Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

Factors Influencing Sexual Risk Behaviours Among Rural Adolescent Girls . The Case Of Lower Gwelo, Bafana Ward8

ABSTRACT Adolescent girls between the ages of 14 and 19 are at higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections including human immunodeficiency virus, unintended pregnancies associated with early and unsafe sexual habits. This has resulted in the researcher attempting to identify factors leading to sexual risk behaviors in Bafana ward 8 which can assist in coming with new strategies that can reduce the in withprevalence of high risky sexual practices and reductions in the spread of...

Survival Mechanisms Adopted By Rural Communities Experiencing Climate Change: The Case Of Hama, Chirumanzu, Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT This research serves the purpose of revealing the survival mechanisms or response strategies that Hama community employed amidst of climate change manifestation. The study delved the various key segments namely environment, agriculture, water, health and energy which are important for human survival highlighted in the Zimbabwe National Climate Change Response Strategy (ZNCCRS, 2013). The research encompassed two crucial elements with regards to survival mechanisms adopted by the comm...

Impact Of Livelihood Skills Training Programmes On Youth Development In Wedza District

Abstract Livelihood skills training programs have become very important in reducing lack of skills and unemployment in the globe. The youths in Zimbabwe constitute a greater proportion of the total population and the rural youths are the most marginalized in issues to do with obtaining skills that are necessary for them to improve their livelihood. The government has introduced various programs to make sure that youths attain necessary skills but it has rather neglected the rural youths. This...

The Plight Of Children In The Chingwizi Camp In The Aftermath Of The Tokwe Mukorsi Flood Disaster.

Abstract A growing number of development approaches that focus on reducing the risk of disasters tend to treat children as passive victims with a limited role to play in communicating risks or preventing and responding to disasters (Mitchell and Tanner 2009). It follows that the subject of children‘s rights in disaster management has not been given much attention. Children are a vulnerable group that usually constitutes the biggest number in terms of population. The vulnerability of childre...

The Impact Of Savings And Credit Cooperatives On Sustainable Livelihoods In Chivi District (2000-2013): A Case Of Chivi Sacco

Abstract The purpose of the research was to examine the role played by Savings and Credit Cooperatives in sustaining the local communities in Chivi District. In conducting the study, the descriptive survey design was used and both the questionnaire and interviews were employed as the main research instruments. The purposive sampling technique was used in the study and the sample from which the data was collected was made up of ordinary as well as members of the management committee drawn fro...

Real Empowerment Or Mere Political Rhetoric”: A Formative Evaluation Of The Youth Empowerment Facilities In Gweru Urban District (Zimbabwe)

ABSTRACT Zimbabwe embarked on a youth empowerment drive in 2009 through the setting up of Youth Empowerment Facilities. The Youth Empowerment Facilities are a partnership between the Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of Youth Indigenisation and Empowerment and various financial institutions that include CBZ Bank, Central African Building Society and Stanbic Bank. The Youth Empowerment Facilities are a micro credit scheme whose broad objective is to alleviate poverty amongst the you...

Prospects and Limits to Social Accountability Tools towards Enhancing Service Delivery in Bulawayo Urban

Abstract Demand-side governance and social accountability approaches have steadily gained prominence as a means of achieving and improving a range of development outcomes (Holland et al, 2011). A good number of local authorities across the world in both the developed and developing counties are investing in social accountability tools such as citizen participation, budget tracking and expenditure monitoring, community score cards and others to ensure that citizens have a voice in the planning...

Contribution of Life Skills Training to Youth Development at University Institutions: A Case of the Passport To Success Pilot Programme In Zimbabwe

Abstract Existing research shows that life skills are an important part of education and serve the purpose of complementing the hard and academic skills that young people get in university. This research met its crucial aim through an embedded mixed methodology research which used qualitative method research primarily with quantitative techniques allowing for description of the target sample population. This was a case study of the International Youth Foundation Passport to Success Pilot Prog...

A Comparative Assessment Of Higherlife Foundation And Mavambo Trust’s Contribution To The Quality Of Education In Goromonzi District

Abstract This study is concerned with the role of NGOs in the provision of quality education in Zimbabwe. It specifically makes a comparative assessment of the contribution to quality education by Higherlife Foundation and Mavambo Trust, both local NGOs. The economic environment in Zimbabwe has impacted negatively on the quality of education that is offered by public or government schools, especially in rural areas. NGOs have come to the aid of the government in capacity building in the educa...

An Evaluation of The Impact of Tobacco Farming on Livelihoods And Land Degradation. A Case Study of Mount bokoto, ward 24, murewa District from 2000-2013.

ABSTRACT This paper presents a review on the literature of tobacco farming on the observed research on the impact of tobacco farming on the livelihoods of smallholder farmers as well its impact on land. In this study I drew on the existing academic structure on tobacco farming in Zimbabwe. An examination of the determinants of farmer partaking in tobacco farming was carried out on 30 smallholder farmers. The case was Mount Bokoto ward24 in Murewa District. This study was therefore initiated ...

The Impact of Male Participation in Gender Based Violence Programing in Mudzi District: A Case Study of Wards 14.

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at assessing the impact of male participation in gender-based violence prevention programs. A case study of Ward 14 in Mudzi district was used. The study targeted initiatives that were programmed to make men take active participation as a strategy to stop gender-based violence. A reduction of the number of cases as the impact was being assessed. 180 respondents managed to take part in the research and all filled in questionnaires which were semi-structured with s...

The Economic Contribution Of Tobacco Production And Marketing Models In The Development Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Agriculture is central to Zimbabwe’s economic recovery and prosperity. The sector however continues to face sustainability, productivity, market access and competitiveness challenges. The adoption of tobacco contract farming models in other enterprises has a high potential to turn around agriculture. This study used mixed research methodology to compare economically contributions of tobacco production and marketing models and assess the scope for successful transfer of tobacco’s...

Impact Of Food Aid On Food Security In Chipinge Rural District, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The research study focuses on the effects of food aid on food security using the case of Chipinge Rural district, Zimbabwe. The research assesses the negative and positive impact of food aid. Food aid has received much attention worldwide as scholars argue that food aid leads to negative dependency among beneficiaries which is a threat to livelihood activities and leads to underdevelopment while others views food aid as the answer to the problem of food insecurity hence development....

Street Vending As A Panacea To Women Empowerment In Gweru Urban District

ABSTRACT The study focused on examining the contribution of Street Vending to the empowerment of women in Gweru Urban District. The rise of street vending is closely linked to the rise of the informal economy in contemporary Zimbabwe. The death of the formal industry marked the beginning of the Street vending business in Zimbabwe and Gweru in Particular. The collapse of the formal industry is attributed to a number of economic and political factors which include the adoption of unpopular Eco...

The Role Played By Leonard Cheshire Disability Zimbabwe Trust In Promoting Inclusive Education For The Disabled Children In Murehwa (2010 To 2013)

  ABSTRACT Education for disabled children has for years been taken for granted with societies wanting disabled persons to fit into the society without the society changing. This research was carried out in Murehwa with the main aim of examining the role played by LCDZT in promoting inclusive education for children with disabilities. The objectives of the study included analyzing the benefits of inclusive education for CWDs, examining the importance of implementing inclusive education, exp...

556 - 570 Of 1134 Results