Economics Research Papers/Topics

The Impact of Micro and Macro-economic Factors on the Profitability of Banks: A Case of Zimbabwean Banking Sector (2012-2016)

ABSTRACT The research sought to establish the impact of micro and macro-economic factors on the profitability of banks in the banking sector of Zimbabwe. The low levels of profitability has been an area of concern. The study covered the period from 2012 to 2016 using monthly time series data employing the Ordinary Least Squares method to ascertain the factors that contribute to profitability as measured by Return on Assets. In the previous period, the profitability of banks have been on an up...

Farm Household Saving And Its Determinants In Trans Nzoia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Funds available for investments are either from credits acquired from financial institutions or from household savings. Although some research has shown that rural households in Sub-Saharan Africa save, little is known about the factors that influence saving and asset accumulation among them. Low investment in Kenya is easily attributable to decreased savings. The study aimed at developing a broader understanding of the savings habits and practice of farm households in Trans-Nzoia Co...

An Investigation Of Factors Influencing Sustainability Of Micro Finance Institutions [A Case Study Of Narok County].

ABSTRACT Micro finance institutions refer to small, saving and insurance services extended and economically disadvantaged segment of society. In the past ten years micro finance is emerging as powerful tool of growth in Kenya economy. This has resulted from increasing success in terms to reach the poor and sustaining delivery services. However large number of those engaged in microfinance services continue to struggle with sustainability. The research sought to establish the factors affecting...

Factors That Influence Educational Wastage In Public Secondary Schools In Kathiani Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Every year, the Government of Kenya invests heavily in public secondary education. In spite of this heavy investment, the delivery of quality secondary education faces various challenges. One of the biggest challenges is wastage: students repeat grades and the rate of dropout remain high. The central focus of this study was to determine the factors that influence educational wastage in Kathiani Sub-county. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the influence o...

Impact Of Credit Risk Management On Financial Performance Of Savings And Credit Co-Operative Societies In Kitui County

ABSTRACT The financial sector in any country is an important sector in the development of a country. Most failures in the financial sector have been caused by non-performing loans or bad debts which are attributed by poor or ineffective loaning policy. While the consequences of credit risk management are well understood, the direction of the effects are predicted by theory, and evidence on their magnitude are still scarce, and centered around banking sectors and insurance markets. This study ...

Market Structure Paradigms And Institutional Setting In The Nigerian Electricity Industry

ABSTRACT This thesis examines the Market Structure Paradigms and the Institutional Setting in the Nigerian Electricity Industry. The main objective of this study is to examine and propose market structure that can achieve a production frontier that will produce efficient output and optimal price determination. The study also proposes the most appropriate institutional setting - market design that can ensure sustainable electricity supply and enhance consumers' welfare in Nigeria under the res...

Influence Of Corporate Governance Practices On Working Capital Efficiency Of Manufacturing Firms In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT The main motivation of the study was to determine the influence of corporate governance practices on working capital efficiency of manufacturing firms in Nairobi County. The study used descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised of all five hundred and fifty four manufacturing firms registered in trade and Industries Ministry of the Nairobi County. The sample size was one hundred and eleven firms. The study used questionnaires, interview guide and docume...

Interstate Labour Mobility In Nigeria: Determinants, Policies And Prospects

ABSTRACT Concern with free flow of factors of production, particularly of high level manpower, rests on the need to ensure balanced socio-economic development among the states as well as promoting an efficient and integrated labour market for skilled manpower in Nigeria. The national concern for balanced development has been adequately reflected in Nigeria's various National Development Plans. In a situation such as in Nigeria where shortage of high level manpower is everywhere acute, one mai...

Effect Of Investment Decision On Financial Performance Of Savings And Credit Cooperatives In Kitui Central Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research work focused on determining the effect of investment decisions on financial performance of Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Kitui Central Sub-County. This is was due to the observed decline in performance of SACCOS in Kenya due to a low investment culture. The research adopted four objectives as a drive towards the results as follows; to assess the effect of Replacement decision on Financial Performance of SACCOs in Kitui Central Sub-County, to find out the effects of...

Fiscal Federalism In Nigeria : Experience Since 1967 And Proposals For Thr Future

ABSTRACT The thesis is on fiscal federalism in Nigeria particularly since 1967 and proposals for future revenue allocation in Nigeria. As a background, it sketches the framework of a federal as distinct from a unitary system of government, noting the role of the public sector in the former. It reviews the developments in fiscal federalism in the two decades 1946 - 1966, a period that witnessed the evolution from a unitary to a federal form of government and also the corresponding changes in t...

Examination Of Risk Management In The Banking Industry: (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title of Page  Approval Page  Dedication  Acknowledgment  Table of Content  CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study  1.2 Statement of research problem  1.3 Research hypotheses  1.4 Objectives of the study  1.5 Significance of the study  1.6 Scope and limitations of the study  1.7 Scheme of the study  CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction  2.2 Concept in Examination of Risk Management  2.3 Examination of Risk Management process  2.4 Im...

The Role Of Devolution On Economic Development In Kenya. A Case Of Nakuru East Sub-County.

ABSTRACT: Kenya has devolved funds to grass root level with the aim of bringing services and development close to its citizens in view of vision 2030. However a report by the controller and Auditor General in Kenya gazette 2010 uncovered massive misappropriation of Constituency Development Funds in Constituencies. Inspite of this, other constituencies were reported as posting remarkable performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of devolution on economic development. A des...

Selected Determinants Of Economic Growth: A Case Of Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence economic growth in Kenya. This study was guided by such objectives as to determine how inflation, unemployment and population growth influence growth of the economy of Kenya. The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative research approaches to explain the interplay of both endogenous and exogenous variables to bring about an effect on the economic growth of Kenya. The area of study is the whole of Kenya, a coun...

Foreign Direct Investment, External Debt And Real Estate Investment In Kenya

ABSTRACT Development of the real estate sector immensely contributes to the economic growth and development of the country through upgrading the living standards of the people by providing better infrastructural facilities, social amenities, telecommunication facilities and better housing. Kenya in recent years has experienced a surge in the growth of real estate in the suburbs of its major towns and cities. This has been brought about by the increasing pressure for modern housing units from ...

The Impact Of Tax Incentives On The Growth Of The Kenyan Economy

ABSTRACT Taxation is the key source of revenue that the government of Kenya uses to provide public goods and services to the citizens. Revenue collections have increased over the last decades, though the collections have not been enough to fund the proposed budgets. This results to budget deficits. Raising efficient tax revenues in the country is the main objective for the government, thus it balances the increasing competing development needs and its desire to encourage investments through t...

646 - 660 Of 1535 Results