The Growth Of Life Insurance Business In Nairobi Kenya

Kenya‟s insurance industry leads within the East Africa Community (the regional intergovernmental organization of the Republics of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Rwanda and Republic of Burundi, with its headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania) and is a key player in the COMESA region. Despite this, the penetration of life insurance in Kenya has remained low at 0.94% of the GDP in 2009 and 1.05% of the GDP in 2010. This is considered to be very low compared to other cou...

Quality Planning And Implementation Of Total Quality Management In Public Printing Firms In Kenya

Total Quality Management has advanced as an area of great interest to both researchers and practitioners. On a quarterly basis, the Government Press of Kenya, which is the largest of the four public printing firms in Kenya in this study, outputs an average of 10 million units of information products against a target of 12 million units. The top management has instituted quality management programmes in the public printing firms, including quality policies and they have appeared less comprehen...

Learning Organization Dimensions And Organizational Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya: Survey Of Commercial Banks In Ongata Rongai Township.

Learning organization concept is learning with a much broader purpose commonly hailed as panacea for organizational success in a dynamic global economy. This focus on learning gives rise to a cognitive approach in which undivided beliefs and insights are viewed as critical influences on organizational effectiveness. This study sought to determine the effects of learning organization dimensions on the organizational performance of commercial banks within Ongata Rongai Township. The study was g...

Critical Factors And Their Influence On Performance Of Road Construction Projects In Kiambu County, Kenya

Improvement of road infrastructure was identified by the Kenyan Government in its Vision 2030 as one of the critical drivers of the country’s economic transformation. Whereas the Government has continued to invest heavily towards road construction, the challenge of delays in completion of road construction projects and cost overruns continue to hamper accelerated road improvement in the country. More than 50 percent of all road construction projects in Kenya are completed late with signific...

Board Characteristics And Financial Distress Of Listed Commercial Banks In Kenya

Commercial banks have pivotal role in economic development. They not only create wealth but also, the custodian of resources mobilization and allocation. Global business environment has amplified the need for effective corporate governance; this will not only maximize shareholders wealth but also minimize possibilities of financial distress. Corporate governance aids with the protection of investors’ interest against stakeholders and management exploitation. Board members have critical role...

Effects Of Information And Communication Technology (Ict) On Corporate Strategy (A Survey Of Saccos In Nyeri County)

This study aimed at determining the effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on corporate strategy in selected SACCOs in Nyeri County. The study was motivated by the rising concerns at the pace at which SACCOs are embracing ICT. The process of integration is also haphazard and the use of ICT is rudimentary in the few SACCOs that have adopted ICT. The study was conducted in selected SACCOs within Nyeri County. This study was guided by four objectives which included determining...

Effect Of Entrepreneurial Practices On Performance Of Micro Women Enterprises In Embu County, Kenya

Entrepreneurship is the backbone of economic stability among developed and developing countries of the world. Micro women enterprises have also contributed significantly in the creation of employment opportunities and alleviation of poverty. Despite the positive contributions of the women enterprises in the Gross National Product, quite a number of challenges are experienced during the inception and maturity stages of enterprise growth. It is on this background this study sought to establish ...

Work Life Balance And Employee Performance In The Ministry Of Finance And Economic Planning Kitui County Government, Kenya

Work Life Balance is the working arrangements that make sure an employee balances between personal and work responsibilities. Poor Work Life Balance is a major risk that poses risks to the well-being of the employees, their performance, and organizational performance. Most of the employees often find it challenging to balance their social life and employment responsibilities. The study sought to examine the relationship between worklife-balance and performance of Kitui county government emplo...

Relationship Between Social Determinants And Uptake Of Solar Cooking Projects In Refugee Camps In Kenya: A Case Of Kakuma Refugee Camp

Firewood is part of the emergency supplies given to refugees for domestic fuel needs in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya’s remote North-West. However getting adequate supplies for the sprawling refugee camp has proved to be increasingly challenging and environmentally damaging. Solar cooking projects have been implemented as possible solutions but to date solar cooking adoption in refugee camps has been low. This study aimed to investigate influence of social determinants on uptake of solar coo...

Loan Characteristics And Repayment Performance At The Higher Education Loans Board In Kenya

The Higher Education Loans Board aims to enhance access and retention of qualified needy students in university education through loans. In Kenya, it was essential to come up with a higher education loans board due to the increasing cost of tuition. The prices of education meant that students were highly dependable on parents and guardians. The loans board provides loans to the students; however, the problem arises when it comes to the process of recovery. Studies show that around 65000 loan...

Strategic Capabilities And Organizational Performance: A Case Of Private Universities In Kenya

Private Universities in Kenya have continuously faced a number of challenges such as declining quality of educational programs, quality of research, authenticity of degrees granted, flexibility of the university programs, innovations created and efficient utilization of resources at their disposal. Despite the increasing number of students seeking higher education, these numbers have not translated to better performance in these Universities. Modern business environment calls for organization...

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