Economics Research Papers/Topics

Natural Resources, Institutions And Domestic Revenue Mobilization; From Global to Local Evidence

ABSTRACT The quest to mobilize sustainable domestic revenues for financing development is a challenge for many countries, especially those in the developing world. Discovering non-renewable natural resources should therefore be good news. However, the notion of a natural resource curse suggests that countries that are rich in natural resources often perform poorly on several development outcomes. A related term, fiscal resource curse, has emerged. The fiscal resource curse is the inability o...

Revaluation of The Impact of Monetary Policy on Agricultural Output in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work is an empirical effort attempted to re-evaluate the impact of monetary policy on agricultural output with annual secondary data from 1980 to 2015 sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. The ordinary least square techniques was employed for its estimation. The result shows that the independent variables interest rate, cash reserve ratio and deposit money bank credit to agriculture have  significant impact on the Agricultural sector in Nigeria whi...

Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This work is based on an empirical analysis of the impact of fiscal policy on economic growth in Nigeria 1981-2015. The main objective of this study is to empirical investigate/assess the impact of fiscal policy on Nigeria economic growth. A model was constructed to incorporate real gross domestic product (RGDP) as the dependent variable, tax, capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure, domestic debt as the independent variable and tested using the ordinary least-square (OLS) techniq...

Impact of Monetary Policy Instrument on Unemployment in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to ascertain the impact of monetary policy on unemployment in Nigeria. This research is being carried out to determine the overall impact of monetary policy on unemployment. In this study, we empirically determined the impact of selected monetary policies on unemployment in Nigeria from 1980 – 2015. The specific objectives of this study are to determine the impact of selected monetary policy on unemployment in Nigeria, to determine if there is a long run ...

Impact of Exchange Rate on the Nigeria's Balance of Payment 2

ABSTRACT The study investigates empirically the impact of interest rate on manufacturing sector output in Nigeria. The broad objective of this study is; to determine the impact of interest rate on manufacturing sector output in Nigeria. Annual data on manufacturing sector output, inflation rate, commercial banks total loan volume and interest rate from the Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin and IndexMundi covering the period 1981 – 2015 were utilized. A model was constructed to i...

Impact of Healthcare Delivery on Agricultural Sector Output in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work is an empirical effort attempting to examine the impact of healthcare delivery on agricultural sector output using the ordinary least squares (OLS) with annual secondary data from 1980 to 2016 sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin and Index Mundi Database. The co integration and regression analysis of the variables were used to analyze the data .The result of this study shows the independent variables (life expectancy and mortality rate) have s...

Impact of Exchange Rate on The Nigeria's Balance of Payment

ABSTRACT The study investigates empirically the impact of Exchange Rate on Balance of Payment in Nigeria. The broad objective of this study is; to determine the impact of exchange rate on Balance of Payment in Nigeria within the periods of 1981 to 2015. Annual time series data on Exchange Rate, Trade Openness, Import, Export and Balance of Payment from the Central Bank of Nigeria covering the period 1981 – 2015 were utilized. A model was constructed to incorporate Balance of Payment as th...

Impact of Deposit Money Bank Credits on Economic Growth of Nigeria

ABSTRACT This work is based on the impact of deposit money bank credits on Nigeria economic growth. The main objective of this study is; to ascertain the impact of deposit money bank credits on economic growth of Nigeria (1981-2016). A model was constructed to incorporate real gross domestic product (RGDP) as the dependent variable proxy of economic growth, commercial bank credit (CBC) and interest rate (INTR) as the independent variables and tested using the ordinary least-square (OLS) tech...

Impact of Agricultural Financing on The Agricultural Output in Nigeria

ABSRACT This study examined the effect of agriculturalfinancing on agricultural output in Nigeria.This study is necessitated by the fact that agricultural practices have not been given full attention they deserve in Nigeria knowing truly that the country by nature is gifted in agriculture and its neglect is our bane in terms of food production and revenue yield. The research relied on secondary data that was used, which concentrated on banks credit and Government funding of the agricultur...

Corruption And Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Evidence From West Africa

ABSTRACT The significance of foreign capital inflows to West Africa cannot be underestimated, more so when almost all the countries in the sub-region are virtually aid-dependent. One way to access this muchneeded resource can be through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). This rationalization has ignited a stiff competition for FDI among nations, sub-region and regions. However, FDI inflows to West Africa have been dwindling over the years, which may impede efforts to achieve the Sustainable Dev...

The Effects Of Foreign Direct Investment On Environmental Quality In West Africa

ABSTRACT Foreign direct investment (FDI) has played a key role in the growth and development of developing economies. However, one prominent opposing question about foreign direct investment is whether it is a blessing or a curse to the natural environment of the host country. While some argue that the positive spillover of FDI especially through green technologies improves the natural environment of the host country, opponents argue that it deteriorates the natural environment through an inc...

Moonlighting To Survive: The Effect Of Multiple Job Holding On The Working Poor In Ghana.

ABSTRACT Earlier works on moonlighting are concentrated on the motives for holding two or more jobs. In Ghana, as well as other African countries, studies on multiple job holding have mostly centered around determinants of moonlighting, relationship between moonlighting and unionism, urban deprivation and multiple modes of livelihood, among others. On the contrary, little work has been done on the effect that moonlighting has on moonlighters, especially the working poor population. This thesi...

Government Deficit And The Inflationary Process In Nigeria, 1986-1998

ABSTRACT This research investigates empirically the relationship between government deficit and inflation in Nigeria. The study aimes at determining the nature of causality between deficit and inflation; the dynamics of inflation; and the role of deficit in the process of inflation, among others. Both descriptive and analytical techniques have been used to carry out the study. Specifically, ratios, charts, growth rates and a macro econometric model have been used to analyse relevant statistic...

Human Resource Development And Nigeria Economy A Case Study In Umuna In Orlu Local Government Area In Imo State

ABSTRACT The study seeks to find out the implication of human resource development on the economic development of Umuna in Orlu Local Government Area in Imo State. With the use of survey design and random sampling of corporate workers, civil servants, private company workers and labor in general, questionnaire administration is used to acquire information and simple percentage for generalization. The study found out that development can be achieved through accessible health care and affordab...

Assessing Trade Liberalisation On Food Security In Sub-Saharan Africa (Ssa)

ABSTRACT The primary goal of governments, development partners and Non-Governmental Organisations to end hunger and ensure food security for all by 2030 under the United Nations declaration remains a key policy drive especially for developing countries. This study as a result, examines the effect of trade liberalisation on food security in Sub-Sahara Africa from 1970 to 2014. The study adopts the System General Method of Moments (GMM) econometric technique in investigating the effect of trade...

886 - 900 Of 1535 Results