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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Monitoring And Evaluation Practices And Performance Of Constituency Development Fund Projects In Kiambaa Constituency, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT There have been numerous complaints by scholars, researchers, professionals and consultants that CDF projects are not performing. The speed at which the government deals with the grey areas of CDF funded projects management will determine the realization of the Kenya Vision 2030 whose main objective is to transform Kenya’s economy through the well-intended devolved CDF fund projects. Devolution of resources to the decentralized government is a national Government move. The issue i...

Mobile Banking And Profitability Of Tier 1 Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT Mobile banking is an administration given by commercial organizations in participation with cell phone administrators. Mobile banking is evolving as the new front on which banks can differentiate their service delivery as a form of financial innovations. Hence financial innovations have been largely adopted by local banks to enhance profitability. More and more banks are strategically launching newer and newer mobile banking platforms. At the same time, improved financial performanc...

Firm Characteristics And Capital Structure Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Kenya

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises play an important role towards economic growth and development in Kenya at large. Studies have indicated that there is a relationship between firm characteristics such as profitability, asset structure, firm size, age and capital structure of small enterprises. However, iinconsistencies have partly been traced on methodological issues majorly differences in measurement of variables and study designs. In addition, there is limited evidence on their capita...

Work-life balance programs and employee performance in commercial banks in nyeri county, kenya.

ABSTRACT It is increasingly becoming difficult to sideline work life balance and the quality of services given by employees. Technological advancement coupled with new information, the inevitability of prompt response, the value attached to satisfactory customer service and its implications on employee commitment and availability, all require time and can be a source of pressure and conflict on employee and as a result the demands of work place begin to be dominant in life and a situation of...

Performance Contracting Implementation And Employees’ Performance In Embu Water & Sanitation Company Limited Embu County, Kenya

Abstract The use of performance contracts has been acclaimed as an effective and promising means of improving the performance of public enterprises as well as government departments. The public sector in Kenya is faced with the challenge of poor and declining performance, which inhibits realization of sustainable economic growth. The Public sector had consistently fallen below expectations. A review of literature shows that several studies on performance contract have been carried out. Kobia...

Social And Institutional Determinants Of Academic Performance Among Boys In Secondary Schools Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT For many years now, boys have dominated many spheres of life including education. However, in recent past, girls have started outshining boys particularly in education. To be specific, between the years 2010 and 2013, girls have performed better than boys in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education by a significant margin of 1.2% in schools in Changamwe Sub County. The study sought to determine the Influence of Guidance and Counseling services provided to boys at school on boys’ a...

Factors Affecting Effective Implementation Of Street Children Projects In Kenya: A Case Of Nanyuki Municipality

ABSTRACT In Kenya the phenomenon of street children is a major human developmental problem. Government institutions such as the directorate of children's services in the ministry of gender and social services have been involved with programs targeting the street children. Undugu society, a Non - governmental organization established by Arnold in 1973 is arguably the most well established institution that Endeavors to address the plight of street children through non formal education and trai...

Financial management practices and performance of table banking self help groups in nyandarua county, kenya.

ABSTRACT Financial management deals with how to get and utilise the funds in a business in a judicial manner in order for the business enterprise to be profitable. This means proper and efficient use of current assets and it’s an integral part in decision making when a business enterprise or organisation decide on what kind of investment to deal with so that profit will be realised. Financial management practices are the way of doing things in dealing with finance in a business enterprise ...

Application Of Mathematical Concepts In The Teaching And Learning Of Physical Education In Secondary Schools In Former Lugari District, Kakamega County; Kenya

ABSTRACT In school, activities in each subject area can identify and draw upon experiences in other subjects; hence mathematics also identifies experiences in other subjects. This study sought to investigate the application of mathematical concepts in physical education in Secondary schools in former Lugari District, Kakamega county; Kenya. Physical education is a popular subject. The same cannot be said about mathematics, yet there is a lot of mathematics in their world. In the teaching and...

Organizational resources and strategy implementation in non-profit organizations. A case of kenya medical research institute, kenya

ABSTRACT There are many factors that a firm has at its disposal that influence how strategy is implemented. Some of these factors include a firm’s human resources capital, its technological competences, access to financial resources and organizational behaviour. The study’s main objective was to investigate the influence of organizational resources on the strategy implementation at Wellcome Trust initiative of the Kenya Medical Research Institute in Kilifi County, Kenya. The study had th...

Environmental Implications Of The Charcoal Business In Narok-South Sub-County, Narok County

ABSTRACT The forest cover in Kenya which is below the international required standard of 10% coverage is rapidly becoming depleted due to the ever increasing human demand for fuel wood. Unsustainable exploitation of forest resources for commercial charcoal production is a worrying phenomenon in Narok-South Sub-County, Narok County of Kenya. The fast disappearance of tree cover may influence climate change which may in the long run affect crop yields, tourism activities and deepen poverty lev...

Regulatory Modularity And Access To Capital Market Bysmall And Medium Sized Enterprisesin Kenya

ABSTRACT The general objective of this study was to investigate the contribution of regulatory modularity on small medium sized enterprises’ access to capital markets in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to: to investigate the contribution of capital on access to capital markets by small medium sized enterprises in Kenya, to examine the influence of information on access to capital markets by small medium sized enterprises in Kenya, to explore the influence of legal and regulatory requ...

Strategy Implementation And Performance Of Tana River County Government, Kenya

ABSTRACT The environments in which organizations operate have become increasingly uncertain posing a lot of challenges. County governments like any other organizations are also faced with similar challenges in strategy implementation since devolution is still a new concept of governance in Kenya. The implementation of the County Integrated Development Plan of 2013 has not been fully implemented in most counties because of inherited managerial and resource problems from former municipalities,...

Alternative Banking Channels And Performance Of Commercial Banks In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Commercial banks have employed alternative banking channels to reach out to more clients and lower operational costs. However, these channels have encountered a variety of challenges raising questions on the influence they have on performance. Persistent system downtimes, network failures, transaction errors, security concerns and lack of customer confidence have driven customers into seeking services in bank branches resulting to congested banking halls. The objective of this study...

Effect Of Entrepreneurship Training On Entrepreneurial Behaviour Of Rural Youth In Bomet County

ABSTRACT Today’s dynamic business environment and global competition necessitate the identification of new ways to enhance entrepreneurship training especially to the youth. This not only help them to better entrepreneurs or be self-employed but also contribute to increase the perception of important entrepreneurship aspects, as well as create a real vision of entrepreneurship problems. The main objective of the study therefore was to establish the effect of entrepreneurship training on en...

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