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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Responsible Tourism: The Mantra for Sustainable Tourism Development

In the tourism and hospitality industry, Responsible Tourism has now become a catchphrase. It focuses on maximizing the positive aspects of tourism by raising knowledge about environmental protection and cultivating a deep feeling of responsibility among tourism stakeholders in order to accomplish the holistic and long-term development of tourism destinations. Responsible tourism is neither a type nor a form of tourism; rather, it is an alternative approach to tourism progress, primarily driv...

Analyzing the Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Tourists’ Psyche and Effective Implications for the Public Transport System for Safe-Travel: A Case Study on India

In the process of unlocking India after the COVID-19 outbreak, the Indian tourism and transport industry is resuming to revive the economy. In this scenario, it is substantial to examine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the travel pattern of the Indians. At the same time, making public transport safe to prevent mass transmission of the Coronavirus is equally important to ensure safe travel. The present study investigates the impact of COVID-19 on the travel behavior of the Indians,...

The Impact of Corruption on Service Delivery in Lira District. A Case Study of Adekokwok Sub-County

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the relationship between corruption and service delivery a case study of Adekokwok Sub County-Lira district. The researcher was guided by three objectives namely; To explain the effects of bribery on contract awarded to potential bidders during the procurement process, To examine the effects of misallocation and embezzlement of public funds on the access of good health Services and To explain the impact of bribery on youth employment in Lira district. A...

Political Stature and Media Content in Uganda, A Case Study of Uganda Broadcasting Cooperation.

ABSTRACT This research was carried following certain objectives that included; to examine the influence of politics on the content of broadcast media in the country to analyze the state of media freedom in Uganda, to identify the factors that affect broadcast media in Kampala and to examine the relationship between politics and broadcast media content broadcast by media houses in Uganda. Literature was reviewed from the work of different scholars and media institutions data but in line with t...

~Role of Mass Media in the Fight Against Corruption in Public Sector a Case Study of Ntv Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examined the “Role of mass media in fighting corruption in public sector a case study of NTV Uganda” The study was. carried out at NTV Uganda in Namuwongo, Makindye division, Kampala Capital City . The study achieved the following objectives; to establish the role of media in fighting corruption in Uganda, to establish the causes of corruption in Uganda, and to examine the measure to curb corruption in Uganda. The researcher adopted the case study research design and c...

Non-Governmental Organizations and Implementation of Human Rights in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study titled" Nongovernmental organizations and implementation of human rights in Uganda. The purpose of the study was to establish the contributions ofNGOs in_ implementation of human rights in selected NGOs in Uganda. The study was conducted in three Non government organizations namely action for development (ACFODE), foundation for human rights initiative and citizens coalition for electoral democracy in Uganda (CEDU). The study was conducted from these organizations with the ...

Impact of Broadcasting Media in Fighting Against Drug Abuse in Uganda. A Case Study of Ubc West.

ABSTRACT The study was to establish the impact of broadcast media in fighting against drug abuse in Uganda. With special attention to UBC Radio located in Kampala Central. It was guided by the researcher objectives that included investigating on the effect of broadcast media in fighting against drug abuse among the Ugandans. examining the role of broadcast media in educating and enlightening the Ugandans on drug abuse, to examine the challenges facing broadcast media in creating awarenes...

Impact of Broadcast Media On Children's Rights in Uganda a Case Study of Nbs Television.

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... .iAPPROV AL. ............. ·----······················----······································································iiDEDICATION ..................................................................................................

A Research On the Extent of the Application of Promotional Mix Variables by Cinema Theatres in Nairobi

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ......................................................................................... .iDEDICATION ............................................................................................ .iiCHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................ 11.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... l1.1 Background .............................

Corporate Credibility and Customer Retention in Warid Telecom Uganda

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to explore the factors that determine the link between corporate credibility and customer retention. It was found in previous researches that financial analysts, competitors, customers and employees are the most common stakeholders included in the corporate credibility studies. Nevertheless, the present approach incorporated the former customers’ perspective as a crucial element, by capturing their experience, their reasons for ...

The Military In The Promotion Of Human Security In Conflict Situations: The Case Of Uganda People’s Defense Force In Gulu District.

ABSTRACTiman insecurity is one of the problems facing civilians in conflict affected regions besides physicalcurity. Various organizations and actors intervene in such circumstances by carrying out varioustivities to try and promote this situation among the affected people. In spite of such interventions, muchstill desired. from the actors in terms of freeing people from the fear and contributions made by the military has however never been appreciated in as much as they try tovolve t...

Tile Role Of Broadcast Media on Women Participation in Politics; A Case Study of Nakawa Division Kampala Capital City

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF TABLES viiiEXECUTIVE SUMMARY/ABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background of The study 11.2 Statement of the problem 31.3 Objectives of the study 51 .4 Research questions 51.5 Hypothesis of the study 61.6 Significance of the study 61.7 Scope of the study 61 .8 The Conceptual Framework 71.9 Theoretical frame work 71.10. Operational definition of terms 81.11. Limitation of the study 9CHAPTER TWO 10REVIEW OF T...

Effects Of Social Media On Students Academic Performance In Institutions Of Higher Learning In Makindye Division -Kampala District

ABSTRACTThe study was carried out with the aim of examining the impact of use of social media onstudents’ academic performance in institution of higher learning. This research adopteddescriptive and explanatory research design. It also employed the use of cross sectional surveymethod using survey questionnaires with a Likert Scale. The of sample 102 students fromselected secondary schools selected using convenient sampling method. The data collected wasanalyzed using description means and r...

Television On Moral Decay Among The Youths In Secondary School In Makindye Division, Kampala District

ABSTRACTThis study was carried out in Makindkye division, Kampala district.The purpose of the study was to find out the role of television onmoral decay among the youths. The study used a descriptiveresearch design, involving youths in the secondary schools. Datacollection instruments were basically questionnaires and writtenmaterials.The study revealed that television plays some role on moral decayamong the youths.The study recognised that many studies have been done on effect oftelevision o...

Good Governance And Service Delivery In Kiruhura District Local Government Uganda.

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to evaluate and examine governance structures and practices andservice delivery to provide comprehensive understanding of governance and service deliverysituation at sub-national levels in Uganda. Public service agencies are presumed to lack goodgovernance practices which adversely affect service delivery. It was argued that goodgovernance practices improve public service performance and ultimately enhances servicedelivery. Furthermore, the study noted th...

1261 - 1275 Of 8224 Results