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Contribution Of Constituency Development Fund Bursary On The Provision Of Secondary Education Of Ogiek Girls In Njoro Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In most developing countries, access to education has not been fully realized especially among marginalised communities. This is more specifically pronounced in marginalised communities as well as low income households such as the Ogiek community of Nakuru County. The Ogiek community, an indigenous people, does not give equal opportunities to boys and girls to access education. This is due to socio-cultural practices and poverty because the community lacks access to resources resulti...

Foreign Media Preference for Negative Frames in Coverage of Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT Foreign media have been criticised for promoting Afro-pessimism and preference for negative frames in their representation of Africa. This is more pronounced especially in reporting of terrorism in the Sub-Saharan Africa. But are the African media less guilty of this preference for negativity? This paper aimed to answer this question by assessing how news media reported terrorism in the Sahel. To achieve this objective, some existing empirical studies that investigated media coverage...

Applying Climate Analogue Concept To Assess Adaption Of Friesian Cattle Breed To Changing And Variable Climate In The Kenya Highlands

ABSTRACT Compared to other dairy cattle breeds, Friesian is considered more sensitive to climate change induced stresses of thermal load, feed and water scarcity and disease outbreaks in the tropics, but it is a popularly utilized dairy cattle breed in Kenya highlands across the production environments. This study applied climate analogue concept with Njoro being the reference site and its 2050’s climate analogue site identified on criteria of similarity index of 0.8-0.9. The study projecte...

Influence Of Kenya Prison Rehabilitation Programme On Reformation Of Rape Offenders: A Case Of Kamiti Maximum Prison, Nairobi Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya prison rehabilitation programme is a programme that is used in reforming offenders in prison. The programme consists of designed training activities. Some of these activities include vocational trainings which are mandatory like carpentry, masonry while others are optional like sports, hobbies and motivational activities carried out to reform offenders. The offenders are taken through the activities by prison wardens and counsellors who supervise and record their progress irres...

Mpeketoni Residents’ Perception Of Terror Attacks On Socio Economic Activities And Governmnent Response To Security Improvement In Lamu County, Kenya

This study assessed Mpeketoni Residents’ Perception of terror attacks on socio-economic activities in Lamu County, Kenya. It was motivated by the reported state of insecurity state in the country. The concern was particularly within Mpeketoni region as a result of Al-Shabaab militia insurgency among the communities along the coastal region in Kenya. This study was guided by the following specific objectives; to assess the Mpeketoni residents’ social perception of terror attacks on soc...

The Role Of Career Guidance And Counselling In Career Awareness And Planning Among Public Secondary School Students In Kenya

Guidance and counselling programme has become an important integral part of the school system in Kenya. Career guidance and counselling services which are components of the guidance and counselling programme are vital activities because one of the long-term goals of education is career placement. If education is to realise this goal, then learners should have appropriate career information and undertake career exploration before making career choices. This aspect of learning can only be ...

Influence Of Participation In Non-Farm Activities On Living Standards Of Rural Households In Cheborge Division, Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The number of people living below the poverty line in Kenya has continued to increase. This is attributable, among other things, to the declining agricultural output due to the rapidly changing climatic conditions and small farm sizes. Rural households have, therefore, diversified their income sources by participating in non-farm activities alongside small-scale agricultural activities (multiple job holding) to get basic needs. However, there is the question as to whether policy shou...

Influence Of Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Participation In Microfinance On Dairy Farming In Longisa Sub-county, Bomet County, Kenya

The livestock sector is an important component of the Kenyan economy and contributes about 40% of the agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which is about 10% of the nationalGDP. Dairy farming sub-sector plays a very significant role in the development of the Kenyan  economy due to its impact on the GDP, alleviation of poverty, food security, employment creation and provision of raw materials to milk processors. Over 70% of the dairy farmers in Kenya are smallholders. Lack of credit ...

Effects Of Women Participation In Self-Help Groups On Their Households’ Socio- Economic Status In Tinderet Sub-County, Nandi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The involvement of women in Self Help Groups is justified as it serves the welfare of its members through savings, investment, capacity building and loan services. However, in Tinderet Sub-county women still encounter limitations and fewer opportunities, especially in regards to income-generating activities and social status that the government would consider best practice in pursuance of achieving rural Sustainable Development. The broad objective of this study was to examine the ef...

Effect Of Water Quality On The Parasite Assemblages Infecting Nile Tilapia In Selected Fish Farms In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Aquaculture has been documented as the most developing food industry in Kenya with increased production since the Government initiated Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) in 2009. However, the production has not been to a maximum level anticipated in the country, particularly in Nakuru County. This is due to the uncontrolled addition of inputs (Inorganic fertilizers, manure and fish feeds) that deteriorate pond water quality. Poor water quality is one of the most common challenges face...

Women’s Contribution To Urban Livelihoods Through Infromal Sector Activities In Kisii Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT Women in urban areas draw from a wide range of activities in the informal sector to secure livelihood needs for urban households. Their contribution to urban livelihoods continues to facilitate the development of assets and capabilities, supporting them to move beyond basic income generation towards increased economic resiliency. However, the significance of women‟s involvement in informal sector activities has largely been generalized with limited information on their contribution...

The Role Of Reinforcement On Second Language Learners’ Performance In English In Selected Secondary Schools In Nakuru Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT Reinforcement of learners’ performance has been regarded as of little or no consequence in Second Language Acquisition theory and practice. On the contrary, it has always been considered important in education theory and practice. The study investigated how reinforcement of learners may be a powerful tool in the improvement of performance in the English language in secondary schools hence increasing the opportunity of acquiring competence in the language. The study involved describ...

SSA Research 111 PAGES (27784 WORDS) Linguistics Thesis
Influence Of Drought Variability On Livestock Feeding Practices By Maasai Pastoralists In Mailwa Sub-location Of Kajiado County, Kenya

All the regions of the world are vulnerable to climate change where droughts have become more unpredictable due to climate change. Effects droughts are felt most severely by the livestock based economies and livelihoods in the Kenyan Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) where rainfall amounts are low, erratic and unreliable. Pastoralism is a key production system in ASAL areas using extensive grazing for livestock production. While pastoralists in ASAL areas have adjusted their livestock fee...

Jinsia Na Kabila Katika Muundo Wa Mazungumzo Na Utendaji Wa Unyenyekevu: Mfano Wa Biashara Ya Miraa Miongoni Mwa Wasomali Na Wameru Mtaani Eastleigh, Nairobi-Kenya

ABSTRACT Conversations surround our daily encounters and its the successful conversations that we undertake, that help us conquer the challenges that we face. However, for an interaction to be successful, co-operation while doing turns is needed amongst the participants. Interactants involved in a conversational exchange should try to maintain each other’s self-esteem by employing politeness strategies since social interactions are geared towards co-operation. Therefore, this study aimed at...

SSA Research 165 PAGES (42882 WORDS) Linguistics Thesis
Factors Influencing Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Choice Of Milk Marketing Outlet In Kipkaren Division Of Nandi County, Kenya

Dairy farming is an important industry in Kenya with an estimated value of Ksh 160 billion and supporting over 1 million households. Commercial smallholder dairy farmers number over onemillion and produce about 80% of marketed milk in the country. However, the smallholder dairy  farmers have had to contend with ups and down in the industry since its liberalization and collapse and revival of the then Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC) in 1990s. However, the factors that influence smallho...

3091 - 3105 Of 8249 Results