Economics Research Papers/Topics

Ghana’s Export Performance: The Role Of Exchange Rate Volatility, Exchange Rate Policies And Challenges To Export Diversification

ABSTRACT The thesis is divided into three empirical papers to address the core issues regarding the main drivers of Ghana’s export performance both at the macro and micro levels with focus on the role of exchange rate volatility and exchange rate policies, and the constraints to Ghana’s export diversification effort by examining its economic complexity levels as well as the product space and the prospects for structural transformation. The empirical chapter one, titled “Ghana’s Export...

Formal And Informal Credit Demand By Rice Farmers In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Limited access to credit is one of the fundamental problems faced by rice farmers in the Northern Region of Ghana. As such, it is the aim of government and other organizations such as the Food Security and Rice Producer Organization (FSRPOP) to increase rice farmers‟ access to credit. However, studies on the demand side of the credit market of rice farmers that would help formulate appropriate policies essential for increasing rice farmers‟ demand for credit are missing. The stud...

Efficiency Of Government Expenditure In The Ecowas Sub-Region

ABSTRACT Efficiency of government expenditure is very important in the management of every economy since outcomes depend on the ability of resources to reach their target destination. Governments all over the world spend a high percentage of their GDP annually and countries in the ECOWAS sub-region are no exception. With efficiency, countries can achieve better outcomes with the same level of spending or even less. This study, therefore, seeks to examine the relationship between government sp...

Human Capital, Research And Development And Exports: Firm-Level Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT Despite the vast and growing body of empirical literature focusing on the drivers of export performance of firms, the empirical evidence on the channels through which human capital and R&D affect firm export is dearth even though this relationship seems to be important, specifically for developing economies. In this study, a conceptual model is developed drawing on the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory of the firm to conduct a detailed evaluation of whether firm export is explained by...

Deforestation In Ghana The Role Of Incentives

ABSTRACT The fast rate at which the nation's forests are being depleted as a result of unsustainable land-use practices adopted by economic agents, has become a serious concern to policy-makers. Even though several afforestation and reforestation schemes are being undertaking by the government and private individuals, they seem inadequate compared to the rate of destruction. A combination of econometric analysis, a survey, and tabular representation and analyses have been used to analyse the ...

Cash Transfers And Multidimensional Child Poverty In Ghana

ABSTRACT LEAP is a flagship program of Ghana government that seeks to leap poor households out from poverty. Since the inception of this program, limited studies have explored the effect of the program on child poverty in Ghana. This study sought to quantify the impact of LEAP program on multidimensional child poverty using Global MPI. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to achieve the objectives of the study. The study used secondary data obtained from Institute of Statisti...

Tax Reforms & Revenue Mobilisation: A Case Study Of The Mining Sector Of Ghana

ABSTRACT A strong and efficient tax system provides the basis for enhanced economic growth and development. Ghana‘s fiscal structure prior to 1983 had generally been characterized by low revenue. As a result, Ghana undertook a number of reforms prescribed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank under the Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) and the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP). Under the programmes, numerous policies were amended to establish a more attractive inve...

Pension Contributions And National Savings In Ghana; Trends, Prospects And Challenges

ABSTRACT World Bank report (2010) clearly reported a continuous increase in old age dependency ratio and a sharp decline in fertility rate. The disparity of child birth between the early 1960s and the 2000s has caused many people to be found in the old age group. Now, the kind of pension scheme operating in Ghana is the Pay as you go scheme (PAYG) and the sustainability of the scheme depends on increasing working population. The problem is how the fewer young people under the PAYG scheme can ...

Trade Logistics, Trade Costs And Bilateral Trade Within Sub Saharan Africa – A Panel Estimation

ABSTRACT World trade has expanded over the last few decades, but the trade within Africa especially among Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries has been low. Globally there has been a reduction in tariff rates, reducing trade costs in general, but the SSA region still records the high costs of trade as compared to other developing regions and this has hindered the flow of trade within the region (World Bank Doing Business report, 2013). SSA’s poorly developed trade logistics in the form of po...

Consumer’s Willingness to Pay For Pesticide Free Food Products in The Accra-TEMA Metropolitan Areas

ABSTRACT In Ghana, as in many developing countries, farmers depends largely on pesticides to control pest and weeds. Unfortunately, residues of this pesticides in the soil, crops and vegetables poses a great harm to the environment and human health which has the ability to erode the marginal developmental gains that have been made. This study seeks to investigate how much households in the Accra-Tema Metropolitan areas are willing to pay for selected Pesticide Free Products that are more env...

Determinants of Accessibility of Loans by Household Enterprises in Developing Countries : Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT The problem of access to loans faced by household enterprises (HEs) is the motivation for this study. The study examined the determinants of access to loans in the various financial sectors. The objective of this study was to identify the factors that influence HEs’ access to loans in general and also their access to formal and informal loans, and also new strategies to finance HEs. The study focused on entrepreneurial characteristics and enterprise features that influence access ...

Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises’ (SMEs’) Access To Credit In Ghana: Determinants And Challenges

ABSTRACT The motivation for this study is the persistent lack of access to credit facing all firms in general and SMEs in particular. The study examined factors that determine access to finance as well as challenges facing SMEs in their access to finance in Ghana. The specific objective is to find the factors that influence SMEs’ demand for and access to credit in Ghana. The study focused on characteristics of the owners/managers of SMEs and features of those SMEs that influence their deman...

Monetary Approach To The Balance Of Payments: A Case Study For West Africa Monetary Zone Countries

ABSTRACT With the advent of globalization and regional economic integration across the globe, monetary and financial integration has become imperative in West Africa and this has led to the creation of a West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ). A major challenge for the introduction of a single currency within WAMZ countries has been the persistence instability in the balance of payments. The objective of the study is to analyse the monetary approach to the balance of payments (MABP) in the West Af...

Socioeconomic Analysis of Improper Solid Waste Disposal in Ghana

ABSTRACT The alarming rate of waste generation in Ghana, coupled with the adoption of improper solid waste disposal methods by most Ghanaians has necessitated several interventions of which the polluter pays principle is key. However, its implementation has not yielded the desired results yet, since the exploration of the main factors underlying the use of improper solid waste disposal (SWD) methods as well as the decision to pay for SWD has not been exhaustive. This thesis therefore seeks t...

Tax Policy And Economic Growth: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT  An evaluation of the budgetary process in Ghana depicts that annual expenditure proposals are continuously anchored on projected revenue. This means that the accuracy of revenue projection is a necessary condition for devising a suitable framework for fiscal deficit management in Ghana. This study explores the impact of tax policy measures on economic growth using time series data for the period 1970 2013 to devise a reasonably accurate estimation of Ghana‟s sustainable revenue p...

841 - 855 Of 1535 Results