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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

HIS 208- Development and Practice of Diplomacy

There has not been any universally accepted definition of diplomacy. This is because of the nature of the sciences in which their subject matter is not self-defining in a way that is often the case of the natural sciences.

HIS 215- History of USA Since 1865

After the war there were between three to four million freemen mostly ex slaves of southern states origin who have won emancipation from their former owners. Their future and mode of reintegration into the white dominated the southern society became a major problem to the victories federal government.

HIS 217- Middle East History

As early as 2500 BC people lived in the past of the middle east. The middle east became the first place in the world to practice agriculture. Prior to this period all the worlds people gathered wild fruits. The domestication of plants and animals that sets humans on its path of increasing complexity originated in the middle east.

HIS 301- The Nigerian Civil war

The Federation of Nigeria is it is known today, has never really been a homogenous country for its widely differing people and tribes. This obvious fact notwithstanding the former colonial masters decide to keep the country as one in order to effectively control the resources for their economic interests.

HIS 303- The Politics of Regional Integration in West Africa

Today the UN classifies 73% of West African states as least developed countries. ECOWAS accounts for 35%  for the African LCDS making West Africa the foremost LCD region in Africa, and indeed the world as a whole.

HIS 305- Historiography and History Skills

The Historians’ goal is not to collect the facts about the past but rather to acquire insights into the ideas and realities that shaped the past lives of men and women of earlier societies. Some of the decisions and institutions may seem alien to us, others may seem all too familiar to us. But in other case when we study the people of the past what we are really learning about is the rich diversity of human culture.

HIS 307- Ethnicity and Ethnic Politics

Nigeria with over 300 ethnic groups, over 1000 dialects who practised several religions with different cultures and histories came under the British imperialist in the 19th century. With the 1st January amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Protectorate the foundation of a nation now called Nigeria was laid. Nigeria is now populated with over 160 million people, adopted federal systems of government with 36 states and a federal capital territory.

HIS 207- Inter Group Relations

The issue of inter relation groups in nation building is not new as it has attracted scholarly attention for some decades now. As reoccurring as this subject may have been to analyst of inter- group relations in Nigeria, it can not be abandoned because of the direction it has taken threatens the existence of the country.

AEM 203- Introduction to Home Economics

“Philosophy” is a word you will have came across at one time or the other. Can you define “philosophy”? The original meaning of philosophy as conceived by the Greeks is as follows: Philein – meaning love Sophia – meaning wisdom i.e. philein, Sophia crystallized into “Love of wisdom”, where wisdom means the ability to relate the facts from various forms of knowledge to experience. The English dictionary meaning of philosophy is diverse (Oxford Dictionary 2001). Philosophy is de...

PHI 210- African Philosophy

In the first book of the metaphysics of Aristotle there is an emphasis on how all naturally desire to know. The basics desire of man is the desire of knowledge. In life he wonders about his immediate environment. That is he begins to reflect on nature as reality presents himself around him at a particular time and space in a specific language and culture.

PHI 304- Epistemology

By the time that Renee Descartes was born the new influence of the preceding of two centuries has taken effect. The astronomy has displaced the earth from the center of the universe and Galileo has formulated the laws of mechanics which experiment not scripture would confirm.

Philosophy and the Rise of Modern Science

It is difficult if not impossible to give a precise definition of Philosophy. In fact, the issue of the definition of Philosophy is as controversial as controversy itself. Consequently, there are different basis of opinions regarding what constitutes the subject matter of philosophy. However, the broadest and of course of the oldest conception of philosophy is the etymological conception.

Philosophy of Development

The issues of human rights to me touches on our moral nerves because of its intrinsic and extrinsic value to human existence. The UNO, African Union and commonwealth and other organisations that are involved In addressing human rights abuses by different government and societies all over the world appear to be the moral conscience of the world.

PHL 302- Existentialism and Phenomenology

Existentialism and Phenomenology are two of the most influential movements in twentieth philosophy. During the heyday of Existentialism in the middle decades of the twentieth century there were heated arguments about whether the movements belonged together or were even compatible with each other.

Philosophy of Mathematics

Ever since Plato philosophers have been impressed by the fact that there are universal propositions which we can apparently know to be true with absolute certainty though we could not possibly observe all or even a large proportion of the instances to which they apply. 

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