ABSTRACTAutomated procurement (c-procurement) is a growing aspect of supply chain management and isreceiving a lot of attention from supermarkets globally. This is because there is stiff competitionin the supermarket industry and customers are exerting pressure on retailers in terms of; demandvariability, reduced lead-time, need for customized products and services. Therefore,supermarkets can longer compete on cost reduction alone, but also on how efficient they canprocure their products and ...
ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to determine therelationship between suppi> chain management practices and operational performance of Manulhcturing industries in Uganda..The objectives of the study were; to establish the impact of transportation management on Cost reduction, to find out the impact of warehousing on customer satisfaction and to establish the relationship between Supply chain Management and operational performance. The research design adopted a descrip...
ABSTRACTThe research study is intended to assess the impact of disarmament on socioeconomic development/service delivery in Kotido Sub county, Kotido district. The research hypothesis was developed as follows: ~There is less contribution of disarmament to the socioeconomic development in Kotido Sub County in Kotido district”. The study will be carried out in Kotido Sub County in Kotido district. Where there is tension and distrust between the security agencies and t...
ABSTRACTThe study examined the relationship between marketing research and new product developmenttaking Mukwano Group of Companies as a case study. The research also capitalized on threeobjectives which required determining the effect that customer analysis contributes to new productdevelopment, determining the effect of market segmentation on new product development, andestablish the relationship between marketing strategy and new product development. The studyemployed stratified, simple ra...
ABSTRACTThe study sought to establish the "the role of microfinance banks on povertyeradication" with a case study of Centenary bank-Arua branch and was drivenby mainly three objectives. These objectives included; the need to identify thepolicies used by the Microfinance Ins titutions such as Centenary Bank, AruaBranch in a dministering loans. The need to determine the effectiveness of theabove policies used by Microfinance Institutions such as Centenary Bank, AruaBranch towards poverty eradi...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between access o micro creditand the growth of small and medium scale enterprises in Uganda.The study was guided by the following research objectives; to examine access to microcredit and the growth of small and medium enterprises in Uganda, to examine the rate ofgrowth of SMEs accusing micro credit facilities in Uganda and to establish the relationshipbetween access to micro credit and growth of SMEs in Uganda.The study was a...
ABSTRACTDecentralization presents an opportunity for non-governmental organizations (NGO'S) and localgovernment to closely work together to improve service delivery.However, despite the existence of a legal and instrnmental framework to operationalise NGO'S andlocal government cooperation, the relationship between the two institutions is clear. This has had animpact on service delivery to the grassroots communities. The effect of job rotation on theorganization productivity forms the focus of...
ABSTRACTThe report has been written as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of thedegree of Bachelor of Business Administration in Kampala international university.As a pre-requisite for the award of the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree, onehas to present a written and acceptable piece of research report. In compliance with theregulation, the author has carried out a piece research a study of effectiveness of fmancial,··"accountability in local government in Maki...
ABSTRACTlntcmal controls arc an important aspect of an entity as it ensures effective managementand eventual achievement of an organization's goals. Internal controls on cash areinstrumental in ensuring that a Hnn 's cash foflows and outflows arc wcl I managed andthat the firm ;s overall finances arc satisfactoryThe study impacts of internal controls on cash flow management in an organization wereundertaken at Pride Microfinancc f ,imitcd, located on Metropole f rouse Plot 8-10Enkhhc Road Kam...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to establish the effectiveness of internal audit system in theperformance of local governments in Uganda. The following were the objectives of the Studyto establish how internal auditing helps TCaliro Local Government can improve on the controlenvironment for better financial performance; to establish any information andcommunication system that helps to improve the performance of Kaliro Local Governmentand to identify the risks faced by internal audit un...
ABSTRACTThe topic of the study was Economic growth and Unemployment in Nigeria (1990-20 11) whichis a period of 21 years. Economic growth is the independent variable while unemployment is thedependent variable. The purpose of the study is to establish whether there is a relationshipbetween economic growth and unemployment in Nigeria. It was guided by the objectives whichare to determine the level of economic growth, unemployment and the relationship between bothvariables.The hypothesis of the...
ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to examine the impact of packaging of soft drinks oncustomer satisfaction. The study was carried out in Crown Beverages Company inKampala Uganda. It is franchise of PepsiCo with it's headquartered in New York.Having been in existence since the early 1980's it is known to be producing threedifferent types of soft drinks, which are Pepsi-cola, Mirinda Fruity and Mirinda Orange. Thestudy used a descriptive research on effects of packaging on customer satisfaction...
TABLE OF CONTENTTitle pageApproval SheetDedicationAcknowledgementTable of contentCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction/ background1.1 Statement of research problem1.2 Research question1.3 Objective of the study1.4 Research hypothesis1.5 Significance of the study1.6 Scope and limitation of the study1.7 Definition of the terms1.8 Organization/ plan of the studyCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Literature review2.1 Desirable types of credit facilities by oceanic bank international plc.2.2 Pr...
TABLE OF CONTENTCHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY1.1 Introduction1.2 Statement of problems of the study1.3 Aims and objectives of the study1.4 Significance of the study1.5 Scope of the study1.5.1 Theoretical scope1.5.2 Geographical scope1.5.3 Industrial scope1.5.4 Time scope1.6 limitations and constraints to the studyCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Review of past research reports on the subject matter (empirical review)2.2 Review of braineral test (theoretical reviews)2.3 Summary o...
ABSTRACTThis research work treats marketing research as instrument in the success of small-scale enterprises. The statement of problem of this study deems it fit to verify and investigate application of marketing research. Concept in small-scale enterprises. This project also wants to look at marketing research if it can serve as tools effectively and efficiently and also if there is any room for improvement. The objective of the study is endeavoured to examined the problem involved in applic...