Economics Research Papers/Topics

Technical Efficiency and Profitability of Chicken Production in Kaduna State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Achieving profitability in production is a great challenge facing chicken producers which is constrained by inefficiency and other challenges facing the chicken production industry. Technical efficiency in chicken was a strategy in mitigating the profitability problem. The study was based on technical efficiency of input on output, profitability, employment of labor in chicken production and optimal productivity of labor employed relative to cost and revenue in chicken production i...

Economic Growth and Unemployment in Uganda (1991-2014).

Abstract  This post-graduate thesis presents a regression analysis of the accumulated empirical evidence on the relationship between economic growth and unemployment in Uganda. Okun’s law emphasis the relationship between economic growth and unemployment stating that there is inverse relationship among economic growth and unemployment. Even so, sometimes both variables move towards same direction meaning an increase of economic growth leads to a rise of unemployment. The researcher employe...

Inflation and Economic Growth in Uganda 1980-2010

ABSTRACT  The study was carried out to determine the relationship between the level of inflation and the level of economic growth (growth rate) in Uganda between 1980-2010. The study used the expostfacto research design and descriptive co relational survey design. The researcher also used annual statistical records about inflation rate as measured by consumer price index (CPI) and growth rate. The researcher used purposive sampling strategy in the process of data collection and used record s...

Public Expenditure and Economic Growth in Uganda From 1995-2014

ABSTRACT  The main purpose of this study was to establish the influence of public expenditure on economic growth in Uganda from 1995-2014. It was driven by three major objectives; To determine the trend of public expenditure from 1995 -2014; To determine the trend of economic growth from 1995-2014; To establish if there is significant relationship between public expenditure and economic growth from 1995-2014. Using time series data from the world bank and Uganda bureau of statistics, both co...

Economic Growth and Unemployment in Uganda (1991 2014)

Abstract  This post-graduate thesis presents a regression analysis of the accumulated empirical evidence on the relationship between economic growth and unemployment in Uganda. Okun’s law emphasis the relationship between economic growth and unemployment stating that there is inverse relationship among economic growth and unemployment. Even so, sometimes both variables move towards same direction meaning an increase of economic growth leads to a rise of unemployment. The researcher employe...

Remittances and Economic Growth in Uganda (1993-2017)

ABSTRACT  A booming interest in the topic of Diaspora remittances has developed over the past few years on the part of academics, donors, international financial institutions, commercial banks, money transfer operators, microfinance institutions, and policy makers. The surge of remittances to countries of origin in the last two decades, exceeding aid and foreign direct investment (FDI) to developing countries, has reignited debate on their development potential in receiving countries. Alongs...

Trade Policy and Performance of Export Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria.

ABSTRACT  This study examines the impact of trade policy and performance of export manufacturing industries in Nigeria. It adopts time series data on a number of policy variables to determine their impacts on the manufacture exports as well as their significance or otherwise in stimulating export in Nigeria. In specific term, it also (a) identify the major determinants of manufacture exports in Nigeria, (b) determine the causal relationship existing between manufacture exports and trade poli...

Remittances and Economic Growth in Uganda (1993 - 2017)

ABSTRACT A booming interest on the topic of Diaspora remittances has developed over the past few years on the part ofacademics, donors, international financial institutions, commercial banks, money transfer operators, microfinance institutions, andpolicy makers, The surge of remittances to countries of origin in the last two decades, exceeding aid and foreiqn direct investment (FDI) to developing countries, has reignited debate on their development potential in receiving countries. Alongside...

Balance of Trade and Economic Growth in Uganda (1984-2014)

ABSTRACT The study was set to investigate the relationship between trade balance and economic growth rate of Uganda from 1984-2014. The objective was to determine the level of balance of trade in Uganda from 1984-2014 (ii) to establish the level of economic growth of Uganda from 1984-2014 and to establish the relationship between balance of trade and economic growth of Uganda 1984-2014. The study was a time series research that involved analysis of the historical data for the Uganda balance o...

Unemployment and Poverty in Puntland Somalia

ABSTRACT This study established the relationship between unemployment and poverty among the people of Puntland in Somalia. To achieve the research purpose, the following research objectives were formulat~: to assess the level of unemployment among the people in Puntland, Somalia; to examine the level of poverty among the people in Puntland, Somalia; to establish whether there is any significant relationship between unemployment and poverty among the people in Puntland, Somalia. Descriptive co...

Oil Revenue and People’s Socio-Economic Status in Unity State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the extent at which oil revenue management impacts on people’s socio-economic status in Unity State, South Sudan. In fulfilling this purpose, the following research objectives were set and these included: to establish effectiveness of oil revenue management; to examine socio-economic status of people in Unity State; and to establish relationship between oil revenue management and people’s socio-economic status in Unity State. Descriptive...

Determinants of Export Growth in Uganda (1991-2016)

ABSTRACT Agriculture in Ugandan, accounts for about half of GDP, it contributes about 85% of exports, and employs 80% of the work force. Statistics show that the value of traditional exports remained minimal compared to the other sectors of the economy. This study examined factors affecting export performance in Uganda between 1991 and 2016. Secondary data were employed using time series to analyze the influence of macroeconomic factors such as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Real Exchange R...

Critical Success Factors for Accounting Information System Data Quality

ABSTRACT Today’s organizations are operating and competing in an information age. Quality information is critical to organizations’ success in today’s highly competitive environment. Accounting information systems (AIS) as a discipline within information systems require high quality data. However, empirical evidence suggests that data quality is problematic in AIS. Therefore, knowledge of critical factors that are important in ensuring data quality in accounting information systems is d...

Economics of Small - Scale Oil Palm Production in Kogi State Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to examine the Economics of Small-scale Oil Palm Production in Kogi State of Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to: determine the factors affecting resource use efficiency by Oil Palm Producers in the study area and determine the optimum replacement age of oil palm. The tools of analysis used are:- simple descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, optimum replacement model and gross margin analysis. From the estimate of oil palm in the state,4...

Road Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Uganda 2000-2018 Kampala International University

ABSTRACT This report investigated Road Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Uganda 2000 - 2018, the Study considered all national roads, that is, paved and unpaved roads however, district roads were excluded due to lack of data for the entire period of the study. The emphasis on national roads was both due to data availability and the multiplier effects associated with these roads towards economic growth. The objectives of the study were to: establish the causality between economic growth an...

211 - 225 Of 1535 Results