Education and Research Research Papers/Topics

Factors That Affects Pupil's Performance In Mathematics Selected Primary Schools Of Rapogi Division, Uriri District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The major purpose of the study was to determine Gender mathematics concepts' perception and its effects on academic performance of pupil's in selected primary schools of Rapogi Division, Uriri District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between girl's attitude and performance in mathematics, Investigate the relationship between teachers' attitudes and girls' performance in mathematics, Determine the relationship between the curriculum an...

Factors Militating Against Early Girl-Child Education: A Case Study Of Kasipul Division, Rachuonyo South District, Homa-Bay County

ABSTRACT This research was about factor militating against early girl childhood education, It was guided by three objectives; to analyze the general performance of girls in schools, to establish the reasons for poor performance and to propose techniques for combating with early child education. Stratified sampling technique was used where by 60 respondents were selected. Among the factors discovered were traditional attitude, discrimination, poor sanitation, long distances, regions, lunch,...

Hearing Impaired Learners And Academic Performance, Khwisero West Zone Kenya

ABSTRACT The st ucly gives the meaning of inclusion which advocates for equal oppo1·tunilics to aJl learners to experience normal main stream activities while making deliberate and appropriate measures to ensure quality education. The purpose of the study was achieved as impaired perform academically 25% perform so good, 50% perform fairly good and 25% below average. To reach these findings the research design was qualitative approach because the researcher used people analyzed, interpreted ...

Attitudes Of English Teaci-Iers Towards The Teaching Learning Process In The Secondary Sd-Tools Of Rongo District, Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of English teachers towards the teaching- learning process in selected Secondary schools of Rongo District, Migori County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to determine the role of teachers’ attitudes on the teachinglearning process, to whether teaching attitudes affecting negatively the teaching- learning process, and to investigate whether the teaching competencies affect the teaching- learning process. The method...

Girls Drop Out And Academic Perfomance Of Leari..Fers A Case Study Of Muhuroni In Nyando District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of girl child drop out on academic performance of learners. The objectives were to establish the relationship between girl child drop out and academic performance of learners. The study also examined the causes of girl child drop out among learners. The study used across -sectional survey design to analyze both quantitative and qualitative. The researcher coHected data from 3 schools with a population of 150 respondents. The research...

Attitudes Of Biology Teachers Towards The Teaching Learning Process In The Secondary Schools Of Gahini Sub-District, Kayonza, District Rwanda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of biology teachers towards the teaching- leaming process in selected Secondary schools of Gahini Sub-District, Kayonza District Rwanda. The objectives of the study were; to detennine the role of teachers' attitudes on the teachingleaming process, to whether teaching attitudes affecting negatively the teaching- leaming process, and to investigate whether the teaching competencies affect the teaching- !eaming process. The met...

Factors Influencing Learner's Academic Performance In Mathematics In Selected Primary Schools Of Opejo Parish, Ciforo Sub County, Adjumani District - Uganda

ABSTRACT A descriptive study was carried out in Opejo Parish Ciforo Sub County, Djumani district, with a purpose of examining those factors influencing performance in Mathematics, in primary schools. The study was guided by the following objectives; to find out gender affects the children's performance in mathematics. To establish if the methods used in teaching mathematics are appropriate. To find out if the quality of teachers was good to carry out instruction in mathematics. To esta...

The Influence Of Early Childhood Education On The Learners School Achievement In The Selected Primary Schools Of Kajuki Zone, Meru South District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of early childhood education on children's educational attainment. The following objectives guided the study: to find out if when children participate in ECDE programs will perform better in school. To find out whether by children participating in the ECDE programs makes them better in language and literacy, and to find out how those children who attended preschool socially related better than those who did not and if the parents of those...

The Effects Of Feeding Of Learners On Academic Performance: A Case Buikwe Town Council Buikwe District

ABSTRACT This research aimed at finding out the effects of feeding on academic performance in primary schools in Buikwe Town Council, Buikwe district. The researcher found out the importance of feeding to the children, effects of feeding and the impact of feeding programme on academic performance. Stratified sampling and random sampling techniques were used in this research so that each individual was given the same chance of being included m the sample. The instrument for data collection wa...

Effects Of Girls School Drop Out On Academic Performance In Kabarnet Zone, Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to determine the causes of school drop out on girls in Kabamet Zone~Baringo District, Kenya and come up with possible strategies to solve the problem. In the collection of data, all sources viewed relevant to this particular study were revisited and employed. This study used a descriptive cross sectional survey. The research used both the qualitative and quantitative analysis approaches in order to get a bigger picture both in number and data. S...

The Impact Of Free Primary Education On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Bocharia Zone, Rigoma Division, Masaba North District, Kenya

Abstract Recent Research Statistics Has Shown That The Free Primary Education Introduced In The Year 2003 Had Lead To A Large Influx Of Pupils Into Primary Schools. Kenyans Cannot Afford To Complacent About It, Thus Their Arise An Immediate Need To Conduct An Investigation On The Issue Of Academic Performance On The Influx Of Pupils. The Study Adopted A Descriptive Research Design. This Enhanced The Researcher To Obtain A Better Understanding Of The Impact Of Free Primary Education On Academ...

The Impact Of Drug Abuse On The Perfomance Of Puppils Of Herman Gmeiner Primary School In Eldoret District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of drug abuse on the academic performance of pupils of Herman Gmeiner Primary school in Eldoret, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the Reasons for drug abuse. Drugs commonly abused and their sources and the Effects of drug abuse on academic performance. The methods used for data collection was questionnaires to the staff members of the schools who were involved in the study. In chapter four, the fi...

Gender Differentials In Mathematics Achievemnent Of Primary School Pupils In Wumingu Location, Wundanyi Division, Taita District Kenya

ABSTRACT Over the past two decades, women limited participation 111 science, technology and mathematics (SMT) courses in tertiary institutions have been a cause for concern in Kenya. Women today, constitute over half of the world's population. This report therefore, discusses the present situation of female participation in SMT in Wumingu location, some of the factors that tend to hinder females' participation in SMT, vis-a-vis the effects of this limited paiiicipation on national developmen...

Effects Of Child Abuse On Academic Performance Of Pupils At Primary School Level In Got Oyaro Zone Rachuonyo North District Nyanza Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between child abuse and academic performance of pupils in 23 primary schools in Got Oyaro Zone Rachuonyo North District in Nyanza Province Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were:- To establish the factors responsible for child abuse in schools in Got Oyaro Zone of Radinonyo North district Kenya. Identify the effects of child abuse in Got Oyaro Zone and suggest measure that should be underscored to handle and e...

Inclusive Education And Academic Performance In Selected Schools In Kirisia Division, Sambura District- Kenya

ABSTRACT Teachers have great influence on learner's development. The role of the teacher is to manipulate the environment in order to facilitate earning while at the same time considering learner's diversities. What the teacher does therefore results in what is learnt. This means that the teacher's attitudes towards his/her learner greatly affect the learning of pupils with special needs 11 Students with learning disabilities have for a long time been denied adequate opportunities to practice...

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