Education and Research Research Papers/Topics

The Effectiveness Of Group Work In Teaching And Learning Biology In The Selected Secondary Schools In Vihiga District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of group work in teaching and learning biology in the selected secondary schools in Vihiga division, Vihiga District, Kenya Specific Objectives of the study were: find out the school related factors that hinder the implementation of group work in secondary schools, find out the different forms of group work in secondary schools, and find out what the attitudes of students towards group work in secondary schools. The met...

Factors Influncing Indiscpline Of Students In Secondary School In Kibwezi Division, Kiaoni Village, In Kathyaka Zone Of Kibwezi District - Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study on the factors influencing indiscipline of students in Secondaiy schools in Kibwezi Division was carried out with the main objective of examining the factors influencing indiscipline of students. The specific objectives of the study were to establish whether the family background is a factor that influences indiscipline in selected Secondaiy schools, to assess the laxity of administration influences indiscipline among students in selected Secondaiy schools, to determine wh...

Effects Of Communication Difficulties On Academic Performance Of Learners With Hearing Impairment: A Case Study Of Kakamega Municipality, Kakamega Central District

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of communication difficulties n academic performance of learners with hearing impairment. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; identifying ways in which our communication can be improved to suit school performance, the effect of communication on school performance, roles of the school in reducing communication barriers. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where purposive sampling was used to select population. It...

Hindrances To Quality Education In Inclusive Setting In Public Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Chepkumia Zone, Emgwen Division Nandi Central District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................ i APPROVAL ............................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ..............................................................

Factors Influencing Development Of Young Children In Kosirai Division, Nandi North District- Kenya

ABSTRACT The development of each child depends on an individual child. This dissertation is about investigating the factors influencing development of each children in Kosirai Division, Nandi North District (Kenya) This study considers a few ECD centers. Questionnaire and interview schedule were used for the learners, parents and teachers. The above group will give out their own views on the development of the children. The respondents were chosen random( the'om sele...

Students’ Atritude5 And Performance In Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Kasubi Parish In Kampala City

ABSTRACT Students’ attitude towards Mathematics has been a factor that is known to influence students’ performance in Mathematics. The purpose of this study is to find out the students’ attitude and its impact on performance in mathematics in secondary schools in Kasubi parish in Kampala city. A sample of 40 respondents was used including 30 students and 10 teachers. This sample was arrived at by using purposive sampling since the study took the form of cross sectional research design. ...

Head Teachers' Leadership Styles And Strikes In Secondary School Within Kambiti Secondary School, Muranga South District -Kenya

ABSTRACT This study investigated head teachers leadership styles in relation to strikes in secondary school within Kambiti Secondary School, Muranga South District-Kenya, was used as a sample school. The head teacher of Kambiti was interviewed while the students of this school answered questionnaires. The researcher employed a descriptive survey method to determine head teachers' leadership styles in relation to outbreak of riots in Kambiti Secondmy school of Matete. The researcher util...

Attitudes Of Biology Teachers To\Vards The Teaching Learning Process In The Secondary Schools Of Chepkorio Division, Keiyo District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of biology teachers towards the teacl1ing- learning process in selected Secondary schools of Chepkorio Division, Keiyo District Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to determine the role of teachers' attitudes on the teachinglearning process, to whether teaching attitudes affecting negatively the teaching- learning process, and to investigate whether the teaching competencies affect the teaching- learning process. The me...

Environment And Academic Performance Of Physically Handicapped Learners In Regular Schools Of Gachoka Division, Mbeere District Kenya.

ABSTRACT This research report contains five major chapters as follows:- Chapter 1 Introduction The research investigated effect of environment and academic performance of physical handicapped learners in regular school and suggests solutions to these problems under recommendations in chapter five. Chapter II. Review of Related Literature The researcher reviewed related literature on the following sub headings:Types of learners with physical handicap Orthopaedically impaired, Neurological d...

Factors Influencing Drop Outs Of Pre-Schools: A Case Study In Navakholo Dmsion

ABSTRACT The study of this report is about the factors influencing pre-school drop outs in Navakholo division, Kakamega district. It is directed by three objectives and these include: causes of the drop out, to identify the roles of NGO in fighting school drop out, and to estimate effort of government in promoting education. The study was descriptive where stratified sampling was used to select population. It employed a total sample of 50 respondents as in chapter four. Data were analyzed a...

An Assessment Of Intellectual Challanges Facing Learners In Early Childhood Primary Education; A Case Study Of Muumboni Primary School, Thitani Zone, Migwani Division In Mwingi District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS .... CHAPTER ONE .. . 1. 0 Introduction .. . TABLE OF CONTENTS . .........................................................• 11 ................. III ......... IV ··························································v . ...................................... ~ ·············································································...

Nutritional Health And Academic Performance Of Children In Selected Primary Schools Of Upper Nyakach Division,Nyakach District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..............................................................

Socioeconomic Determinants Of Primary School Dropout: The Logistic Model Analysis

Abstract This paper describes the socioeconomic determinants of primary school dropout in Uganda with the aid of a logistic model analysis using the 2004 National Service Delivery Survey data. The Objectives were to establish the; household socioeconomic factors that influence dropout of pupils given free education and any possible policy alternatives to curb dropout of pupils. Various logistic regressions of primary school dropout were estimated and these took the following dimensions; rural...

Determinants Of Pupils' Performance In English; A Case Study Of Kairungu Primary School (In Kirinyaga District (Kenya))

Abstract The performance of English in both Primary and Secondary school is very important. English being one of the core subjects in Kenya's school curriculum is used as a medium of instruction in all other subjects apart from Kiswahili. It is also Kenya's official language. Issues concerning the performance of English in national examinations pose some strongest challenges to the government, teachers and parents. This concern in performance reveals a dangerous trend that cuts across gender....

61 - 75 Of 141 Results