Economics Research Papers/Topics

The Challenge And Prospects Of Teaching Economics In Secondary School: Case Study Of Some Selected Secondary School In Sokoto Metropolis

Background to the Study In the recent time, there are growing agitations and calls on developing countries to focus their attention on economics education in order for them to turn around the economic status of their various Countries. It is against this background that the various Nigerian governments have been placing emphasis on the acquisition of economic education in the educational system. This issue led to the formulation of the new national policy on education. (NPE, 2006) which seem...

Quality Assurance Standards And Their Enforcement In Private Nursery And Primary Schools In Sokoto Metropolis

ABSTRACT The core function of Quality Assurance Standard is to ensure compliance of private and public schools to the standard requirements of educational system in Nigeria, the research project investigated compliance in Quality Assurance Standards and how they are enforced in private nursery and primary schools in Sokoto metropolis. The research project has addressed four research questions. The population of the research consisted of all the teachers and head teachers in private nursery a...

Response Of Economic Growth To The Dynamics Of Service Sector In Nigeria

Abstract The misconception of services as being nonproductive has led to the neglect of the service sector in both economic theory and applied economic researches. The Nigerian economy highly depends on the oil sector to generate revenue for the entire economy. This study examines the response of economic growth to the dynamics of the service sector in Nigeria from the windows of governance indicators. Using annual data series, endogenous growth model and autoregressive distributed lag techn...

Examining the “Impact of Trade Facilitation Indicators on Bilateral Exports” Involving Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT This study examines the impact of trade facilitation measures on bilateral trade involving Sub-Saharan Africa. It uses country-specific data on logistic performance measures for 189 countries including 47 from SSA over a 9-year period from 2007 - 2015. Leveraging a logistics performance augmented gravity model, the findings show trade enhancing effects on all the six trade facilitation measures with customs efficiency, trade and transport-related infrastructure and competence and q...

Credit Administration In Commercial Bank (A Case Study Of Unity Bank Nigeria Plc)

ABSTRACT This research work was undertaken to assess the CREDIT ADMINISTRATION IN COMMERCIAL BANK (A CASE STUDY OF UNITY BANK NIGERIA PLC). This work was intended to achieve the following objectives: to appraise and determine the lending procedure of banks, to highlight the extent to which improper project evaluation influence bad debt of Money-Deposit Banks. Relevant data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire was the main primary data collected instrument emp...

Entrepreneurship Knowledge And Self-Employment Intention Among Undergraduates. A Case Study Of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

ABSTRACT This study provides understanding of entrepreneurial intention of undergraduates. It reports findings from qualitative data retrieved from self-administered questionnaires to final year students of Usmanu Danfodio University Sokoto that were selected through random sampling. Analytical techniques used include frequency, percentages and logit regression to know the impact of entrepreneurship education on the intention of students to be self-employed. Finally, the study found that exp...

The Role Of Microfinance In Poverty Alleviation In Nigeria

This chapter contains the background to the study followed by the statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, the significance of the study, the scope and limitations of the study and lastly, the scheme of chapters. 

Challenges of Municipal Finance in Ghana; A Case Study of Tema Metropolitan Assembly

ABSTRACT The study focused on the challenges of municipal finance in TMA. The study analysed the sources of revenue, assessed the extent to which revenue generated are able to meet expenditure requirements, examined the constraints of revenue mobilisation and evaluated the management of financial resources in TMA. Purposive sampling was used to select two officers who had in-depth knowledge on the subject matter whilst simple random sampling was employed to select one hundred and one revenue...

Exports and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Roles of Intra- and Inter-SSA Exports.

ABSTRACT Most economies in Sub–Saharan Africa (SSA) have been lagging behind in development due to low growth performance over the years. The destinations of SSA exports have largely remained the same, with Europe commanding the ‘lions’ share of total exports while intra-regional trade remains very low over the years. However, the assessment of the effect of export destinations (intra and inter-SSA exports) on economic growth has not received any significant attention in Sub–Saharan ...

The Effects of Household Wealth on Selected Indicators on Maternal And Child Health; Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT Though Ghana has succeeded in halving poverty prior to the commencement of the new global agenda – Sustainable Development Goals, the country still faces high maternal and child mortality rates partly due to disparities in household wealth among other contextual factors. This study investigates the effect of household wealth on selected indicators of maternal and child health– antenatal care (ANC), modern contraceptive use and under-five mortality. In 2016, the WHO recommended a...

Analysis Of The Price And Income Elasticities Of Energy Demand In Nigeria. (1980-2019)

ABSTRACT This study estimated price and income elasticities of energy demand in Nigeria. The objective of the study was to examine the responsiveness of demand for energy to changes in price of energy and per capita income in Nigeria. The demand for petroleum product (gasoline and diesel), proxy for energy demand is the dependent variable, while weighed average price for energy demand and per capita income are the independent variable. The study adopted regression analysis and vector error co...

The Impact of Trade Policy Reforms on International Tax Revenue in Ghana

ABSTRACT The trade sector is generally considered as one that can set the stage for the development of an economy, as evidenced by the immense economic developments attained by Japan and China as a result of their good performance in the trade sectors. Ghana had hopes of achieving such success in the trade sector owing to the abundance of natural resources in the country but within 25 years of independence, the economy had cave in as a result of poor economic performance in the trade sector....

The Determinants Of Gender Asset Gap In Ghana

ABSTRACT Differences in economic outcomes and the analysis of their determinants are of utmost importance in various domains. Especially with respect to gender, there is massive (political) interest in whether these differences reflect discrimination or whether they simply arise from differences in relevant observable characteristics between men and women. This study focuses on estimating wealth differences between men and women in Ghana to comprehend and appreciate these differences and unde...

Health Expenditure And Selected Health-Related Millennium Development Goals In Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been identified as the region least likely to achieve the MDGs. Of all the MDGs, those related to health seem far out of reach of the region even though SSA countries have been making efforts to achieve them. The unmatched nature of the efforts and outcomes has attracted several concerns in the literature. One variable that is very crucial to the advancement of the region towards the health-related MDGs is health expenditure. Though there are several stud...

Labour Skills Mismatch In Urban Ghana

ABSTRACT The expected harmony in terms of forward and backward linkages between education, skills and labour market outcomes has been met with frictions and imperfections that raises questions about the market relevance of acquired education and skills relative to industry requirements. The phenomenon of skills mismatch thus remains crucial for developing economies like Ghana considering colossal investment in education and skill development. This study, therefore, attempts to provide a compr...

916 - 930 Of 1535 Results