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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Devolved Funds On Growth Of Youth Enterprises In Bungoma County Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the initiative by the government to introduce devolved funds in Kenya, the real effect of these devolved funds is yet to be experienced on growth of the youth enterprises. There has been overemphasis by previous studies on the issues that address challenges and administration of devolved funds with less regard on the real influence on development. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of devolved funds on growth of Youth enterprises and develop a framework to im...

Influence Of The Internet On Adolescent Sexuality In Lagos Metropolis

ABSTRACT Adolescent pre-martial sexual activities often come with sexual health problems such as HIV/AIDS and pregnancies not planned for. While society contends with this social problem, the forces of globalization through the internet offer a wide range of sexuality related information, some of which expose adolescents to risk-bearing practices. Earlier works on adolescent sexuality in Nigeria bare drawn attention to the roles of family socio-economic background, peer influence, prolongatio...

Influence Of Personality Traits On Posttraumatic Growth A Study Of Adult Outpatient Clinic, Igbobi Orthopaedics Hospital Lagos, Nigeria

Abstract The study examined the influence of personality traits, gender and religious affiliation on posttraumatic growth among some adult outpatients of Igbobi orthopedics hospital in Lagos. The study was survey which employed purposive and expost-facto sampling techniques. The population consisted of adult outpatients of Igbobi orthopaedics hospital who were recovering from traumatic event of accident. The study sample consisted of 59 outpatients (54 males and 25 females) within the age ran...

Indigenisation In Nigeria,1972-1983 Resources And Income Re-Distrubution

ABSTRACT A major economic policy of the first military regime in Nigeria, 1966-79, was the indigenisation of the national economy. The aim was to put Nigerians, to a greater extent, in control of the economy of the nation. The history of the nation's indigenisation policy, close to policy flirtation by the colonial masters, was broached in 1946, and again in 1956. In 1964, under a post-colonial government, the policy was mooted, but a concrete formulation, perhaps delayed because of the polit...

Human Resource Management Strategy In Non-Unionized Banking Institutions In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to identify specific human resource management strategies, which have implications for organizational performance within an economic market and their non-union stance. The research analyses employee/employer relationship in non-unionized banks in Nigeria, and examines the use of the Human Resource Management Strategy (HRMS) as a union avoidance technique. Human Resource Management Strategy on the one hand and the absence of trade unions in these banks ...

Gender Differentials In The Socio-Economic Well-Being Of Older Persons In Lagos State, Nigeria

Abstract National and international organizations continue to express concerns on older persons worldwide, and have suggested measures for improving their lives and overall well-being within the framework of sustainable development. Citizenship cannot be assumed to have the same significance for the young and old. A common experience is that of disentitlements of the older persons regarding their person and other rights. Theoretically, older persons are not a homogenous group. It has been ob...

From Functionalism To Regional Integration: A Critical Evaluation Of The Problems And Prospects Of ECOWAS

ABSTRACT This Dissertation analyses the functionalist assumptions and evaluates then in the light of ECOWAS experience. An important retionale for this is to ascertain the degree to which a European based origin of functional ist theory despite the underdevelopment character of the ECOWAS sub-region makes functionalism as a theory of integration an attractive policy guide in the sub-regions developmental process. An important proposition investigated in this dissertation is the contention tha...

Fiscal Federalism In Nigeria : Experience Since 1967 And Proposals For Thr Future

ABSTRACT The thesis is on fiscal federalism in Nigeria particularly since 1967 and proposals for future revenue allocation in Nigeria. As a background, it sketches the framework of a federal as distinct from a unitary system of government, noting the role of the public sector in the former. It reviews the developments in fiscal federalism in the two decades 1946 - 1966, a period that witnessed the evolution from a unitary to a federal form of government and also the corresponding changes in t...

Factors In The Persistence Of High Fertility Among The Yoruba : A Case Study Of Iwo Local Government Area Of Oyo State

ABSTRACT . Past and recent studies have found the level of fertility among the Yoruba to be very high and stable. Attempts to explain why this is so have, however, not been satisfactory. This study has therefore attempted to provide an answer to this problem using Iwo local government area as a case. The study reveals that the level of fertility. in Iwo local government is very high despite the fact that a significant proportion of the women interviewed had ever used family planning methods a...

Federalism And Resources Control In Nigeria Problem And Prospects

ABSTRACT A recurring decimal in Nigerian federalism is the issue of resource allocation and sharing of revenue between the federal.' government and the component units. The Nigeria physical federal arrangement is unique because by the nature of the Nigerian arrangement, the federal government controls all the resources, hence distributes revenue to the states and local governments based on criteria, which she determines. The problem has always been there with which criteria should take preced...

Examination Of Risk Management In The Banking Industry: (A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title of Page  Approval Page  Dedication  Acknowledgment  Table of Content  CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study  1.2 Statement of research problem  1.3 Research hypotheses  1.4 Objectives of the study  1.5 Significance of the study  1.6 Scope and limitations of the study  1.7 Scheme of the study  CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction  2.2 Concept in Examination of Risk Management  2.3 Examination of Risk Management process  2.4 Im...

Tax Consultant And Effective Revenue Mobilization At The Grassroots Level (A Case Study Of Arewa Local Government Of Kebbi State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page………………………………………………………………………. i Certification…………………………………………………………………… ii Dedication……………………………………………………………………… iii Acknowledgment…………………………………………………………….. iv CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………….. 1 1...

Change Management Practices And Employee Performance In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Change is what brings forth new ideas, solutions and growth. It’s about breaking free from our circle of comfort in order to start seeing alternative routes offered to our organizations to progress in the right direction. It’s about embracing business transformation, making an organisation more agile, ready to adapt, and taking advantage of the latest innovations to boost competitiveness. County governments in Kenya have become a point interest especially in service delivery at t...

Training Needs And Performance Evaluation In Public Sector Organisation: A Case Study Of Shehu Shagari College Of Education Sokoto

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page - - - - - - - - - - i Approval Page - - - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - iv Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - v CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.0 General Introduction - - - - - - - - 1 1.1 Background of the Study - - - - - - - 1 1.2 Statement of Research Problem - - - - - - - 2 1.3 Research Question - - - - - - - - 3 1.4 Objectives of the Study - - - - - - - 3 1.5 Hypothesis - - - - - - - - - 4 1.6 Signif...

The Role Of Devolution On Economic Development In Kenya. A Case Of Nakuru East Sub-County.

ABSTRACT: Kenya has devolved funds to grass root level with the aim of bringing services and development close to its citizens in view of vision 2030. However a report by the controller and Auditor General in Kenya gazette 2010 uncovered massive misappropriation of Constituency Development Funds in Constituencies. Inspite of this, other constituencies were reported as posting remarkable performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of devolution on economic development. A des...

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