Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Rehabilitation Strategies For Survivors Of Gender Based Violence: A Case Of Musasa Harare Shelter

ABSTRACT The researcher sought to study the rehabilitation strategies used by Musasa to assist survivors of Gender Based Violence. The research was enriched with a couple of theories, relevant literature by other authors and previous studies that supported the research. The survivors were sampled using the random sampling method. The researcher used the method to pick on whoever wanted to be interviewed because the research is sensitive and therefore the researcher had to be considerate .In ...

Effects of Gold Panning on Communities: A Case Study of Shurugwi District, year 2000-2013.

Abstract This research sought to investigate the problems associated with gold panning among nonpanning rural, urban communities and also the gold panners of Shurugwi district. Although there are many potential socio-economic benefits of gold panning, there are numerous negative impacts from these small and inefficient panning operations as a result of wasteful extraction and processing techniques. The panning operations were found to be worsening social and environmental impacts of non-pann...

Appropriateness Of Early Warning Systems In The Management Of Climate Change Impacts In Mt. Elgon Region In Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT This study seeks to analyse the appropriateness of the Early Warning Systems (EWS) in the management of Climate change impacts in Uganda. The appropriateness of the EWS in this study is conceived as an independent variable while the management of Climate Change impacts is the dependent variable. The EWS shall be measured in terms of risk knowledge among the study population, availability of technical monitoring, and communication about the risk and the response capabilities of the co...

Eating Habits And Their Association With Nutritional Status Of School Going Adolescent Girls In Kisumu City, Kenya

ABSTRACT Adolescents form 20% of the world‟s population, with 85% living in developing countries. In Kenya, they comprise 23.8% of the population. Nutritional status of adolescent girls has been reported to influence future maternal and infant health. Most studies in developing countries have focused on nutritional status and food security among children under 5 years as well as breastfeeding and pregnant mothers; while little attention has been given to nutrition in adolescents. Globalizat...

The Influence Of Women’s Formal Employment On Changing Gender Roles In Kenya Reinsurance (Kenya Re) Estate Kisumu County

ABSTRACT The present lifestyle calls for both gender in a household to work in order to lessen the burden of high cost of living. In Africa, massive increase of women in labour force has led to the neglect of unpaid household chores to full time employment. Traditionally, house work usually falls to the women who struggle to fend for the family. It was however not known how their commitment to work had impacted on their multiple household roles. This study’s objectives assessed the influenc...

The impact of Village Savings and Lending Associations on Rural Livelihoods: A case of Vheneka Village: Chipinge district

Abstract Village savings and lending associations have become a strength to consider in regards to the reduction of worldwide rural poverty. The popular proposition is that by enabling poor rural households access to loans and other microfinance services, the rural populace can then embark on income generating activities which will help them in dealing with numerous adversities that the rural populace face such as unemployment, lack of access to health services, low household food consumptio...

Impact Of Non Govenmenatal Organisations (Ngos) In Promoting Gender Equality: A Case Of Destiny For Women And Youth Empowerment Trust (Dweyt), Harare

ABSTRACT The study focuses on the impact of NGOs in promoting gender equality based on the Case Study of DWEYT an organization that operates in Budiriro. Gender equality is the view that everyone should receive same treatment and not to be discriminated against based on their gender. The study is examining and exhibiting whether DWEYT operations was a panacea to gender inequities in Budiriro.The study also looks at the nature of DWEYT‟s operations and projects carried out in Budiriro as a ...

Role Of Church's In The Rehabilitation Of Orphans And Vulnerable Children: Case Study Zaoga Child Evangelism Ministry

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this research was to identify the role been played by ZAOGA FIF CEM in the rehabilitation of orphans and vulnerable children through the provision of their needs, the protection of their rights as well as the promotion of OVC participation in entrepreneual activities. Socio-eco-political, psychological, environmental and physical vulnerabilities of children have led to their exploitation and infringement of children‘s rights and have costed the nation by reversal o...

Assessing and explaining the female condom uptake in chikomba district.

ABSRACT  HIV /AIDS has been a major problem in Zimbabwe and mostly affecting women such that of the infected people in Sub Saharan Africa women constituted 60% . This growing evidence led to the introduction of the female condom in 1997. In Chikomba district despite the introduction of the female condom its uptake is significantly low. The theory of planned behaviour and the Health belief model guided through understanding the findings of the research. The study was largely qualitative and w...

The impacts of child marriages on young girls. Case study of mutasa district.

Abstract Despite international agreements and national laws, marriage of girls below 18 years of age is common worldwide and affects millions. Child marriage, defined as marriage of a child below 18 years of age is an ancient worldwide custom. Other terms applied to child marriage include "early marriage" and "child brides." Child marriage is a human rights violation that prevents girls from obtaining an education, enjoying optimal health, bonding with others their own age, maturing, and ult...

Women’s Participation in Local Politics in Zimbabwe. The Case of Chiwundura of Midlands Province, 2000-2018.

ABSTRACT The study is a qualitative exposition of women participation in local politics in Zimbabwe. The study examines the efforts made to promote the participation of women in local politics in Chiwundura, the status of women and the challenges that militate against women participation. The case for the study is Chiwundura a rural area in the Midlands Province. The study covers the period 2000-2018. Qualitative data collection methods which include interviews and questionnaires were used. ...

An Assessment of the Level of Women’s Participation in SMEs Management in Urban Zimbabwe: A Focus on Harare 2012 to 2017

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to assess the level of women’s participation in SMEs management in Harare, Zimbabwe. The study used mixed research design in which both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed. The study area was conveniently based on the geographical location, and in each location, businesses with women or owned by women were purposively sampled as the research demanded. The sample was made up of 184 women entrepreneurs in Harare. Individual factors hav...

The Challenges Faced By Growth Points In The Promotion Of Rural Development: A Case Study Of Magunje Growth Point In Mashonaland West Province

ABSTRACT The intent of this research was to expose the challenges which growth points have faced in the promotion of rural development, a case study of Magunje Growth Point in Mashonaland West Province. A sample of 40 people was selected as respondents. Semi- structured questionnaires, and interviews were used to collect the information from the respondents. The research results were based on the data captured in the questionnaires and from the qualitative face to face interviews. Growth poi...

The Impact of sa rand Devaluation on The Livelihoods of Recipients of Diaspora Remittances in chiredzi Urban.

Abstract The main purpose of this research was to explore the effects of SA rand devaluation on the welfare of families in Chiredzi urban district that depend on remittances send to them by those in SA diaspora. It is clear that diaspora remittances have been a source of livelihood for a lot of Zimbabweans since the decline of the local industry have resulted in people looking for other opportunities elsewhere outside the country. In Chiredzi urban there is a lot of informal activities makin...

The Contribution Of Zvishavane Community Share Ownership Trust On Youth Empowerment In Zvishavane District

ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to assess how ZCSOT has contributed to youth empowerment within Zvishavane District using Dayataya ward as reference. In particular youth empowerment was looked at from the perspective of five different capitals which are social, physical, human, financial and natural capital as provided for in the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework. The general objective was to look at how ZCSOT has promoted youth empowerment and assess failures in cases where they have n...

526 - 540 Of 1134 Results