Economics Research Papers/Topics

Credit Rationing In The Nigeria's Commercial Loan Market

ABSTRACT In this thesis, the concern has been to examine the structure, function and effects of Nigeria's commercial loan market. The main focus has been to empirically test for the incidence of credit rationing in the loan market, explain the rationale, identify the form and magnitude of rationing and examine the effects in the Nigerian economy. With respect to the structure and functions of the loan market, concentration ratio and market share indices were defined and derived as key measure...

Corporate Governance And Banking Sector Performance In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The failure of many Nigerian banks in recent times may be said to stem from weaknesses in the corporate governance of the sector. In spite of various regulatory frameworks which have been instituted toward ensuring compliance with ordinances, there are indications of increasing crisis in the banking sector of the Nigeria economy. Literature has paid little attention as to how corporate governance may have contributed to the waves of crisis in the sector. The purpose of this thesis i...

A Comparative Analysis Of Commercial Energy Demand In Nigeria And Cameroon (1971-2010)

Abstract Given energy security and climate change challenges occasioned by increased hydrocarbon consumption, and increased trade between Nigeria and Cameroon, a holistic study of commercial energy (petrol, diesel, kerosene) demand in both countries is undertaken. Our main objective is to find out which of the two economies has performed better, in terms of energy intensity (i.e. which is less energy intensive) between 1971 and 2010. For this, five specific objectives were addressed, namely ...

The Determinants Of Inflation In The Kenyan Economy

Abstract Since 2003, the monetary policy in Kenya has pursued inflation targeting policy that pegs the desired inflation rate at 5 per cent. However, Inflation targets in Kenya have been missed frequently and the CBK has been unsuccessful at keeping and maintaining the inflation at the target rate. The average level of inflation has also been higher (10.17%) compared with the level of inflation in developed (3%) and emerging economies (8%). Missed inflation targets present a dynamic inconsist...

Examining Exports’ Contribution To Economic Growth In Southern Africa: A Panel Data Analysis (2005-2016)

ABSTRACT Despite other contributions made to economic growth by other variables such as real growth in services and population growth, there has been an unending debate between exports’ contribution to economic growth in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of exports to economic growth in Southern African Countries for the period 2005 to 2016. A Random Effects Panel Data Model (REM) was used as the estimation techniqu...

Influence Of Teacher Quality On Pupils’ Academic Performance In Kiswahili In Public Primary Schools In Rarieda Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Studies worldwide have revealed that teacher quality as measured in terms of qualification, experience and attitude of teachers play a pivotal role in academic performance of pupils in Social Studies, Maths and English. Indeed, findings from the related local and international evidence-based research indicate that „what matters most‟ is quality teachers and teaching, supported by strategic teacher professional development! The influence of teacher quality in Kiswahili was not cle...


ABSTRACT Cocoa production has been the backbone of Ghana’s economy for more decades. It employs over a million people throughout the country and source of livelihood for many in the country. This study assessed economic and financial implications of decline in cocoa production in the Bono Region (Jaman South Municipality, specifically Drobo). The study adopted a case study research design using cross sectional survey methods. Purposive sampling was used to select 100 respondents for the stu...

Determinants of Non-Preforming Loans: A Case of Zimbabwe's Banking Sector (2009-2013).

ABSTRACT The research sought to establish the determinants of non-performing loans in the banking sector of Zimbabwe. The study covered the period from 2009 to 2013 using quarterly time-series data employing the ordinary list squares method to ascertain the factors that contribute to NPLs. Over the period, the non-performing loans have been on an upward trend despite the use of the multi-currency. The major research findings and conclusions is that inflation, unemployment and interest rates ...

Influence Of Financial Sustainability Factors On Growth Of Non-Governmental Organizations In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya has experienced enormous growth in establishment of NGOs, with more than 100% increase between 1977 and 1987, striking over 23,000 by 1997 and 47,000 by 2016; thereby attracting increased foreign and local funding especially from 2006; reflecting renewed donor confidence in the government’s resolve for proper management of the economy. Despite the phenomenal establishment of sustainability drivers; being income generating capacity, income source diversity, financial planning ...

The Relationship Between Public External Debt and Private Investment in Zimbabwe (1980-2016)

ABSTRACT Progressive public indebtedness in Zimbabwe particularly in the form of foreign financing has culminated into debt distress in the nation. The country has accumulated stocks of unpaid public foreign debts over the years and as a consequence debt burden began to develop in the nation. Apparently such accumulation of external debt stocks is posited to lead to debt overhang and determent of private investment. As such this research study examined the relationship between public externa...

The Impact Of Government Expenditure On Income Distribution In Nigeria Between Financial Years 1971/72 And 1976/77

ABSTRACT This thesis attempted an estimation of the impact of Federal government expenditures on income distribution. Using documentary, survey and case study research methods, and employing statistical methods of analyses, the study estimated the distribution of Federal government expenditures for 1971/72 and 1976/77 financial years among the regions and the distributional impacts of 1976/77 Federal government expenditures on education, health, housing, electricity and general services among...

Impact Of Economic Growth On Environmental Quality In Zimbabwe 1985-2015

ABSTRACT This research was mainly aimed at investigating the environmental impact of economic growth in Zimbabwe for the period 1985-2015. Various authors have expressed their views with regards to the determinants of environmental degradation with economic growth as the major player. CO2 was used as a proxy for environmental quality. Using the Ordinary Least Squares model, the researcher obtained that in the early stages of development, growth accelerates the rate of environmental quality lo...

The Determinants Of Foreign Reserves In Nigeria

Abstract Foreign exchange reserves’ adequacy is a key component of good macroeconomic management. Foreign reserves can be used to smoothen exchange rate volatility in illiquid foreign exchange markets. This study adopts a modified version of buffer stock model to analyze the determinants of Nigeria’s foreign reserves. Using annual time series data from 1970 to 2009, the study regresses international reserve variable on macroeconomic variables: real income, interest rate differential (a me...

Institutional Quality And Stock Market Development In Nigeria - An Application Of The Ardl Approach

ABSTRACT This study was motivated by the growing concern on the impact of Institutional Quality on economic outcomes. The study focused specifically on the Nigerian Stock Market due to its critical role in the economy as a vehicle for efficient resource allocation. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing procedure is employed using data from 1985 to 2012. The study used the ARDL model to ascertain the long-run impact of institutional quality on stock market development in Nig...

Economic Effects Of Crude Oil Exploitation On Cassava Production In Delta State

ABSTRACT This study examined the economic effects of crude oil exploitation on cassava production in Delta State. Specifically, the effect of crude oil exploitation on land productivity, farm income and cassava yield was explored. The costs and returns, and hence profitability of cassava production as influenced by oil pollution, the farming systems and socio-economic characteristics of cassava farmers were critically examined. Copies of well structured questionnaires were used to collect pri...

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