ABSTRACT This study examines patterns of language use among a group of Gorowa children, youths and elders to establish whether Kiswahili is thriving or the local languages are threatenedby a potential shift. This study was intended to investigate the factors influencing language shift from Gorowa to Kiswahili and the importance it has, and the negative effects of language shift or Kiswahili usage on Gorowa community in Babati district. The main techniques employed in data collection are ques...
ABSTRACT This is a study report on challenges of CP in English language teaching in Tanzanian Secondary schools. The report is organized in four chapters: introduction; literature review, research methodology; study findings; conclusion and recommendations respectively. The study involved the investigation on whether the CP approach is applied in teaching English language in Tanzania, assessing the benefits and challenges where CP is applied, and proposing appropriate strategies on adopting ...
ABSTRACT The study intended to investigate the sociolinguistic situation of the Zaramo language. The main focus of the study was to assess the intergenerational transmission of Zaramo language from elders to the youth, to examine the trends of Zaramo existing domains of language use where Zaramo language is highly expected to be used and to explore the attitude of Zaramo speakers towards their language so as to understand if they are proud of their language or they feel ashamed of it and the...
IKISIRI Tasnifu hii ilijigeza katika kuchunguza matumizi ya utanzia katika riwaya pendwa za Kiswahili ulinganisho wa riwaya za Ben Mtobwa na Hussein Tuwa. Ponera (2014) anasema kuwa utanzia ni mbinu ambayo mtunzi hutumia vipengele mbalimbali vizuavyo huzuni, masikitiko, jitimai na mateso kwa hadhira yake. Vipengele hivyo huweza kujengwa na mateso, ugumu wa maisha, vifungo, mabaa kama vile njaa, gharika, kimbunga, magonjwa, ulemavu (wa viungo au michakato ya mwili, pamoja na ule wa mifumo ya m...
ABSTRACT The main concern of dissertation was language supportive input to science subjects learners in secondary schools in Zanzibar: Learners‟ weakness and the teachers‟ input. The study firstly explored the areas of difficult that science subjects learners in Zanzibar require language supportive input. Second, it examined the language supportive input provided by science teachers to science subjects students in secondary schools. Lastly, it assessed the science teachers‟ ability to p...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of Kinilamba as a first language in learning Kiswahili as a second language. The study area was Kinampanda and Ulemo wards in Iramba district in Singida region. In each ward two primary schools and one secondary school were involved in the study. The study aimed at observing whether Kinilamba as L1 influences the learning of Kiswahili as L2 in phonological, morpho-syntactic and lexical aspects. The study is based on Contrastive Analysis Hypothes...
ABSTRACT The study involved the role of Kinyakyusa in learning Kiswahili as a second language. In order to examine this assertion, the study was conducted under three specific objectives. These are phonological, morphosyntactic and lexical influences of Kinyakyusa in learning Kiswahili as a second language. The study was conducted in Rungwe district where Nyakyusa natives are dominant. Word lists, questionnaires, interviews and observation were the research techniques used in collecting data....
ABSTRACT This study investigated the challenges of consecutive interpreting in My Love film, interpreted from English into Swahili. It, specifically, sought to identify challenges of consecutive interpreting in My Love film and to find out the impacts of the challenges of consecutive interpreting in My Love film from one language to another. The researcher, first watched My Love film thoroughly and then identified eighteen strings. The study employed 55 respondents as its sample size and use...
ABSTRCT This study sought to evaluate the content of the constitution of URT translated from English into Kiswahili. It specifically focused on the identification of the problems which translators experienced when translating and analyzing the challenges faced by the translators. Moreover, it discussed the factors which may contribute to the quality of translation or information. The data were collected through documentary review, questionnaires and interviews. The study used both purposive a...
ABSTRACT This study informs about the toponyms of Pemba village names. More specifically, it informs about the origin of the village names, meanings associated with the names and the influence of modernisation on the names. The study employed descriptive research design in which the generation and analysis of the data were done using qualitative techniques; i.e. data were collected through interviews, focus group discussion and documentary review. The researcher was informed by 46 informants ...
IKISIRI Tasnifu hii inahusu Matumizi ya msamiati unaosawiri mazingira ya Kizanzibari katika riwaya za Muhammed Said Abdulla. Msamiati ni jumla ya maneno yaliyomo katika lugha. Hivyo, kwa mujibu wa utafiti huu maneno yenyewe yalichunguzwa kupitia riwaya ya Mzimu wa Watu wa Kale, Duniani Kuna Watu na Kosa la Bwana Msa. Uchunguzi huu ulilenga kuchunguza na kubainisha msamiati huo na etimolojia yake pamoja na athari yake kwa wasomaji. Sababu ya kuchunguza suala hilo lilitokana na mtafiti kuvutika...
ABSTRACT Metaphor is an intriguing concept. It is used implicitly as well as explicitly at different levels. Basically, metaphor is a linguistic device; it is used to compare certain objects, feelings and attitudes with other entities. This study investigated the use of metaphors in Swahili Newspapers headlines and their effects in communication with the aim of identifying metaphors used in Swahili newspapers, the effects of metaphors and the role they play in news reporting as well as the re...
IKISIRI Tasnifu inahusu uchunguzi juu ya Asili ya Wapemba kwa Mtazamo wa tawi la Isimujamii la Isimu Mandhari. Isimu Mandhari ni mkabala wa kiisimu unaoshughulikia vipashio vya lugha vinavyohusiana na eneo fulani la watumiaji wa lugha inayohusika. Huchunguza umaeneo ndani ya lugha fulani. Kwa mfano, kuchunguza msamiati wa lugha unaotumika katika eneo fulani. Kipashio kimojawapo cha lugha, yaani maneno ya kategoria ya nomino (majina) yanachukua nafasi kubwa katika mkabala huu. Majina yanatuwez...
ABSTRACT This study assessed language endangerment in Tanzania with a focus on Matengo language, an Ethnic Minority Languages spoken in Mbinga District in Ruvuma region. The research used qualitative approach and both ethnographic and phenomenological research designs. Also, the research employed interview and observation methods in the data collection. The study had three objectives which were to: identify patterns of Matengo endangerment, to analyse causes of Matengo endangerment and examin...
IKISIRI Kazi hii imedhamiria kufafanua athariya matumizi ya mafumbo na tamathali za semi zinazojitokeza katika nyimbo zinazoimbwa katika muktadha wa uganga wa puuo. Lugha inayotumika katika nyimbo hizo huwa teule na yenye ukwasi mkubwa katika utumiaji wa mafumbo na tamathali, kama vile ishara, methali, taswira, taashira, tashbiha na tashhisi. Aidha, utafiti huu umelenga kubainisha athari zinazojitokeza kutokana na matumizi ya mafumbo na tamathali za semi kwa jamii ya Wazanzibari. Utafiti umeo...