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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Factors That Affects Small And Medium Scale Enterprises

ABSTRACTThis research work evaluates factors that affect small and medium scale enterprisesIt is quiet true that small business is the dominant form of business enterprise in any economy whether developed or developing. This sector today is being recognized by developing nations due to its role in the economic development of the economy. Also the Democratic system of governance in the country under the leadership of Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo administration contains incentives aimed at encouragin...

Factors Influencing Customers Patronage Of Fast Food Restaurants In Abia State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study is an attempt to examine factors influencing customers patronage of fast food restaurants: A study of selected customers of fast food in Abia state, Nigeria. Specifically, the study provides empirical evidence on factors that Influence the behaviour of consumers towards patronising the fast food restaurants. It also determined the nature of relationship between fast food restaurants determinant factors and the behaviour of consumers towards patronising the fast food restau...

Factors Influncing Customers Patronage Of Fast Food Restaurants In Abia State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT  There is a perceived Increase In the number of fast food restaurants that crop up in every city and township In Nigeria. Thus, suggesting that the sector is gaining acceptance among consumers. Tabassum and Rahman (2012) argued that the popularity of fast food restaurant in every growing city of the world is a product of the effect of globalization. Thus, every segment of the society now consume fast food. According to Ahmed, Hossain, Malek & Begum (2008), consuming fast foods has b...

Examine The Impact Of Accounting Information On The Profitability Of Manufacturing Company With Refrence To Nigeria

ABSTRACTThis research work is to examine the impact of accounting information on the profitability of manufacturing company with reference to Nigeria. Accounting is the language of business as it is the basic tool for recording, reporting and evaluating economic events and transactions that affect business enterprises. It processes all documents of a business financial performance from payroll, cost, capital expenditure and other obligations to sale revenue and owners’ equity. Generally, th...


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Ethics refers to a discipline in which matter of right and wrong, good and evil, virtue and vice are systematically examined (Brinkmann, 2002). In Nigeria, according to Aguolu (2002) the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria in 1979 issued the ‘Codes of Professional Conduct of Members’ (revise in1989) outlining the codes of conduct for its members in matters of professional practice. Such codes of conduct relates to the requirem...

Effects Of Motivation On Salesforce Performance In Guinness Nigeria Plc And Mobile Telecommunication Network In South-East, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of motivation on sales force performance in  Guinness Nigeria Plc and MTN in South-East. The major objective of this work is to examine the comparative implications of motivation on sales force performance in manufacturing and service companies. Sales force are not active and effective as most of them are late to appointments, fail to keep business appointments, give incorrect information to customers, supply wrong product brand, re...

Effectiveness Of Personal Selling Strategies In Marketing Of Table Water And Juice Drinks In Abia State Naigeria

ABSTRACTThis research work evaluates the effectiveness of personal selling strategies in marketing of table water and juice drinks in abia state, Nigeria. Water resources are natural assets that create flows of goods and services over time. One of the ways one can make money in Nigeria today is by investing in table water or sachet water business. Today, due to the free entry and exit in the sector, it has increasingly become highly competitive. Since it is competitive it becomes necessary to...

Effectiveness of Inventory Management in a Manufacturing Company

ABSTRACT  This study examines the essence of effective inventories control and management to manufacturing companies with particular emphasis on Ama Greenfield Breweries plc. The aim of this study is to investigate and ascertain areas of lapses by the company and offer effective ways and solutions in which the manufacturing company can explore the services of inventory management to effect its objectives. In carrying out this study, various research instruments such as questionnaires and or...

Effect Of Bank Merger And Acquisition On Small Business Lending In Nigeria (A Study Of Gtb And Uba In Nigeria)

ABSTRACT The study is on “the effect of bank merger and acquisition on small business lending in Nigeria”. The researcher set to explain the effect of merger and acquisition on bank lending behavior the effect is divided into four. One is the static effect and the other three are types of dynamic effect; restructuring effect, direct effect and external effect. Entangling these four effects allowed us to identify how mergers and acquisition affect small business lending. The data was colle...

Economic Impact Of Marketing Communication Mix On The Nigerian Telecommunication Industry” A Study Of Mtn Nigeria In Imo State

                                               ABSTRACT The research purpose is to evaluate economic impact of marketing communication mix on the Nigerian telecommunication industry” a study of mtn  Nigeria in imo state Economic impact of marketing communication mix on telecommunication industry cannot be over emphasized. At the heart of management lies a fundamental requirement of being able to communicate. The way buyers respond to sales or the introduction of a ...

Consumption Patterns And Preferences Switching Among Consumers From Foreign To Local Rice In Umuahia Metropolis Abia State, Nigeria

 ABSTRACTThis research work is based on consumption patterns and preferences switching among consumers from foreign to local rice in umuahia metropolis abia state, Nigeria. Over the years The Nigerian food sector has been characterised by excess demand over supply, through primarily to a high population growth rate of about 3% per annum, high rate of urbanization and rising per capital income stimulated by both export revenue boom and wage increases, Nigerian market summary, Consequently, fo...

Evaluation Of Internal Control Measures And Corporate Governance Of Firms In Nigeria: A Survey Of Selected Manufacturing Companies In Rivers State

ABSTRACTThis research work is based on the evaluation of internal control measures and corporate governance of firms in Nigeria:  a survey of selected manufacturing companies in rivers state. The primary objective of all business organization is profit maximizing. Consequently, a lot of management effort is geared toward increasing revenue through sales and minimizing cost. As a result of this all business organization use what is known as corporate governance. With respect to research quest...

Bureaucracy And Efficiency (A Case Study Of Enugu State Civil Service)

ABSTRACT  This research project is on Bureaucracy and efficiency (A case study of Enugu State civil service). It is been carried out to assess the level of efficiency in the bureaucracy and the functions of the bureaucracy. It is hoped that the study will help to educate civil servants on their expected roles and factors that can make them to be more efficient in the delivery of social service to the citizenry. The work contains five chapters. The researcher adopted the bureaucratic theory a...

A Survey of the Efficient and Effective Personnel Management in Small and Medium Scale Industries

ABSTRACT  The efficiency and effectiveness of any organization weather small or big depends on the people that manage it. And manning an organization has been a serious problem of small and medium scale companies like Nigeria and because of this, these companies have not been able to achieve their goals. It is against this background that this research work was conducted to investigate such problems as sources of recruitment and selection of workers, human resources development and motivatio...

A Comparative Study Of Expenditure Control Methods In Government And Privately Owned Hospitals.

ABSTRACT  This research work on A Comparative Study of Expenditure Controls method in Government and private Hospitals is aimed at studying and analysing the different methods of expenditure control that is being adopted by these hospitals, their practical application and their level of effectiveness. It is aimed at carrying out a comparative analysis of two hospitals. To achieve the aim of this research, secondary data through textbooks and journals were used to review some of the related l...

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