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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of Anger In Managerial Effectiveness

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the role of anger on managerial effectiveness. To this end, a sample of male managers in a South African financial organisation completed questionnaires on the experience of anger, the expression of anger, and Type A behaviour. Managerial effectiveness was assessed in terms of the behavioural dimensions of the organisation's assessment centre and performance appraisal, as well as a managerial achievement quotient. A factor analysis computed se...

Effect Of Talent Management On Employee Outcomes: A Case Study Of Central Bank Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Talent management involves positioning the right people in the right jobs for competitive advantage. Many organizations at times fail to engage in the activities that enhance their talent pipelines, equip individuals with critical knowledge and skills, and deny employee an opportunity to enhance teamwork or be engaged to their jobs. This leads to many negative employee outcomes that affect the organizational outcomes because business objectives are not linked to individual competenci...

Effect Of Turnaround Strategies On Performance Of Public Corporations In Kenya

ABSTRACT Many public corporations experiencing decline in performance have opted to implement turnaround strategies to improve their performance. This study extends previous research findings by seeking to examine the effect of turnaround strategies on performance of Public Corporations in Kenya, by identifying the turnaround strategies adopted in these Corporations, and to determine the effect of turnaround strategies on their performance. To achieve this objective, correlational research w...

Nederlandse Letterkunde And Die Kaap 1825 - 1855

Abstract In die ~are 1825 tot 1855 is aan die Kaap betrek1ik veel geskrywe wat van 'n letterkundige aard kan beskou word. Die , / ,Nederdultsch Zuid-Af'rikaansch Tydschrif't was die 1etterkundige orgaar raar bydrae het in a1 die Nederlandse en self's ook in . " h_ ~}. r-., Engelse tydskrifte verskyn. Die nuusblaaie was destyds merendeels tweetalig, en was die organe vir die publikasie van letterkundige sowel as 10ernalistieke bydrae. Blaaie soos De Verzamelaar van de .Lima ~n Sam Sly's Journ...

Effect Of Media Convergence On Brand Growth In Kenya: A Case Of Selected Medium Enterprises In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Media convergence is an effective mechanism to enhance brand visibility of medium enterprises in the market as it’s varied and cost effective. However medium enterprises are hampered by fragmented marketing structures and efforts which prevents them from taking advantage of media convergence to amplify brand messaging across media sites and channels. In fact some medium enterprises marketers still view paid, owned, earned and shared media as separate hence develop brand media stra...

The Impact Of Corporate Governance On Dividend Payout Of Manufacturing Firms Listed At The Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the impact of corporate governance on dividend payout of manufacturing firms listed at the NSE. The objectives of the study were; to determine the impact of board size, board composition, CEO tenure and managerial equity holding on dividend payout of manufacturing firms listed at NSE and finally, to establish the impact of corporate governance on dividend payout of manufacturing firms listed at NSE. This study employed a correlational research design. The...

Propagation And Regeneration Of Important Indigenous Tree Species In Kakamega Forest Kenya

ABSTRACT The African cherry (Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkm.) regenerates poorly both naturally and artificially because of its recalcitrant seed. There is therefore a great need to conserve this species to ensure it does not become extinct. This study evaluated regeneration potential of the African cherry, identified the appropriate stage of collecting seeds for propagation and suitable sowing media that gives optimum germination and sought to identify other tree species with potential com...

Adequacy And Quality Of Teaching And Learning Resources In Public Primary Schools In Ndaragwa Division, Nyandarua County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The Free Primary Education (FPE) programme was commissioned in January 2003 to provide basic education to all Kenyan children of school going age and to ease the burden of cost sharing from the parents. The public primary school class teachers were to shoulder the greatest responsibility in the implementation of this programme but the assessment of the success of this programme has not involved the class teachers who are the main stakeholders. The study therefore aimed at assessing ...

Gendered Analysis Of Risk Attitudes And Vegetable Commercialization Among Smallholder Farmers In Kilifi County

   ABSTRACT Commercialization has potential of enabling rural households to advance in vegetable production through better access to financial services, and enriched market coordination and participation. In recent years, there have been efforts to boost vegetable commercialization particularly among smallholder female farmers in Kilifi County. Since risk attitudes vary from male to female farmers, the differences in risks and risk perceptions of farmers may in part explain the unwillingn...

Factors Influencing Sales Performance In The Hotel Industry: A Case Of Three Star Hotels In Nakuru Municipality A.

ABSTRACT The hotel industry is one of the most dynamic industries and one of the largest employers in the world today as well as contributing economic development of many countries. In Kenya, it has been identified as one of the main sectors that can lead to the achievement of the country’s Vision 2030 goals. Quality of service has been taken as the measure of performance in the hotel industry. However, few studies have considered the factors that influence the quality of service. This proj...

Digital Financial Services Insights And Loan Repayment In Microfinance Institutions: A Study Of Small Scale Dairy Farmers In Nakuru Municipality, Keny

ABSTRACT The challenge of agricultural finance is to securely provide cost-effective financing to rural smallholder farmers with minimum risk of fraud and maximum accountability and transparency. Mobile money payments by farmers can provide the transactional volume economics for creating an ecosystem that can be subsequently leveraged on branchless banking distribution channel for mobile banking credit, savings and micro insurance products. Mobile money is simple, convenient, affordable and d...

Selected Factors Determining Secondary School Teacher Demand In Kenya: Trends, Effects And Projections

ABSTRACT Teachers are an important human resource in the teaching and learning processes and their training and utilization therefore requires critical consideration. The education sector in Kenya faces many challenges, including escalating teacher wage bill, teacher shortages in schools alongside surpluses in the labour market, inequitable distribution and inefficient utilization of teachers. There is therefore the need for a framework for projecting and relating demand to the supply in orde...

The Political Career Of Saul Solomon Member Of The Cape Legislative Assembly From 1854 To 1863

Abstract Saul Solomon we.$ born 1n. 1817 and died in 1892. He was never a member of' the Legislative Council; so that his political career can be sti1d to have begun 1n 1854. when he ·.was returned to the first House of Assembly as one of the four members rapt-eaenting Capetown. Iie held his seat w1 th a break of only one year, 1n 18691 until 1883, whetl. illness compelled h1m to ttat1re. To my mind, prior to 1854, he was put an t.aniateu:r·' politician, using the word in no dep~eeiatory se...

Prediction Of Financial Distress In Light Of Financial Crisis: A Case Of Listed Firms In Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to predict financial distress in Kenyan listed firms. The specific objectives were to determine the contribution of financial ratios towards the prediction of corporate financial distress, to evaluate the predictive ability of the logistic regression model in making accurate forecasts of financial distress, to determine the predictive accuracy of the model in predicting financial distress before and during financial crisis, and also to compare the predic...

A Study Of The Capetown Agreement.

Abstract In this thesis I have confined myself to the social and economic position of the I ndi ans i n Uatal , the cour se of IndoEuroP. ean rel ations , the attempts to solve f r iction - and t h eir effe cts up on t he Inda-European situa tion. I have touched onl y broadly on economic policy and its effects . I shoul d like to thank Professor H.R. Burrows , M.C., M. Com. , William Hudson Professor of Economics, Nat al Universit y College, for a l l his hel p . I am indebted to him fo r mos...

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