Economics Research Papers/Topics

Horizon And Cooperation: How The Length of A Game Affects Player Cooperation

ABSTRACT The study of conflict and cooperation in competitive situations has contributed greatly to various fields. From modelling to describing behaviour, the application of game theory in these fields has significantly improved their depth and robustness. Despite the field’s usefulness there is still a significant disconnect between theoretical predictions and what is evidenced empirically. Illuminating this gap greatly explains the motivation behind this empirical study. An experiment o...

Mothers’ Control Of Household Financial Resources And child malnutrition: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT Over the years, there has been an improvement in child nutritional status around the world. Though this improvement in child nutritional status has also been evident in Ghana, it has been slow and unevenly distributed across the country. Ghana‘s child nutritional indicators are still below the average conditions that prevail globally. Wasting in Ghana is still higher than the average rate around the world, and a relatively higher percentage of children below age five in Ghana suf...

Determinants Of Electricity Generation: the Case Of Selected Sub-Sharan African Countries

ABSTRACT The World Bank Reported in 2013 that 25 out of the 48 SSA countries were experiencing energy crises which has resulted in brownouts and blackouts in those countries. Consequently, many sectors of the economy of these countries have being suffering great losses as they experience incessant power outages. Therefore the study focused on the factors that determine the generation of electricity in the case of selected SSA countries so as contribute in the curbing of the situation. Also,...

Households’ Willingness To Pay For Improved Electricity Supply In The Accratema Metropolitan Areas

ABSTRACT Electricity is an essential commodity that affects every sphere of life. It is especially fundamental for emerging economies whose national developmental agenda require constant availability of power. Ghana depends heavily on electricity to carry out most of its activities. The industry, services sector, and households all need electricity for their activities. Unfortunately, a major problem that confronts the nation is the irregular and unreliable supply of electricity. Electric pow...

Essays On Foreign Direct Investment In Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT This thesis comprises of five chapters with three empirical papers on essays on foreign direct investment (FDI) in SSA. The first empirical paper investigates the geographical determinants of FDI, while controlling for resources, market, efficiency and institutional factors in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) from 2002 to 2016. To achieve this objective, a panel data consisting of a sample of 40 SSA countries was estimated using Hausman-Taylor estimation technique. To check for the robustn...

Estimating The Optimal Royalty Tax In The Gold Mining Sector Of Ghana

ABSTRACT   Gold is the most important mineral resource in Ghana. It has over the years contributed to Ghana’s foreign exchange earnings, Gross Domestic Product, employment and government revenue through taxes. However, mining of gold brings great destruction to Ghana’s forests and its habitats. These costs are usually not considered in the design of fiscal policies. The question that arises is, what is the optimal royalty tax rate that would internalize the environmental cost of mining...

The Determinants Of Healthcare Expenditure In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study is motivated by the conviction that previous studies on the determinants of per capita government healthcare expenditure are mostly based on international comparisons of healthcare expenditure. The study analyses the main demand side determinants of per capita government healthcare expenditure in Ghana from 1970 to 2006. Using the Johansen cointegration test and an error correction model, the paper identified the key determinants of per capita government healthcare expendi...

The Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi) On Economic Growth: A Comparative Study Of East And Central Africa

ABSTRACT This study analyzes the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth in East and Central Africa between 2000 and 2015. A sample of 24 countries made up of 16 from East Africa and 8 from Central Africa were considered. Data was obtained from World Bank Development Indicators and World Governing Indicators. I employed the pooled Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression and panel data econometric techniques for the estimations and the findings revealed that FDI positively ...

Democracy And Economic Growth In Ghana

ABSTRACT The study of democracy and economic growth is a growing research area both in economics and political economy all over the globe. This study primarily examines the empirical relationship between democracy and economic growth in Ghana using time series data from 1971-2009. It specifically explores the short-run and long-run relationship between democracy and economic growth as well as the direction of causality between them. The research further seek to find the extent to which tax re...

A Public Sector Strategy For Providing An Adequate Food And Nutrition In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to develop a systematic approach for analyzing food and nutrition problems in Nigeria with a view to providing a suitable framework of public sector policies

Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism And Inflation Targeting In Ghana

ABSTRACT  The primary objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the monetary policy rate and the transmission mechanism under the current inflation targeting regime in Ghana. This study shows, in particular, the importance of fiscal dominance on the effectiveness of monetary policy and the role of the four transmission variables in explaining inflation in Ghana. We trace out the eventual effect of the policy rate on the economy; assess the role of the four transmission varia...

Households' Investment in Financing Education: Ghana's Recent Experience

ABSTRACT The primary quest of governments, development partners (multilaterals and well-meaning civil societies) and Non-Governmental Organizations to end all forms of poverty and ensure dignified life for all under the UN declarations (MDGs and now SGDs) remains a prime policy target for all development stakeholders especially those in developing countries. The link between education, poverty reduction, healthy living and economic growth has been extensively studied in the literature. Publi...

The Impact Of Commercial Bank Credit On Non-Oil Export Trade In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work examined the impact of commercial bank credit (CBC) on Non-oil export trade in Nigeria. Four variables were used in the study. This study adopted the econometric time series analysis from 1992-2015 and the data were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. The empirical analysis that were carried out to achieve the objectives include unit root, co-integration, the long run regression model and short run error correction model. The Augmented Dicke...

The Impact Of Interest Rate On The Nigeria Economic Growth

ABSTRACT     Exchangerate isthe priceofonecurrency intermsofanothercurrency. Exchange ratesthisexchangerateisalsoused todeterminethe level ofoutputgrowth ofthe country.Overtheyears,Nigeriahasadoptedvariousexchange rateregimeranging researchworkiscenteredonthe impactof  exchangerate ontheNigeria economic growthwith specialemphasisonthe purchasingpower oftheaverageNigeriaand the  level  of  international  trade  transaction.  Todo this, the classical linear regressionmodelisappliedandt...

The Impact Of Interest Rate On Domestic Investment

ABSTRACT The relationship between interest rate and domestic investment has attracted the attention of economists and other economic experts. This study carried out an empirical analysis of the impact of interest rate on domestic investment in Nigeria covering the period 1980-2016. Data for the research was extracted from the central bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. The methodology adopted in the research is the multiple linear regression with the application of Ordinary least Squares (...

856 - 870 Of 1535 Results