Economics Research Papers/Topics

East African Community Regional Integration: Private Investment Implications

The objective of regional integration is the attainment of long-run economic growth for membercountries. Private investments are decisive in attaining this objective, given the high dependence ofEAC member states on state-owned investment. This has been attributed to the economic policiesimplemented by the government which favors state-owned investment. Further, existing empiricalstudies have been unable to determine whether trade liberalization advances or obstructs theaccumulation of privat...

Financial Inclusion in East Africa: Does Economic Growth Matter?

Inclusive financial systems in any economy cannot be ignored. In fact, it has become a policystrategy in many governments around the world, including East Africa region economies – Kenya,Uganda and Tanzania. Using panel data, this study presents a cross country analysis of thevariables that determine financial inclusion levels with a key focus on economic growth throughdemand leading hypothesis. The study sought to test if economic expansion matters in financialinclusion in East Africa for ...

Contraceptive Use Among Young Adults in Zimbabwe, Questionnaire Study

Adolescents face several challenges where ASRH issues are concerned. One of these issues is the low uptake of HIV prevention services especially those in high-density urban townships who are prone to several factors that hinder their access to HIV prevention services. This study sought to highlight the prevalence of HIV prevention methods use among adolescents and factors that determine their accessibility in Dzivarasekwa and Tynwald Districts. A total of 500 questionnaires were administered ...

An Analysis of the Household Choice and Determinants of Livelihoods Diversification Activities of the Galo Tribal People, India

Though many scholars have written several articles on the livelihoods activities of the tribal population, only a few have tried to offer an outsider in-depth analysis of the livelihoods of tribal people, specifically those in North East India. The few research on this topic mainly focused on the challenges being faced by tribal communities without paying attention to how the tribes are manoeuvring their vast challenges in their livelihoods, opportunities and the constraints they face in doin...

Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Exchange Rate Uncertain

Macroeconomic convergence is critical for member states to achieve the level of harmonization required for establishing a stable and resilient monetary union. The East African Community (EAC) member states, therefore, established set targets for macroeconomic convergence, in-tending to eliminate exchange rate uncertainty within the bloc and reduce the costs of the mon-etary union. However, recent empirical studies indicate that the rate of convergence of the member states to the set macroecon...

Impact of Public Consumption on Economic Growth

Faced with the financial crisis and global economic recessions, Africa governments have rediscovered the importance of economic policy instruments. They use it to rescue the bankrupt banks, and to make more economic activity to carry back recession. But now there's a backlash demanding that the deficits used to create the stimulus must be reduced by cutting public consumption spending on a grand scale. Hence the target of this study is to explore the role of public consumption expenditure on ...

Corruption and Economic Growth in Kenya: A county-level analysis

While there's an outsized consensus within the empirical literature on the negative impact of corruption on the economic process, some studies still argue that corruption could also be economically justified. There is, however, little empirical evidence to validate the impact of corruption on economic growth within the devolved units. The effect of the corruption rate on the economic activities is examined using ordinary least squares regression analysis and Kenya county-level data. The resul...

Effect of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Gross Domestic Savings in Kenya

Domestic savings is a vital source of investment funds, especially for developing economies. It is thus essentialthat internal savings capacity in these economies is increased to enhance investment financing and economicgrowth. Since increased reliance on external capital flows can result in economic instability, achieving a highernational saving rate is a critical macroeconomic objective for many developing countries. However, domesticsavings remain low in many of them including Kenya, posin...

Exchange Rate and Capital Flight: An Empirical Analysis

Exchange rate volatility and declining capital inflow are important policy issues that inform macroeconomic policies and strategies of developing countries. Most developing economies have small potential resource base, faces foreign exchange volatility and limited market of agricultural products, thus investigating the role of capital flight is significant for these states. Cognizant of this, the study will try to answer the paradox of capital outflow and exchange uncertainty. The research wi...

External Debt and Capital Flight in East Africa

Capital flight remains significant for public officials in East Africa member states, especially since the emergenceof the foreign debt crisis and the associated drastic decline in capital inflows from developed nations and BrettonWoods institutions. Given their smaller resource base, debt accumulation and budget deficit, the problem of capitalflight in developing nations requires examination. The study examined the effect of accumulating external debt oncapital flight in East African countri...

Inflation and Saving: A Puzzle

In the wake of the steep fall in the national savings due to economic shocks, among them the COVID-19 pandemic macroeconomic consequences, this study examines to what extent inflation explains the variation in the saving behavior in developing countries. Most past empirical studies investigated the role of inflation on savings only in advanced nations. The current study will investigate the effect of inflation on savings culture in Kenya. To determine how inflation explains saving, the study ...

Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Uganda (1990-2016)

ABSTRACT  This study examined the impact of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on economic growth in Uganda using time series data from 1990-2016.The specific objectives of the study were: to examine the effect of FDI on Agricultural sector growth, Manufacturing sector growth, Industrial sector growth and Service sector growth in Uganda using Seemingly Unrelated Regression analysis (SUR). This method of analysis allows modeling of the sector growth rates on same set of FDI, Human capital, l...

The Relationship between Remittance and Human Development in Mogadishu Somalia (2000-2009)

ABSTRACT  The study investigated the relationship between remittance and Human Development in Somalia with the objectives of establishing the relationship between remittance and Social Development in Mogadishu and establishes the relationship between remittance and Household Poverty levels in Mogadishu. The study used a nonexperimental case study design using quantitative and qualitative approaches on a sample size of 399 respondents who receive and do not receive remittance in Mogadishu cap...

Activity Planning and Success of Community Projects in Selected Organizations in Maroodijeex Region, Somaliland

Abstract Community development Project failure is standing issue that is common in ;omaliland which inhibits the improvement of socio-economic development of the ountry. The government of Somaliland attached great importance for all evelopmental projects as a developing edge of the country. The purpose of this study to determine and describe the impact of activity planning on success of community rojects of selected organizations in Maroodijeex region of Somaliland. This study is iming at kno...

Trade Openness and Government Size in Uganda (1986-2017)

ABSTRACT One of the major issues that have dominated policy making in countries all over the world is the need to remove restrictions to trade and cross border financial transactions and there is high possibility for these countries to be exposed to high external risk caused by turbulence in international market, therefore, this study investigated the relationship between trade openness and government size in Uganda From 1986-2017. The following objectives guided the study: i) to determine th...

196 - 210 Of 1535 Results