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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

MAC 424- International Advertising and Propaganda

2.0 OBJECTIVES At the end of this unit you should be able to: Explain the importance of global advertising 3.0 MAIN CONTENT 3.1 Importance of International Advertising There are several reasons why advertising is such an important part of many international marketers’ promotional mix. Belch and Belch (2003), identified the following key ones: First, it can be a very cost-effective method for communicating with large audiences. For example, the average 30-second spot on the four major networ...

MAC 425- Public Relations in Mass Communications

INTRODUCTION Public Relation Practice is a fourth-year course designed to teach the students the strategic approaches to public relations practice. It is important to first understand public relations concepts before delving into the practice. This beginning unit therefore will expose the students to brief conceptual overview of the meaning and essence of public relations. The motive is to refresh your minds on public relations principles before commencing on in-depth discuss on public relati...

GST 102 - Philosophy and Logic Lecture Note

Meaning of Philosophy Importance of Studying Philosophy Major Branches of Philosophy Historical Development of Western Philosophy Some Schools/Systems in Philosophy Logic


INTRO: The religious movements covered in this research paper are: Celestial Church of Christ  Cherubim and Seraphim Grail Message Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism) Jehovah’s Witness Brotherhood of the Cross and Star

Proper Education and Mass Awareness to Curb Obesity

Obesity is a widespread problem in the U.S.A, and it affects both adults and children. Several government studies have proved that obesity is caused by physical inactivity, genes,  inadequate healthy food, and the affordability of junk foods. Obesity is interrelated with individuals' social and economic class (CDCa 5). For instance, adults without higher education had the highest cases of obesity. I would argue that this is because, with low levels of education, it is hard to attain a good ...


In journalism, stories can be reported in words and aided with pictures. In fact, the presence of a well captured photograph in any news story cannot be overemphasised, as it tends to give credibility to a news story and also hepls tell the story better than words. Action pictures can help depict the full mood of an event thereby helping to explain the situation better than words can describe. This lesson note therefore is written by the authors to give proper understanding of the course and ...

Literature Mapping: An Assessment of the Use of Information and Communication Technology in Programmes Production by Television Stations in Kaduna Metropolis

Literature Mapping: An Assessment of the Use of Information and Communication Technology in Programmes Production by Television Stations in Kaduna Metropolis

Parent Socioeconomic Status on In-School Adolescents’ Attitudes Towards Schooling Questionnaire (Pssiaasq)

  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study             Parents socio-economic background has a lot of roles to play in students’ achievements as well as their attitude towards schooling.It is key to a students’ life and outside of school, is the most important influence on student learning. Socio-economic status of parents do not only affect the academic performance, but also makes it possible for children from low background to compete with their counterparts from ...

Padeola New Dawn Islamic Nur/Primary School Ilorin

2ND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS SECTION A Choose the correct answer from option A – D 1.       Each hair grow from a narrow tube in the skin called hair ______ (a) follicle (b) pit (c) root (d) organ 2.       The sense organ for smelling is _____ (a) hair  (b) hand (c) eyes (d) nose 3.       One of the following is wrong (a) eye for sight (b) skin for feeling (c) nose for touching (d) ear for hearing 4.       How many types of teeth do ...

Scope and Limitations (Research Methods in Library and Information Science - LIBS 800)

Scope and limitations are very important in any research, because It defines the boundaries of the research and occurrences that arise in a study which are out of the researchers control, they limit they extent to which a study can go, and sometimes affect the end results and the conclusions, this paper discusses scope and limitations in research, Guidelines for writing the scope, the paper also highlights some reason why you should have a scope in research and further discu...

Why the League of Nations Failed and Reasons the US Were Unable to Resolve the Arab-Israelis Crisis in the Middle East.

This paper seeks to Examine the reason behind the creation of the League of Nations, reasons of it collapsed and to also discussed on why the United States is being skeptical in resolving the ongoing crisis between the Arab and the Israelis in the middle East.

The Philosophy and Strategy of Sun Zhou

To inquire into the Philosophy and Strategy of Sun-Zhou, it is necessary to provide a brief historical background of Sun-Zhou, his birth, circumstances and events around his birthplace, community and country. Things around the time that must have influenced his philosophy and inspired his strategies, which culminated in the book “The Art of War”. This is because nothing happens in isolation. His book has instructively become adopted as one of the most classical war strategy reference sou...

A Critical Assessement of the Relevance of Immanuel Kant's Theory of Liberalism in the World of International Politics Today

Introduction Though international politics today is driven by various motives - such as the sustenance of sovereign states, the harmonisation of free trade or for national security - Immanuel Kant's perspective of liberalism and how it affects international politics is hinged on various beliefs. One of such beliefs is that individuals are motivated to promote peace amongst themselves in the natural process of self-interest. Kant went beyond establishing that relationships between individuals ...

Futuristic Hyperbaric Oxygen Service

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide background information on hyperbaric oxygen therapy, to review 3 research studies, and conclude if hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a plausible futuristic treatment in emergency/prehospital medicine.   Background Information Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a therapy which has been around for over 300 years, in 1664 a British physician built a compressed air room called a domicilium which was used to treat divers suffering from decompressi...

Muslim Festivals

Prologue   The world of Islam has always been treated with caution by Western society, with an indifference to a sense of fear or even inferiority in some cases in the depths of history. In recent decades, things have changed dramatically, for the better when it came to the West's knowledge of one of the world's most popular religions, which has about1.6 billion followers.  The religion of Islam played a unifying role in the exuberantly divided Arabian Peninsula in the    7th century BC a...

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