Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Impact Of The Multi-Campus System On Quality Education And Service Provision: Case Of Msu Zvishavane

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of the multi-campus system on quality of education and services provided by Midlands State University. MSU has since embarked on an operational system of multiple campuses hence the study sought to understand the possible impact this may have on quality of educated and services provision specifically at the satellite campus with direct comparisons to the institution’s conditions prior the inception of the new campus. The study ta...

Assessing Women And Girls Adaptation To Climate Change And Variability In Rural Zimbabwe: The Case Of Mutoko Ward 15 (2000-2017)

ABSTRACT This study assesses women and girls adaptation to climate change and variability. It identifies the impacts of climate change on women and girls and the reasons why they are more vulnerable as compared to their male counterparts. The study also identifies the adaptation strategies being employed by rural women and girls in trying to cope with the impacts of climate change and the extent to which these adaptation strategies have been successful. The research was centered in Mutoko war...

Impact Of Climate Change On Rural Peasant Farming; A Case Of Guruve, Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT Climate change is a topical issue which has captured many researchers attention recently. The research was carried out in the Guruve Rural District Council in Mashonaland province. The researcher wanted to know and fully understand how climate change has affected farmers in this area. The researcher used the qualitative research method were she made use of questionnaire and interviews from the findings, the researcher found out that climate change has brought about many effects on ru...

Impact of Rural Microfinance on Rural Poverty in Zimbabwe: The Case of Mutasa District – 2010 to 2012.

Abstract Microfinance has become a very important economic empowerment tool for reducing poverty across the globe. The assumption is that by improving access to credit, poor households will be able to set up micro enterprises that will generate income that is aimed at reducing poverty both at household and community levels. Literature has shown that informal microfinance models have become very popular with the rural population mainly due to their accessibility, affordability and community in...

Local authorities E-Budget system

ABSTRACT Local authorities E-budget system is designed for the ministry of local governance head to facilitate generation and transfer of budgets. This system comprises of two users which are administrator and subordinates who are working in the town councils. These subordinates are responsible for budget generation, viewing generated budgets and assessment of the needs to be included in the budgets. Administrator is responsible for budget generation also, for his/her own council, approval of...

The efficacy of the Domestic Violence Act in reducing gender based violence in rural communities. A case study of Ward 23, Mberengwa District, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Gender based violence a global phenomenon a cause for concern, which does not discriminate, knows no race, ethnicity and geographical location, and is a social, economic and a health scourge, a development problem, has bedeviled the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals. Not until the coordinated approach between the rural and urban, men and women that gender based violence can be totally eradicated. Because gender based violence is inherently gendered, men can be victi...

The Ecumenical Role Played By The Church In Promoting Peace In Zimbabwe: Case Of The Ecumenical Peace Observation Initiative.

ABSTRACT The research sought to assess the Ecumenical role of the Church in promoting Peace using the Ecumenical Peace Observation Initiative in Zimbabwe as a case study. In a qualitative outlook, the study critically unpacks the trends and dynamics of the nature of conflicts that have occurred in Zimbabwe at a national scale, post independence. The research then gives a detailed outline on the role of the Church in Peacebuilding in Zimbabwe in general as a means of addressing the conflicts i...

The Coping Strategies Employed By Rural Households In The Face Of The Economic Crisis Chimhanda Ward 15

ABSTRACT The study explores the coping strategies employed by rural households during an economic crisis. The essential part of this research was to explore the impacts of the economic crisis and the strategies which were employed during the economic crisis in Zimbabwe in the period of 2008-2009. Further suggestion measures to enhance the resilience of rural households’ in future economic crisis were presented. A qualitative research approach was used by the researcher with unstructured and...

An Assessment Of The Livelihoods Of Ethnic Minorities In Namibia: A Case Of The San Community In Oshandi Village In Ondobe Constituency Of Ohangwena Region, Namibia

Abstract The importance of understanding the livelihood strategies of ethnic minorities has received a fresh impetus over the last few years with the emphasis by many Western donors on poverty reduction. This research aims to investigate livelihood strategies of San people in Oshandi village of Ondobe constituency in Ohangwena region in Namibia. Their economic, marginalization is compounded by their ethnic background a stigma that also marginalizes them politically and socially. It also exami...

The contribution of small grain production to food security in drought prone areas. The case of Zvishavane (2000-2014)

ABSTRACT The study examines the role of small grain production in promoting food security with particular reference to Zvishavane District in Zimbabwe. Successive droughts, in Zimbabwe compounded by other economic shocks in recent years have resulted in decreased maize productivity amongst the communal farmers most of whom reside in regions IV and V which are considered semi-arid. This has resulted to the prevalence of food insecurity particularly to these semi-arid regions as unreliable rain...

Piped Water Schemes for rural water supply in Zimbabwe: Reviving a forgotten chapter. A case of Rusere Piped Water Scheme in Zaka District

ABSTRACT The main thrust of the research was to analyse the revival of the once defunct Rusere Piped Water Scheme. The study also sought to bring out the opportunities and challenges that are faced in the revival of community owned and managed schemes. Qualitative research approach was used to carry out the research and data collection tools included questionnaires and interviews from key informants such as the DWSSC and local leaders. Field observations were also carried out to ascertain the...

An assessment on how the closure of mining industries has affected the development of small towns in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Shabanie Mine in Zvishavane.

ABSTRACT. The aim of this research was to assess how small mining towns in Zimbabwe have been affected by the closure of mining industries in terms of development using the case study of Shabanie mine in Zvishavane. In assessing the closure of mines, sustainable development was looked at to give the framework of what is expected in development as well as sustainable development goals. ZMDC was assessed in this research as it is the corporation that is in charge of maintaining and caring for t...

Effects Of Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining On The Environment And Livelihoods: A Case Study Of Shurugwi.

ABSTRACT This research focuses mainly on the effects of artisanal small scale gold mining activities on the environment and livelihoods in Shurugwi. It also looks at the negative effects of ASM and the dangers they cause to the environment and livelihoods. Artisanal small scale gold mining has become the backbone of the economy, due to unemployment and the closure of many companies, so many people are now being involved in gold panning activities. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) a...

The Impact Of The Movement For Democratic Change (Mdc) On The Socio-Economic Development Of Zimbabwe.

Abstract The failure by the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (Zanu PF) to address the problems of growing poverty, unemployment and the adoption of the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP) resulted in the deterioration of the living conditions of the hard working peasants in Zimbabwe. These problems led to a growing opposition by the Labour movement which was harboured by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU). The alliance now included a broad coalition of labo...

A Study On The Impacts Of The Iniscriminate Disposal Of Solid Waste On Environment: A Case Of Harare Urban 2008-2017

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of indiscriminate disposal of solid waste on environment in Harare. It highlights as part of the objectives the factors affecting the proper management of solid waste, impacts on environment and suggestions brought forth by the respondents. To acquire adequate information the research used stratified sampling and purposive sampling to select five different areas and key stakeholders respectively to be a representation of Harare. Da...

571 - 585 Of 1134 Results