Business Administration Research Papers/Topics

Performance Of Poverty Eradication Donor Funded Projects In Mwingi Sub-county -kenya.

The research project was undertaken to determine the performance of donor funded projects in Mwingi-sub-county in Kenya. Donors play a crucial role in the development process in many areas of the world. They assist nations with acute shortage of funds, experiencing natural disasters like hunger and floods among others which results into predictable environmental circumstances, the level of the citizens per capital income decreases and severely limits their ability to acquire the goods and ser...

Management Practices And Performance Of The National

Management Practices play an important role in organization’s governance structure and performance. This study sought to establish the effects of management practices on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority. The specific objectives were; to examine the effects of team work on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority, to establish the effects of participatory decision making on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority, to assess the effe...

The Effect Of Capital Structure On Profitability Of Financial Firms Listed At Nairobi Stock Exchange

Capital is the financing for a business and is made up of, primarily, owners’ funding and funding from lenders. The combination of the sources of business funding is referred to, as the capital structure of that business.Capital structure is thus the mix of company’s long term debt, specific short term debt, common equity and preferred equity; that is, how a firm finances its overall operations and growth using different sources of funding. This is composed of equity (rights issue) and de...

Challenges Facing Project Implementation In Selected Public Sector Organizations In Kenya

To enhance service delivery to its citizen, the Government of Kenya established Parastatals by enacting necessary legislations to entrench state corporations and to give them legal impetus thereby bestowing upon them authority and legitimacy to operate. Due to globalization, competitiveness, and streamlining, these parastatals are left with no choice but to execute business strategies by managing tasks through projects and enhance quality of products and service, optimize resources within lim...

Selected Organizational Restructuring Strategies And Employee Commitment At Kenya Revenue Authority

Strategic policy makers often neglect the impact of organizational restructuring strategy and employee commitment. The purpose of the study was to investigate how selected organizational restructuring strategies affected employee commitment at KRA. Specifically, the study sought to; establish the effects of change of job description and employee commitment at KRA, determine the effects of grading structure change and employee commitment at KRA and to determine the effects of remuneration stru...

Dynamic Capabilities And Performance Of Selected Manufacturing Firms In Kenya

Performance of food manufacturing firms has been on a declining trend leading to the relocation of some firms to other countries. As a result, the country has been experiencing frequent food deficits. The search for how performance can be enhanced has led scholars and managers to consider dynamic capability to be at the heart of firm strategy. This study, therefore, sought to examine how dynamic capabilities influence the performance of selected manufacturing firms in Kenya. The specific obje...

Prudential Regulations And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

Banks are the primary intermediaries for the reason that in various countries of the world, they carry out financial intermediation. Through the years, different countries have gone through an unprecedented number of failures in the commercial banks internationally. These failures have prompted the need for a more serious focus on suitable methods of improving the financial performance of national financial systems. Further than the intermediation task, the banks’ financial performance of b...

Inference Personality Types And The Implementation Of Strategic Change In The Judiciary Of Kenya

The discussion of the link between  personality types  and  strategic change by scholars today  is compounded by the  contradicting findings as how personality types influence implementation of strategic change. While some studies reveal positive correlation between personality types and the strategic change implementation initiatives, some studies indicated negative relationships. In Kenya and specifically the Judiciary of Kenya, the rationale to understand how personality affects the i...

Strategy Implementation Effect On Performance Of Gulf African Bank In Kenya

Many organisations have had to conduct strategy management process so as to attain competitive advantage in a very dynamic business environment. However, despite these strategies being well formulated and planned, they do not seem to deliver the desired outcomes. Several studies has been done over the years to determine the relationship between strategy implementation and performance of an organisation. The studies are not conclusive and that they do not look at how implementation of  specif...

Information And Communication Technology Usage Andfinancial Performance Of Small And Medium Sized Enterprises In West Pokot County, Kenya

Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is regarded as the main employment source, technological advancements, and competitive advantages for both developed and developing countries. As a result of competitive pressure and the need for growth in line with increasing its profits margins, these businesses are increasingly employing Information Technology (IT) to take advantage of its benefits. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of using information and communication technology...

Total Quality Management Practices And Operational Performance Of Nairobi Bottlers Limited, Kenya

The beverage sector in Kenya has consistently been characterized by persistent operational inefficiency and poor customer services. In order to address the problems of inefficiency in service delivery these organizations are fast adopting quality management in order to make them effective in meeting public demands. The beverage sector in the entire world is getting competitive every day due to the changes in technology and quality issues. In order to be successful in quality service delivery ...

Computerized Enterprise Resource Planning Strategy On Revenue Collection In County Government Of Kericho, Kenya

Developing effective ways in revenue collection has been an important matter in tax and revenue collection. The advent of new instruments to help businesses work more efficiently affects the way taxes and revenues are collected. Despite the county governments considerable achievements in minimizing customer compliance costs, there is need for the counties to continue enhancing its service delivery. The general objective of this study was to investigate computerized enterprise resource plannin...

E-Government Strategy And Service Delivery In Nairobi City County, Kenya

County Governments deliver an estimated 80 per cent of local public services and are located in and form part of the communities they serve. In order to effectively meet the ever rising demand for better services by the public, County Governments are transforming service delivery through technological innovations enhanced by egovernment to offer better management, greater use of shared data, reliable and efficient handling of routine transactions. The main purpose of this study was to investi...

Competitive Strategies And Performance Of Life Assurance Companies In Kenya

Life assurance is a plan that ensures families and other beneficiaries are financially secure especially after death of the bread winner. The life assurance sector in Kenya has been striving to improve its performance in order to improve the overall livelihood of Kenyans. Despite these efforts, not much has been achieved with the country posting poor results compared to the developed and developing countries. The growth of life assurance in Kenya has declined significantly from 29.4% in 2014,...

Strategy Implementation On Service Delivery In Siaya County Government, Kenya

There have been a lot of inefficiencies in service delivery by county governments to the public. It is a well-known fact that service delivery by county governments is beset with a lot of challenges ranging from corruption, political interference, poor working condition, outdated and outmoded systems, tribalism, nepotism, procedures and practices among others, conspire to impact adversely on service delivery. Service delivery has become a parameter of defining the level of satisfaction a...

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