Development Studies Research Papers/Topics

The Effectiveness Of Funding Strategies For Non Profit Making Institutions: A Case Study Of Cg Msipa Scholarship Trust

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the effectiveness of fundraising strategies for not for profit social welfare organizations using the CG Msipa Scholarship as a case study. Literature on fundraising strategies for not for profit strategies was reviewed in order to identify the gap in theory and practice this study would address. The literature was extracted from textbooks and journals. Data was collected from trustees and administrator of the CG Msipa Scholarship Trust through the use of questi...

The Effectiveness of Basin Tillage on Maize Production in the Semi-Arid Dayataya Ward of Southern Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study examines the effectiveness of basin tillage in maize production in Dayataya ward located in the semi-arid district of Zvishavane ward in southern Zimbabwe. The study was based on questionnaire surveys and interviews with key informants, field observations, and secondary data sources. The major findings of the research were that even though many small scale farmers have adopted basin farming in the Dayataya ward, most of them have not fully implemented the requirements of b...

Participation Of Zimbabwean Youths In Electoral Processes: A Case Of Harare Central Constituency 2008 To 2013”

ABSTRACT Contemporary global trends show a growing international anxiety for youth empowerment. Since independence Zimbabwe has incessantly experienced a decline in youth electoral participation. In Zimbabwe, youths represent 67 % of the country’s population; according to the new constitution youth fall in between the ages of 16 and 35 years. Compared to older citizens, youth especially females have increasingly preferred to stay away from participating in electoral processes and their part...

Effectiveness of male engagement in maternal health

Abstract The study examined the effectiveness of male engagement in maternal health in ward 28 of Chipinge. The area has experienced high maternal mortality rate as well as poor maternal health services. 64 respondents from the eight villages were identified four representatives from each village. The researcher used focus group discussions and structured questionnaires as the data collection tools. The findings are grounded on the structured questionnaires directed to the adult women and men...

The effects of illegal gold mining by Globe and Phoenix mine retrenches on the environment

Abstract This study explores the environmental degradation in Globe and Phoenix mine that has been caused by illegal mining by the mine retrenchees. It seeks to examine the cause of illegal mining in Globe and Phoenix mine with regard to the fact that it used to be the biggest and first mine to be established in Zimbabwe. The city of Kwekwe came to being because of the establishment of the mining center. The extent of the degradation is assessed in view of the strategies that are being taken ...

Development Of The Rural Areas In Zimbabwe

Abstract The need for development has been the main contemporary discourse dominating the history of Zimbabwe. A radical introspection into the process of growth points and rural development is urgently required to allow Zimbabwe to define its future in terms of urbanisation and development. Growth points were adopted in Zimbabwe slightly before independence by the colonial government in order to provide for accommodation and decentralised government services for people living in the communal...

The Contribution Of The Education Transition Fund (ETF) Towards Ensuring The Attainment Of Basic Education For All In Umguza District.

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Abstract The study’s aim was to understand the role of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in livelihoods provision. The Plumtree-Mutare road rehabilitation was done under the PPP framework. It was necessary to study the impacts in Gweru because some of the national benefits are overstated, elitist, and remote which the poor cannot easily feel. PPPs were chosen as government had no funds thus it formed Infra-link, a joint venture with Group 5 International financed by a USD $206 million doll...


ABSTRACT This study is an investigation into the effectiveness of livelihood projects as a strategy in reducing Gender Based Violence (GBV). The study explored and highlighted the major causes of GBV, the livelihood options for women, the relationship between GBV and livelihoods and the extent to which livelihood projects as a strategy have reduced GBV and empowered women using the case study on Nyanga, Ward 27. The major causes of GBV are poverty, lack of economic independence among women, p...

Proposed Topic: The Significance Of Enhanced Maize Production Programme In Ensuring Food Self-Sufficiency In Gutu District

ABSTRACT In Zimbabwe, food security has been always a major challenge in parts of the country especially in the rural areas and many households in the country remain food insecure. Maize being the staple food for the nation and a strategic crop for food self-sufficiency for the nation it been suppressed due to the lack of effective economic policies and this has resulted in the low production of the crop amongst the farmers especially communal farmers in the country. Developing countries have...

An assessment on the impact of the civil society in improving the livelihoods of orphans. The case of Restless Development in Nhedziwa ward 4 Chimanimani district Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at assessing the impact of the civil society towards improving the livelihoods of orphans with particular focus on Restless Development in Nhedziwa ward 4 of the Chimanimani district. The general objective of this study was to assess the impact of the civil society in improving the livelihoods of orphans. A sample of twenty respondents out of a total of sixty-five orphans was selected using purposive sampling. Data was collected using interviews, questionnaires an...

The Sustainability of the producer group concept to the empowerment of smallholder farmers in Chivi district of Masvingo province

ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers grappled with challenges of abject poverty, they have been vulnerable to shocks of droughts/floods due to environmental climatic change, lack of agricultural inputs and markets; contributing to untold food insecurity and suffering among producer groups. Chivi has become a donor dependent district for relief and development programs. The producer group model has been employed by development agencies to amalgamate smallholder farmer in Chivi district and ameliorate ...

Socio-Environmental Effects Of Zvishavane Urban Population Growth

ABSTRACT The research focused on socio-environmental effects of Zvishavane urban population growth. It was done in light of the tragedy of the commons theory by Garrett Hardin, in conjunction with Harris and Todaro rural to urban drift model. The researcher used a quantitative research methodology which included the use of questionnaires for data collection. A case study research design method was used to address aims and objectives of the study. The objectives of the study included factors w...

The viability of urban agriculture in reducing food insecurity in Gweru, Mkoba 19 surburb

ABSTRACT The paper examined the viability of urban agriculture in reducing food insecurity in Gweru, Mkoba 19 suburb. The study aimed to ascertain the prevalence of urban agriculture, its effects on food security and the challenges to its practice. A questionnaire was administered to 107 household heads engaged in urban agriculture. The study revealed that urban agriculture had been widely adopted by the households in the suburb. It provided a variety of foods to households such a meat, veget...


ABSTRACT Credit risk reduction is one of the most essential activities in any financial institution and cannot be overlooked by a bank’s credit irrespective of its size and services issued. Effective credit risk reduction is a prerequisite for the village banks stability and continuous with any financial institution in Zimbabwe, the biggest form of credit risk emanates from money loaned, and failure to retain it from the borrowers. The therefore sought to examine the credit...

586 - 600 Of 1134 Results