Education and Research Research Papers/Topics

Causes Of School Dropout Among Pupils In Selected Primary And Secondary Schools Of Mulala Location, Nzaui District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study investigcited cnuses o( school dropout cu11011g pupils i11 selected prinwry schools, Cl cnse study of Mulnlo locntio11, Nzrnti district Kenya with the pwpose offi11cli11g out the causes o( school dropout w11011g pupils ill selected prinwry schools of Mulctln locntio11, The pince where this reseorch was cwTiecl out was Mula/ct Loco/ion, Nznui district ill Kenya. The population stucliecl wos SO pupils ill tell p1imory sc/100/s, A simplifiecl questiollnoire wos clesigne...

Problems Faced By Private Schools In The Slum And Academic Perfomance In Selected Areas Of Kibera Slum, Nairobi Distric Kenya

ABSTRACT The Oxfam Education Report published in 2000 is typical. While the author acknowledges the existence of high-quality private providers, he contends that these are elite, well-resourced schools that are inaccessible to the poor. As far as private schools for the poor are concerned, these are of “inferior quality”; indeed, they “offer a lowquality service” that is so bad it will “restrict children’s future opportunities.” This claim of low-quality private provision for th...

Effects Of Parental Involvement In Pupils Performance Nakifuma Zone Mukono District Uganda

ABSTRACT The critical issue addressed is the effects of parental involvement in performance amongst school children in Nakifuma Zone. The researcher will find out how it has impacted on the performance of pupils. The study will target 50% of the fourteen schools in the Zone using purposeful random sampling. Elements of parenting are many because of the role they play as mentors in a child's life. The target population will be all headteachers of selected schools and fiver parents from each o...

Child Abuse And Its Effect On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Embakasi Division, Nairobi East District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to determine the effects of child abuse on the academic performance of pupils in Embakasi Division, Nairobi East District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the effect of child abuse on the academic performance of pupils in Embakasi Division, Nairobi East District, to investigate the relationship between Child abuse and emotional behavior, to investigate the relationship between child abuse and violence in Embakasi Division, Nairob...

Ict Usage And Students’ Academic Achievement In Physics In Selected Secondary Schools In Luzira Nakawa Division Kampala District

ABSTRACT This study was about ICT usage and students’ academic achievement in Physics in Luzira Nakawa Division Kampala District Uganda, which was in line of determining the level of ICT usage and its impact on to student’s academic achievement in Physics in LuziraNakawa Division Kampala District Uganda. In this study, different sources of information were used that is to say, other scholars, journals, magazines, periodical articles other research studies and website. One of the three met...

Effect of Succession Planning Practices in Employee Retention in Kenya's Public Sector: A Case of Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government

Succession planning (SP) and employee retention (ER) are mutually reinforcing. Meaning effective succession planning leads to employee retention, and that would, in turn, make the succession plan effective. However many organizations at times fail to engage in the activities that enhance their employee retention. This leads to employees’ turnover, ageing workforce, mismatch of skills, shortage of relevant skills and stagnation of staff. The general objective of this study will be to establi...

The Impact Of Poverty On School Dropout Rate In Secondary Schools Of Kerio Valley Region Marakwet District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research is made up five chapters; Chapter one contains the problem and its scope, the theory, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions and significance of the study, Chapter two is made up of literature review on the following literature related to historical background of education in Kenya. - Cost sharing and its impact on dropout. - Inability to pay fees causing dropout. - Home based factors that make students to dropout of school. - School ba...

Effects Of Girls School Drop Out On Academic Performance In Kyuso Division, Kyuso District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to determine the causes of school drop out on girls in Kyuso Division, Kyuso District, Kenya and come up with possible strategies to solve the problem. In the collection of data, all sources viewed relevant to this particular study were revisited and employed. This study used a descliptive cross sectional survey. The research used both the qualitative and quantitative analysis approaches in order to get a bigger picture both in number and data....

The Role Of Universal Primary Education To The Socio Economic Development Of Central Uganda A Case Study Of Dwaniro Sub County Rakai District

ABSTRACT The research was carried out on the contributions of UPE policy to the socio-economic development of people. It was carried out in Dwaniro sub county Rakai district, it was intended to find out how UPE policy was contributing to development of communities, the challenges of the policy and what can be done to improve on the performance of UPE policy in Rakai district. The study used a descriptive research design and targeted local people, education administrators and the school going ...

Resources, Teachers Quality, And Academic Performance In Physics, Mosocho Djvision Kisii District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study focused on the impact of teacher's quality and teaching resources in·teaching physics secondary schools on the performance of Kenya certificate of secondary Education (KCSE). >erformance of the learners is a basic indicator of effective learning. Grades scored in internal ·xaminations are normally used as measures ofperfmmance ofthe subjects. In this study, the researcher looked into qualifications, experience ofteachers, teaching resources md the methods employed du...

An Assessment Of The Effectivenenss Of Functional Adult Literacy In The Acquisition Of Skills In Kapy Anga Sub County- Bugiri District-Uganda

ABSTRACT The Adult literacy program has been in existence in Uganda since I 964, l111ple111entc'd by various govern111ent-regi111es and at one ti111e collapsed. In the face or the development and implementation of the Millennium Development Goals. there has been emphasis on the core- development hindrances and on how to abate them in order to improve its global welfare. Among these is to reduce the literacy rate by 20 I 5 through the provision of Universal fee-free education in signatory- co...

Teachers' Attitudes Towards Poor Performance In Reading Among Learners With Specific Learning Difficulties In Inclusive Primary Schools In Narok Town, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deel arati on------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ii 0 Dedication------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii Acknowledge men l -----------------------------------------------------------------------iv Tab le of con ten ls-------------------------------------------------------------------------v L isl o...

Factors Affecting Learners With Special Education Needs Education In Kabarnet Zone A Study On Teacher Attitude In Kabarnet Zone In Baringo District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration Approval Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Cl1AP’1El~ *~1 1.0 It~Fl~ODLJCT~IOF~ a..a....n.........n.... lala..... ............n...,.,... ii...... 1 1 .1. l~ArIOl4~~ALE OF T1—IE STUD~~ 1 1.2 1~HEOl~’v’ 3 CIIAPFER 1~AIO 6 2.0 l~EVIEV~I OF l~ELA*TED LITER.ATLJR.E 6 2.1 THE CONCEP1~ OF DISALBILIT’Y’i.a.,I..iIu,.aI.z,si.,nhIzii.zIIIzI,.a,..iiInh.,.s.a.i.I.sIa .... 6 2.2 World overview of historical development of Special Needs Education...

The Effects Of War On Education In Northern Uganda (A Case Study Of Selected Schools In Bardege Division Gulu Municipality, Gulu District).

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ......................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ iv CHAPTER ON...

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