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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

The Environmental Challenges of Sustainable Development and Their Impact on Rural Women in East Africa

Abstract: The environment and its conservation are critical for the survival and well-being of all living creatures. Their importance has gained momentum over the years and now occupies a central position in international fora. A closely related issue that is also at the forefront in international debates is sustainable development, particularly in this period following the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, commonly referred to as Rio + 20. Bearing in mind that the world ...

The Conflict in Somalia and the United Nations Humanitarian Intervention Programs, 1991-2013

Abstract: The study seeks to evaluate humanitarian intervention strategies and tools utilized by United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM1 ) and United Nations Operation in Somalia 2 (UNOSOM2) in Somalia from 1992-1995 till recently when it reopened operations after closure in March 2004. The contention in the study is to investigate what worked and what did not. The study will illuminate on the humanitarian experiences i n form of strengths, weaknesses and gaps. Scholars have identified ...

Challenges of Nation Building in Africa: A Case of South Sudan

Abstract: The study explored the challenges the South Sudanese are facing in their efforts in nation building based within the context of sirnibr challenges faced by other nations across Africa’s. The theory of social construction was employed to discuss this. It was established that some of the key challenges that bedevil nation building efforts in South Sudan include among others: ethnicity/ tribalism, corruption, lack of robust economic pillars, poor service delivery, poor education sys...

Terrorism and Transformation of Rules of Behaviour: A Case Study of the African Union

Abstract: The concept of terrorism has been a political phenomenon since 1795 when terror was used as an instrument of furthering political ends. This research explores the African Union counter-terrorism mechanisms that emerged after the disastrous September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America. Analysis bas been made of the historical development of counter-terrorism in Africa since the legacy of the Organization of African Unity. Being an Organization whose agenda was to rid Africa of co...

Assessing the Impact of the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in the Burundi Conflict

Abstract: The period following the Second World War was marked by a surge of intra-state conflicts on the African continent, and studies show that there have been more than thirty wars recorded in Africa since 1970 (Nhema, 2008). Burundi, a landlocked country located in East-Central Africa was of no exception. Since its independence in 1962, Burundi has been plagued by series of inter-ethnic conflicts caused by political instability and ethnic violence. The population of Burundi is made of t...

Non-Interference in China's Africa Policy: The Case Study of Sudan

Abstract: This study aims to look at the evolving nature of non-interference in China's Africa policy. This involves looking at the non-interference principle specifically in Beijing's policies by analyzing China's role in the Sudan civil war 1983 to 2005 and the Darfur crisis. The non­ interference principle as contained in the policies of the African Union and United Nations has gradually shifted away from strict non-interference towards non-indifference and humanitarian intervention. Bei...

Kenya's Foreign Policy Relations -The Case of The 1960s' Tom Mboya and J.FKennedy African Students' Airlift

Abstract: It is now over fifty years since Kenya got her independence in 1963. However, three quarters of her population still live on less than a dollar a day. The country is plagued by corruption, food insecurity, lack of employment, environmental degradation and poor governance. When one look) at these issues, one cannot help but wonder why the country is not moving forward as would have been expected. This research looked look at the pre-independence foreign polices as the growth of any ...

Resource Curse in the Democratic Republic Of Congo: The Quest for Economic Development

Abstract: The "resource curse" is a phenomenon that came to the limelight in the 1980's. Prior to this, sufficient endowment with natural resources was hyphenated with development. However, a new paradigm observed that endowment of natural resources did not always lead to development. Venezuelan politician Juan Pablo Perez Alfonso predicted that oil would bring ruin to the world. Angolan civil war was sustained by diamond trade. Oil in the Niger Delta has led to petro­ aggression and minera...

Towards A Sustainable Model of Refugee Repatriation: A Case Study of Somalia Refugees In Kenya (1992-2014)

Abstract: Nations in Africa have experienced endemic dictatorial regimes by its leader. At times when the democratic space is fast expanding, citizens are increasingly rising against such governance and consequently resulting in protracted ethnic conflicts and civil wars. As a result of this war, it becomes imperative to millions of people; to make the decision to flee and seek refuge in relatively safer environments. In the case of Somalia, the Somali refugees have sought asylum in the refu...

Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge: A Case of Kenya

Abstract: This research investigates the extent to which the current intellectual property legal framework protects traditional knowledge. In particular this study analyses how the protection of traditional knowledge could impact development in developing countries. By drawing from the experiences in Kenya, this research will examine traditional knowledge as juxtaposed to intellectual property, explore the different forms of traditional knowledge, highlight how traditional knowledge has been...

The Impact of Climate Change Induced Resource Scarcity on Human Security: An Analysis of Experiences by Families in Lokichoggio, Turkana County, Kenya

Abstract: This research aimed to analyze the impact of climate change-induced resource scarcity on the human security as experienced by families in Lokichoggio, Turkana Country, Kenya. Africa being a continent with tropical and subtropical climate, is assumed to be most affected by changes in climate. Turkana is the largest county in Kenya, but rates among the poorest. Most of the land in the county is arid and semi-arid with average temperatures between 24-38 °C. Majority of the people liv...

Impact of Globalization on State Sovereignty: A Case Study of Non-State Actors in Kenya

Abstract: Sovereignty has in cooperated negative and positive connotations. Positive connotation involves the state ability to control its political and economic aspects on its own. That is it should make sure there is political stability and better social and economic conditions (Jackson 1993, p. 77). Positive connotation of sovereignty depends on the predominantly on action and resources of government and their population . It is also an internal part of sovereignty whereby the government ...

The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Conflict Resolution: The Case of Pokot and Karamojong Cross Border Conflict

Abstract: Kenya and Uganda, are countries bordering each other located in East Africa and share a lot in common. The most distressing similarity is that the two countries have both experienced conflict for decades which involves the Karamojong community living in the North East parts of Uganda and the Pokot living in North West parts of Kenya, they are pastoralists in nature living together for decades. Non-governmental Organizations over the years along the border region have ensured that p...

Determinants of Resource Based Conflicts in Kenya: A Case of Turkana and Pokot Conflict 1964-2019

Abstract: Ethnic conflicts over natural resources have been evident in Africa since time immemorial and this has affected the livelihood of many communities. The North Rift of Kenya is no exception to this, as communities face harsh climatic conditions leading to scarcity of resources that capacitates conflicts. This research looked at the determinants of resource based conflicts between the Pokot and Turkana communities who practice pastoralism as their main livelihood. The determinants wer...

The Effect of Small Arms and Light Weapons on the Ethnic Conflicts in Kenya: A Case Study of the North Rift

Abstract: The findings of the study comprised the following; the sources of SALWs in the North Rift were neighboring countries especially Uganda, Sudan and Ethiopia; The illegal arm traders and security personnel also provide fire arms to the communities; the demand for SALWs is driven by need for self­ defense, intention to attack other armed communities and cattle rustling; the causes of ethnic conflicts are competition for resources and lack of state security; the SALWs have contributed ...

391 - 405 Of 8202 Results