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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Dynamics Of Factionalism In Zanu Pf: 1980 – 2017

ABSTRACT This study is a critical examination of the dynamics of factionalism in ZANU-PF between 1980 and 2017, with the goal of identifying how factionalism has impacted on the national development agenda. This qualitative research drew data from the analysis of documents and from oral unstructured interviews. The specific aim of the study is to analyse why Zimbabwe has failed to develop for the past 37 years despite being led by a socialist revolutionary party which is ideologically informe...

Illegal Street Vending On Bulawayo Central Business District Urban Space: Challenges And Possible Solutions

ABSTRACT People are forced into street vending due to various factors. First and foremost street vending is a source of livelihood for the urban poor and those who couldn’t be absorbed into the formal sectors of the economy. Zimbabwe is facing a plethora of economic challenges and under such a precarious state of affairs street vending activities are on the rise. The astronomical growth of street entrepreneurs is an addition to multifarious challenges faced by urban local authorities in mos...

The Impact Of Debt Finance On The Financial Performance Of A Small To Medium Enterprise: A Case Of Workman Zimbabwe (Private) Limited

Abstract The main purpose of this research was to determine the impact of debt finance on a small to medium entity, a case of Workman Zimbabwe (Private) Limited. The management reports of the company showed a recurring decline in profits, increase in interest costs as well as high gearing ratios from 2015 to 2017. This had resulted in greater variances between budgeted amounts and actual amounts raising a cause for concern thereby necessitating the need for this research. Literature from vari...

Challenges And Opportunities For Disabled Children’s Rights In Zimbabwe: An Analysis Of The Educational And Health Rights Of Children With Cerebral Palsy In Harare’s Highfield High Density Su

ABSTRACT This study examined the extent to which the educational and health rights of children with disabilities (Cerebral Palsy) are being met in Zimbabwe, in general, and in Harare’s Highfield Suburb, in particular. The study was motivated by the fact that, in most parts of Africa children with disabilities and their families constantly experience barriers to the enjoyment of their basic human rights and to their inclusion in society. Objectives of the study were to examine the adequacy o...

Screening of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genotypes for resistance to covered kernel smut (Sporisoriumsorghi) disease

ABSTRACT Covered kernel smut of sorghum caused by Sporisoriumsorghi is a major threat to sorghum production globally. This pathogen has been reported to attack sorghum resulting in yield losses as high as 75% on susceptible sorghum genotypes in Zimbabwe. Twelve sorghum genotypes were screened to determine the incidence and severity of covered kernel smut during the 2014/15 growing season. The trial was done under field conditions, where two artificial inoculation techniques namely seed dressi...

Impact Of The Grain Loan Scheme On Food Security In Mutoko District In Zimbabwe From 2010 To 2014

ABSTRACT The main focus of the research was on the impact of the Grain Loan Scheme on food security in Mutoko district’s wards 18 and 19 which are naturally drought prone areas in the district. The research was aimed at establishing an effective way of managing government funded food aid interventions including identifying and assessing the impacts of Grain Loan Scheme on food security in the district, assessing the capacity of institutions responsible for managing government funded food ai...

The Effectiveness Of Differentiation Strategies On Company Performance. A Case Of Gtel Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The research aimed at determining the effectiveness of differentiation strategies on company performance investigating. Due to the intense competition faced by Gtel and the flooded mobile market , the researcher saw it fit to propose the implementation of differentiation as a strategy that will help the company to upgrade and revive company performance. The research objectives were to find out if product differentiation affects competitive advantage, to determine if personnel differe...

Impacts Of Redd+ Activities To Rural Communities’ Livelihoods: Evidence From Kondoa Advancing Redd+ In Kolo Hills Forests Project In Tanzania

ABSTRACT ARKFor was among nine piloted REDD+ Project aimed at addressing the challenges of climate change and poverty reduction. The initiative intended to reduce significantly deforestation and forests degradation by enhancing alternative livelihood activities. The activities aimed at contributing livelihoods improvement to rural forest dependent communities. However, if the initiative is not well implemented would affect rural livelihood. This study was carried out to assess the socio econo...

Kapenta Fishing Cooperatives and Sustainable Rural Livelihoods. The case of Chunga and Buumi Bubotu (Good Life) Kapenta Fishing Cooperatives in Kaani ward, Binga.

ABSTRACT In Zimbabwe although there was a boom in the fisheries industry in the 1980s and 1990s especially in rural areas, the importance of the fishing industry was not considered critical. However, with the collapse of the agricultural sector, following the fast track land reform programme and subsequently the political and economic crises, brought renewed interest in the sector as people sought alternative forms of livelihoods. The vivid thrust of this unique research was to investigate th...

An Evaluation of Zimbabwe`s Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) Programme to Reduce the Infant Mortality Rate: A Case Study of Chitungwiza

ABSTRACT The focus of this research was on exploring the role of the PMTCT Programme in the reduction of the infant mortality rate with particular reference to Chitungwiza in Zimbabwe. HIV/AIDS is a global concern that calls for utmost attention from development practitioners. Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV is the most common route of infection in paediatric HIV acquisition. It contributes more than 90% of paediatric HIV infections. Widespread ignorance of the PMTCT Programme has ...

An Analysis Of The Adoption Patterns Of Fair Value Accounting In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This research undertook to examine the basic understanding of fair value accounting (FVA) in Zimbabwe and analyse the patterns within which it is adopted. The researcher’s analysis focused on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE), listed banks and individual Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s). Accountants and auditors were also engaged in the research so as to determine their knowledge and their views on FVA. The researcher chose this topic because although a lot of authors have pr...

The Impact Of The Closure Of Textile Industry On Livelihoods: The Case Of Merlin Textile Limited In Bulawayo City

ABSTRACT This research sought to analyze the impact of textile industry closure it has on livelihoods looking at indicators such as access to income, quality of education, health care and standard of living. Particular attention was paid on how former workers and their immediate family members have been affected by the closure of textile industry and what coping strategies they have employed. The researcher’s case study is Merlin Textile Limited situated in Belmont Industrial Area in Bulawa...

An Analysis of the role of Microfinance institutions in achieving financial inclusion in Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This dissertation defines financial inclusion as ongoing access to a range of financial services in an affordable and convenient manner. As low income groups are often among those lacking financial access, Microfinance programmes providing financial services to them have emerged as a public policy instrument to promote financial inclusion. This dissertation analyses the contribution of microfinance programmes in promoting financial inclusion in Zimbabwe. The research questions in the...

The Effects Of Climate Change On Women In Guruve District

ABSTRACT The thrust of this study was to examine the effects of climate change on women in Guruve district ward 20. Purposive sampling under qualitative research was used to collect data from the targeted population which was women, Agricultural extension officers, the village head and the general populace. Interviews, focused group discussions and observations were the instruments used to collect the data. The researcher found out that climate change has disproportionately affected people in...

Gendered Perceptions And Attitudes Towards Voting In Gweru Urban

ABSTRACT The main focus of this research study was exploring gendered perceptions and attitudes towards voting in Gweru Urban. The main objectives of the study were to firstly to find out the views of men and women with regards to the process of voter registration in Gweru Urban. Secondly, the study sought to unravel the perception and attitudes of men and women towards voting and its relevance in Gweru Urban. Its last objective was to explore the push factors behind voting for men and women ...

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