Education and Research Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Orphan Hood On The Discipline And Academic Performance In Selected Day Secondary Schools In Madiany Division Bondo District Kenya

ABSTRACT The content of this report consists of five chapters. Chapter one details out the background information of the research environment, purpose of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions and significance of the study. Chapter two is all about review of related literature whose contents include introduction, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, causes of orphan hood, guardians role in imparting discipline in orphans, forms of discipline, problems faced by orp...

Financial Resources And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Primary Schools Within Jinja District, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was carried out within Jinja district in Uganda. To come up with this study, the researcher had to be driven by the cardinal (general) objective formulated prior to data gathering and this had been stated as: This study is intended to investigate the influence of financial resources on the academic performance of pupils in primary schools within Jinja District. It is from such an objective that the researcher generated the general research question and this aimed at realiz...

Impact Of Free Primary Education On Early Childhood Education In Nairobi District, Embakasi Division, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS iv ABBREVIATIONS vi ABSTRACT vii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background ofthe Study 1 1.2 Statement ofthe Problem 2 13 Objectives of the Study 2 1.4 Research Questions 3 1.5 Scope ofthe Study 3 1.6 Sign~ficance of the Study 3 1. 7 Definition of Terms 4 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Impact ofFPE on Early ~Jhildhood Education 6 2.1.2 Teachers Salary 7 2.1.3 Resource Allocatio...

Parental Involvement And Pupils Academic Performance In Ngobit Zone Lamuria Division, Laikipia Central District, Rift-Valley Province, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .............................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...

The Implication Of Education Policies On The Acedemic Performane Of Learners With Hearing Impairment In Selected Schools In Kocholwo Zone Keiyo District Kenya

ABSTRACT The researcher carried out the study to find out the implication of Educational policies on the academic performance of leamers with hearing impairment in selected schools in Kocholwo zone contained five chapters. In the first chapter, the researcher spelled out the background information about hearing impaired children who continue to perform poorly in academic despite teacher induction and in service trainings in the zone. The researcher stated the problems at hand, described the p...

The Impact Of Free.Primary Education On Withdrawing Children From Child Labour In Ekalakala - Zone Machakos District Of Kenya

ABSTRACT The researcher noted with concern that the number of children living under difficult circumstances were on upward trend in terms of enrolment since the introduction of free primary education. He further felt that the school establishment lacked the necessary means to cater this category oflearners The researcher set out to investigate way and means of alleviating the problem and difficulties facing these children. He opted to use the quantitative approach in collection of data since...

The Rela Tionsidp Of Poverty And Secondary Education Attainment. A Case Study Of Pongwe Area- Tanga District Tanga Region Tanzania.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Pongwe area. A total of 240 respondents who were drawn from Pongwe residents were selected to participate in the study. The study findings portrayed that the poverty has great impact on education The investigations during the study revealed that the main cause of poverty was lack of employment and other sources of income. This was depicted by 85% of the respondents who said that education was affected by the economic background of the students to large ext...

Drug And Substance Abuse And Academic Performance In Kaimosi And Sigala Gala Institutes Of Technology

ABSTRACT Drugs are chemical substances that act on the brain affecting a persons mind and behaviour in extreme cases. Drugs are classified as legal and illegal drugs. Legal drugs are chemicals designed to treat. They contain stimulants such as caffeine and depressants. They are obtained either by prescription or over the counter. Such drugs are safe only when instructions on labels are followed. Illegal drugs are those whose sale and use is forbidden by law. This is because their harmful effe...

The Effectivness Of Dramatisation In Enhancing English Language Teaching And Learning: A Case Study In Private Secondary Schools In Bumbaire Sub-County-Bushenyi District.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Bumbaire Sub-County. lgara County in Private Secondary Schools. The aim of this study was to find out: "The effectiveness of Dramatisation in enhancing English language teaching and learning". The study was qualitative in nature and descriptive analysis was used, complemented by a few considerations. The samples used in the study included students, teachers and tutors. A total of I 00 respondents participated in the study and were sampled randomly. The in...

Some Factors Affecting School Administration Under Free Primary Education In Ndeiya Location, Limuru Division, Kiambu District Of Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ................................................................................... 1 Declaration ................... . . .............................. 11 Dedication .................... . . ........................................ IV Acknowledgements ............................................................................ v Table of Contents ............................................................................ vi List of Tables ..........................

Absenteeism And Pupils' Academic Performance In Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Kibungo Primary School, Nyamarebe Sub-County Ibanda District Uganda

ABSTRACT This study set out to examine the effect of absenteeism on pupils' academic performance in Kibungo Primary School, Nyamalebe Sub-county Ibanda District. The study followed a descriptive survey design, using both quantitative and qualitative data. Teachers and primary six pupils were the main respondents of this study. Convenience sampling was used to select Kibungo primary school, primary six and the teachers who answered the questionnaire while random sampling was used to select the...

Impact Of Poverty On Academic Oluujnga Performance Of Students, A Case Study Of Kiipsonoi Zone Kenya

TABLE Of CONTENTS DECLARATION .................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .......................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................

School Culture And Academic Performance Of The Girl Child In Primary Schools: Case Study Matete East Division Of Matete District In Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION AND APPROVAL ............................................................................................ .i DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................

The Impact Of School Dropout And Academic Performance Of Students. A Case Study Of Buhimba Senior Secondary School

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ... ..... .. ..... ....... ... ...... ....... ..... ........................ ... ... .. .... ... ... ......... ...... ... .......... i AP PROV AL .. ... ... ... ... .................................. ........ ...... ... .. ... ............. ................... .. ...... ......... ii TABLE OF CONTENT .. .... ..................... ..... .... ... ...... ...... ............... ............................ .. ..... iii CHAPTER ONE ......... ........ ......................

Teachers' Attitude Towards Mentally Retarded Learners And Their Performance In Inclusive Setting In Kamukunji Division, Nairobi North District-Kenya

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was teachers' attitude towards mentally retarded learners and their petformance in inclusive setting in Kamukunji Division, Nairobi District Kenya. The major objectives of the study were to find out; whether the regular school teachers have knowledge of who are the mentally retarded learners, if they have them in their classes, their level of interaction, performance and socialization with their "normal peers" at school. To find out what assistance strategies ...

31 - 45 Of 141 Results