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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Workforce Diversity On Team Cohesion Of Employees In Kenyan Private Universities: Evidence From Kabarak University

Workforce diversity provides an environment for employees to learn more from each other thus making an institution stronger in terms of tolerance, ideas, innovation and creativity. The changing demographics in workforce composition in Kenya not only increases the amount of diversity that institutions need to manage and integrate but also affects business operations and productivity that inevitably affects the overall well-being of the country. This study sought to determine the influence...

Efficacy Of Monitoring And Evaluation Framework On Implementation Of Development Projects: A Comparative Analysis Of Machakos And Embu Counties, Kenya

Monitoring and Evaluation, (M&E) frameworks allow for project activities to be measured and analyzed. There is a gap in the design of monitoring and evaluation frameworks to generate information during the process of Monitoring and Evaluation and use of this information in future designs. The purpose of this research study was to establish the influence of the monitoring and evaluation framework in the successful implementation of County development projects. The study was guided by the ...

Relationship Between Internet Advertising And Purchase Intention Of University Students In Kenya

The Internet is fast emerging as an important advertising medium in Kenya. The enhanced ICT infrastructure in Kenya has raised the volume of Internet users, thereby prompting interest in the growth of businesses on the Internet with estimates projecting spending on Internet advertising to increase. Despite the growth, minimal empirical research has been undertaken to explore the relationship between Internet advertising and purchase intention in Kenya with many studies having been conduc...

Influence Of Enterprise Risk Management Practices On Financial Performance Of Commercial Maize Farming Ventures In Nakuru County, Kenya

The large scale maize farming is often faces diverse risks that undermine the financial viability of the farming venture. These risks include variability in prices occasioned by changes in market factors, risks of pests, climate change, theft, low yield and poor seed quality. These risks work to undermine the financial performance of the large scale maize farming. This study sought to examine the manner in which enterprise risk management practices impacts on the financial performance of...

Effects Of Occupation Safety And Health Management Practices On Employee Productivity: A Case Of Nakuru Water And Sanitation Company

The International Labour Organization estimates that, globally, about 2.2 million people die annually from occupational accidents and diseases another 270 million suffer from serious non-fatal injuries while 160 million fall ill for shorter or longer periods from work-related causes. The estimated costs of occupational accidents and occupational diseases amount to approximately 4 percent of the world’s gross domestic product. This implies a considerable loss resulting to negative impac...

Selected Factors Influencing Financial Performance Of Savings And Credit Cooperative Societies In Kenya: A Survey Of Deposit Taking Saccos In Kericho County

Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) play an essential role in economic development as part of the financial system. In Kenya, 63% of population benefit from SACCOs. SACCOs are vital instrument embraced by Kenyan Government towards increasing financial inclusion especially now that financial transactions are tending towards a cashless economy. Despite of its success it is faced with a number of challenges with the key being adoption of latest information technology and compu...

Influence Of Risk Based Internal Audit On Financial Sustainability Of Non-governmental Organization In Nakuru County, Kenya

Financial sustainability requires appropriate risk based audit practice hence effective and efficient internal audit. Most non-governmental organizations are faced with sustainability challenges which can be attributed to difficulties in the design, monitoring and implementation of project financing strategies which may impact negatively on overall sustainability. The financial sustainability of an organization is a measure of the organization‘s ability to meet its financial obligation...

Effect Of Devolved Human Resource Functions On Employee Performance At Nakuru County Government Headquarters

Following the promulgation of the new constitution of Kenya in 2010, several functions previously done by the central government were devolved to the counties. County government of Nakuru has various human resource functions that have been devolved from the central government of Kenya; these include devolved recruitment and selection, devolved rewards and benefits, and devolved training and development functions. This change in and of itself is expected to affect employee performance. Th...

Effect Of Operation Risk Exposure On Financial Performance Of Commerical Banks In Kenya

Operational risk is a fast emerging area in banking industry. Awareness of operational risk as a separate risk category has been relatively recent in most banks. It is therefore important to examine the effect of this risk on financial performance of the commercial banks. Unlike market, the operational risk factors are largely linked to internal policies and procedures of the bank. Operational risk in the banks come from different causes, including transaction and execution errors, fraud...

Factors Affecting Service Delivery In Parastatals: A Case Study Of Rural Electrification Authority, Kenya

There is need for critical service delivery in REA a state corporation which is mandated to accelerate the pace of rural electrification in order to promote sustainable socio economic development. Like any other organizations ,it faces complains about service delivery, it is normal for a human being not to get satisfaction no matter how good a service but organizations will always try and go overboard to please their customers. It is also important to observe that there are notable succe...

The Effect Of Self-regulation On Performance Among Non Governmental Organizations (Ngos) In Uganda: A Case Of Ngos In Gulu District, Northern Uganda.

The developing world, including Uganda, has experienced an explosive growth in the number and types of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in recent decades. These “third sector” organizations have become important in filling the service delivery gaps especially in health and education. Using the case of the NGOs in Gulu District, this study proposed to examine the effect of self-regulation strategy on the performance of NGOs in Uganda. Applying a descriptive research approach, the...

The Effect Of Customer Service Strategies On Customer Loyalty: Evidence From Cic Insurance Group- Nakuru County

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of customer service strategies on customer loyalty of insurance firms. The study specifically sought to establish the extent to which quality service, service bay ambience and technology support strategies affect loyalty of CIC insurance Group customers in Nakuru County. In order achieve the study objective, 15,487 customers in Nakuru and Naivasha branches formed the target population upon which a sample size of 222 respondents was draw...

Effects Of Corporate Governance On The Performance Of Public Universities In Nakuru County, Kenya

Corporate governance involves the codes of practice that have been put in place to ensure that organizations are well managed and controlled. It entails accountability, authority, leadership, stewardship direction and control exercised by organizations. Corporate governance is one of the ideals in performance of public entities in Kenya globally. Corporate governance ensures that the stakeholders’ interests are well taken care of. The study investigated the Effects of corporate governa...

Of Teachers In Private Secondary Schools In Nakuru Sub County

The purpose of the study was to assess the factors influencing teacher turnover in private secondary schools in Nakuru Sub County. The objectives of this study were to assess the extent to which leadership, working environment, remuneration and Organizational culture contribute to teacher turnover in Private secondary schools in Nakuru Sub County. The study was guided by the Herzberg’s motivation theory and Vroom’s Expectancy theory. Descriptive survey research design was used. Strat...

Generational Differences In Work Related Attitudes And Their Effects On Employees Performance In Private Universities: Evidence From Kabarak University

Work attitudes such as organizational commitment, job involvement, job satisfaction and perceived organizational support have dual interest to organizational managers and represent important outcomes they may want to enhance. The defined generations in Kenya somehow differ from the USA and other countries. In Kenya, Generation X refers to individuals born between 1963 – 1978 while Generation Y refers to individuals born between 1979 and 1998. The purpose of this study was to determine�...

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