ABSTRACT Effectiveness of monetary policy in stimulating economic growth This study investigates the effectiveness of monetary policy in stimulating economy growth in Nigeria using AK production Function and Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model. The empirical evidence depicts that economic growth in Nigeria is influenced by money supply, electric power consumption, gross fixed capital formation and trade openness. This shows that monetary policy is effective in maintaining economic growth on the...
ABSTRACT This study investigates the effectiveness of monetary policy under flexible exchange rate regime in Nigeria using Ordinary Least Square approach. Quarterly time series data spanning 1980:1 – 2008:4 are used in this work. The study examines stochastic characteristics of each time series by testing their stationarity using Augumented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test. This is followed by performing co integration test using Augmented Engle-Granger (AEG) technique. The results of the cointegra...
ABSTRACT The study was motivated by the continuous rise in the poverty level in Nigeria amidst the country’s vast human and material resources that can guarantee sustainable economic growth and development and also the pervasive gender inequality that persists among households. It is on this premise that this study assessed Millennium Development Goal (MDG) with special focus on goal one and goal three, and implications for Sustainable Development .The study was guided by five research obje...
ABSTRACT The study investigates relative impact of financial sector reforms on agricultural and manufacturing sector growth in Nigeria. To guide the study, Ordinary Least Square technique was adopted and Eviews 8.0 econometric software was utilized for the analysis. A time series quarterly data sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin 2009 and 2013and it covered the period 1970-2013 was used for the analysis. After carrying out necessary pre- and post diagnostic test, the res...
ABSTRACT Liberalization is part of the ongoing domestic market reforms and globalization policies that redefined government responsibility and actions, which affect agricultural development, and the welfare of farmers. This study examined hectarage and output responses of major crops to market liberalization, price risk and financial support. The objectives were to describe trends of output, hectarage and prices of these crops, as well as describe trends of non-price factors and estimate the ...
ABSTRACT The issue of poverty is posing serious threat to the development of the Nigerian economy. Growth was seen as the driving force for poverty reduction by studies carried out in the 1980s. But, recent attention has now been shifted to the role of income distribution in reducing poverty since the yield of growth may not be equally shared and poverty not reduced. However, a distinct conclusion is yet to be established on the role of inequality in poverty reduction. Analysis on Poverty gro...
ABSTRACT Fluctuation in exchange rate has been a recognized catalyst that brings about change in other macroeconomic indicators. This phenomenon was underscored by series of mechanisms through which economic activities of a given country reflect on its exchange rate to other international currencies. In order to assess the empirical influence of rising fluctuation in exchange rate, this study focused on the impact of exchange rate volatility (EXV) on selected macroeconomic variables in Nigeri...
ABSTRACT Health status in recent times has been a major concern for developing and under-developed economies. This results from the fact that a healthy population increases labour force participation, productivity and output levels. Poor health has negative effect on participation rate and output. This study examined the effect of health status on labour force participation, across gender and age groups, in Nigeria. An estimation technique to be used is the logistic binary model. Data for the...
ABSTRACT Foreign direct investment (FDI) is often seen as an important catalyst for economic growth in the developing countries. It affects the economic growth by stimulating domestic investment, increasing human capital formation and by facilitating the technology transfer in the host countries. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of FDI on economic growth in Pakistan, for the period 1990- 2006. The relationship between FDI and economic growth will be analyzed by using...
ABSTRACT The existence and nature of a link between inflation and Economic growth has been the subject of considerable interest and debate. High and sustainable Economic growth and low inflation are two of the main objectives of macroeconomic policy. Hence, if high inflation is harmful for an economy and low inflation is beneficial, then it is reasonable to ask, what is the optimal level of inflation for an economy? In general, is there any link between inflation and Economic growth? In this ...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda from 1991 -2017. It was driven by two major objectives, which are to investigate if there is casual relationship between foreign direct investment and unemployment rate in Uganda and to examine the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda. The study used time series data in between 1991 to 2017 from the World Bank and Uganda Bureau of stat...
ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between unemployment and poverty among the people of Puntland in Somalia. To achieve the research purpose, the following research objectives were formulates: to assess the level of unemployment among the people in Puntland, Somalia; to examine the level of poverty among the people in Puntland, Somalia; to establish whether there is any significant relationship between unemployment and poverty among the people in Puntland, Somalia. Descriptive c...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating the impact of public sector investment on economic growth of Uganda from 1985 to 2016. The specific objectives were to examine the effect of investment education in health investment and transport investment on economic growth the study was carried out using secondary data collected from 1985 to 2016. And was conducted based on expost facto research design focusing on time series data. Augmented Dickey- Fuller (ADF), tests result indicate that all the...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the effect of investment promotion, facilitation and regulation on investments in general and banking as a specific sector in Uganda. Since enactment of the Investment Code Act 1991, there has been no recent serious academic inquiry into the effectiveness of these tools that were put in place. The few studies that exist are very old such as those of Obwona (2000) and Kibikyo (2000). The study uses mostly secondary data and interviews on investments in Uganda. S...
Abstract The study dwelt into the Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning Approach on the Academic Performance of the first year students of economics, of Kampala international university. The study aimed at examining the mean scores in both the pre-test and posttest for both experimental and the control group, whether there is a significant mean posttest gain, and asses whether there is a significant difference in the mean post-test gain in both experimental and control group. A test questio...