Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

An Evaluation of The Programs Implemented by The NGOs And Government to Promote Children`s Rights: A Focus on Illegal Child Migrants in Ward 5 mwenezi District in Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT The focus of the study was to evaluate implemented program by the government and NGOS In trying to promote children`s rights on children on the move: A focus on illegal child migrants in ward 5 Mwenezi District Zimbabwe. The research was qualitative in nature and purposive sampling was used as easiest way of sampling the research participants’ during this research .it focused on the group of people who once migrated illegal and they have got detailed information on the living expe...

The Role Played By Netherlands Development Organization In Promoting Poverty Alleviation For Smallholder Farmers In Domboshava Using The Market- Based Approach

ABSTRACT This research investigated the effectiveness of market based approach in promoting poverty alleviation from smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The research gathered evidence from a group of smallholder farmers in Domboshava, Zimbabwe, who are part of a market- based approach project run by SNV in order to sustain and improve the livelihoods of vulnerable and emerging rural farming households in Domboshava and thus reduce their dependence on humanitarian assistance. Literature review w...

The Effectiveness Of Rural Women Empowerment Programmes In Reducing Gender Based Violence In Zimbabwe: The Case Of The Rural Women Assembly Initiative In Ward 15 Of Nyanga District, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Gender-based violence (GBV), a universal challenge that has left no stone unturned globally, has reared its ugly head in Zimbabwe, affecting more women than men. Although several players such as government and civic society organisations have united to implement various programmes that include campaigns to bring an end to GBV, it remains a never ending phenomenon. Driven by the need to help fight GBV, this study sought to establish the effectiveness of rural women empowerment progra...

Impact Of The Integrated Development Management (Idm) Approach On The Delivery Of Water, Sanitation And Hygiene (Wash) Services In Binga District

Abstract An integrated approach continues to be recognized as the most prudent path to sustainable development. The assumption is that any successful development must take into account the economic, social, cultural, environmental and geographic realities that shape the lives of people. The study therefore sought to examine the impact of the integrated development management approach on the delivery of WASH services to the rural poor. The study used a case study design by focusing on Binga d...

The Contribution Of Zimche Towards Ensuring Quality Education At Tertiary Level In Zimbabwe: The Case Of Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University

ABSTRACT Today Zimbabwe is awash with graduates from different degree programmes. Each and every year, the country is churning out thousands of graduates from its various universities. It is ranked among one of the most literate countries not only in Southern Africa but the continent at large. Despite such a milestone achievement, the graduates have been facing challenges in getting employment. The major question that might be posed by the writer is, “are these degree programmes relevant a...

The Impact Of Cultural Heritage On Sustainable Development Of Local Communities: A Case Of Great Zimbabwe Heritage Site

ABSTRACT This research study focused on the impact of cultural heritage on sustainable development of local communities. The thrust of the study was to know how Great Zimbabwe heritage site as a cultural resource has effected any development in the local people who lived in its vicinity. What is critically important to underscore is the value of the site to society. The study reveals that cultural heritage has effected sustainable development of local communities living in its vicinity altho...

The Role Of Civil Society Organizations In Disaster Response And Relief. A Case Of Tokwe-Mukosi.

Abstract The research set out to assess the roles of civil society organizations in disaster response and relief in regards with the Tokwe-Mukosi flood disasters. The research used both primary and secondary sources to collect data. Qualitative data collection methods were applied through the use of interviews and questionnaires. The key findings of the study is that civil society organizations failed to provide adequate response and relief services to the victims of Tokwe-Mukosi flood disast...

An Assessment Of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies For Chirumanzu District

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to look at the effectiveness of climate change adaptation strategies in Chirumanzu District. The study took into cognizance the fact that climate change has affected the livelihoods of communities and sought to find out how communities have adapted to climate change. Qualitative approach was used as it gave vivid descriptions of climate change impacts, community response and adaptation. Interviews, focus group discussions and observations were the tools impl...

Contribution Of The Informal Sector To Urban Livelihoods: The Case Of Home Industries In Glen-View, Harare.

ABSTRACT Informal sector has become the main source of urban livelihoods through employment creation due to shrinking formal sector. The government of Zimbabwe has embarked on major socio –economic transformation through supporting the informal sector in an endeavor to improve urban livelihoods. In this context, this research sought to examine the contribution of the informal sector to urban livelihoods. Specific focus was on the home industries in Glen – View. The study mainly used the q...

The Impact of ICT Revolution in Enhancing Rural Education. A Case Study of Ward 9 Schools in Mudzi North

ABSTRACT  The study was assessing the impact of ICT revolution in enhancing rural education. The study was carried out in three secondary schools in Ward 25 of Mudzi district. The study was conducted to assess how ICT is being used to enhance the quality of education, improving teaching and learning process, assisting educational management as well as improving educational outcomes such as better academic performances and opportunities for both pupils and the school. The study also assessed ...

The contribution of the mining sector to rural socio-economic development. A focus of unki mines corporate social responsibility: Zimbabwe (2004-2014)

ABSTRACT  The research attempts to explore Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices particularly in the context of rural development. The main objective was to explore, the extent to which the mining sector in Zimbabwe promotes socio-economic development through CSR employed by Unki Mines in Shurugwi rural. The study established the effectiveness of CSR strategies in rural socio-economic development and recommended approaches to make Unki mines CSR strategies effective for rural socio...

The Impact of Community Share Ownership Schemes on Development of Mberengwa District in Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The formative study focused on the impact of Share Ownership Schemes on development in Mberengwa District in Zimbabwe. The qualitative research established that some of the objectives of the programme were indeed relevant to the current challenges being faced by the people in rural Zimbabwe. The study also explored the impact of the share ownership schemes on individual and household levels with emphasis on the eradication of poverty. It explored the implementation process of the bro...

Integration And Participation Of Older Persons In Socio-Economic Development Of Harare Metropolitan Province

ABSTRACT The research examined the integration and participation of the elderly in the socio-economic development of Harare Metropolitan Province (HMP). It targeted religious denominations, industry and commerce, non-governmental organizations, tertiary institutions, state enterprises and parastatals and a local authority. The research identified serious stigmatization of Old Persons (OPs), leading to their ostracism by HMP institutions in particular, and ordinary citizens in general. The les...

“An Analysis Of The Effects Of Climate Change And Adaptation Strategies By Men And Women In Zimbabwe” A Case Study Of Dambakurima Ward In Muzarabani District.

ABSTRACT The study seeks to explore the gendered differentiated effects of climate change on men and women in the Dambakurima ward of Muzarabani District in Mashonaland Central Province in Zimbabwe. The study further examines the gendered adaptation measures adopted by men and women in order to cope and survive in the context of climate change. The study is largely grounded in qualitative research methodology and it utilizes a triangulation of data collection instruments that included intervi...

The Effects Of Climate Change On Masculinity: A Case Of Zindowe Village, Mberengwa District

ABSRACT Climate change is among the most contemporary issues affecting many people in several parts of the word. In view of climate change and gender it can be noted that it has contributed immensely to change in carrying out of masculine livelihood strategies by men in rural communities. This is so because most men are usually bread winners of  families, and the effects are more pronounced in rural areas since there is dependency on natural resources or environment in addition to climate ch...

541 - 555 Of 1134 Results