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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Media Strategies And Their Influence In Communicating Information On Female Genital Mutilation: A Case Of Sabiny Community In Kapchorwa District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLAMTION ................................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ........................................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................

The Role 01? The Media In The Education Ot' The Glltlciiild

TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1I.I. BACK GROUND ..................................................... !I. 1. l. Responsibilities of girls in the home ............................. 61.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ............................... 81.3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ................................... 81.3.1 General Objectives ................................................... 81.3.2 Specific Objectives ............................

The Role Of The Media In Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation Among The Kish Community Of Kenya In Kish Central District A Case Studyof The Abagusii Community

ABSTRACT This dissertation demonstrates critical analysis of the research findings on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kisii !entral District with special a~~ media. Three research areas were accessed: la report on harmful traditional practices that affect the health of the women and their children in kisii1 the large span of the media and its coverage, from this report, the findings were discussed under selection criteria while p1aying a large concern on economic...

The Influence Of Child Protection Initiatives On The Promotion Of Children’s Rights In Uganda: A Case Study Of Kyenjojo Town Council

TABLE CONTENTSDECLARATION .iAPPROVAL jjDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS ivTABLE CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiLIST OF FIGURES ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 1.1.1 Background to the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 41.3.Objectives of study 71.3.1 General Objective 71.3.2 Specific objective 71.4 Research Questions 71.5 Scope of the study 71.6 Significance of the study 81.7 Definition of key terms and concepts 81.8 Conceptual Framework 10CHAPTERTWO 11LITERATURE REVIEW 112.0 Introdu...

The Role Of Civil Society Organisations In Promoting Women Empowerment: A Case Study Of Kazo Sub-County Kiruhura District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivLIST OF FIGURES viiiLIST OF TABLES ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11 .1 Introduction 11 .2 Background to the study 11.3 Problem Statement 51.4 Purpose of the study 51.5 Specific objectives 61 .5 Research questions 6i.7Scope of the study 61.7.1 Geographical scope 61.7.2 Content scope 61.7.3 Time scope 71.8 Significance of the study 71 .8 The conceptual frame work 7Description of the model 8v• CH.AP’FER r~i’OI4...

The Impact Of Human Resource Planning On Organizational Performance Of District Local Governments A Case Study Of Sheema District Local Government

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.APPROVAL iiDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABBREVIATiONS! ACRONYMS vLIST TABLES viTABLE OF CONTENTS viiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background of the study I1,2 Statement of the problem 41.3 Research Objective 41.4 Research Questions 41.5.1 Content scope 51.6.2 Sampling Scope 51.6.3 Time Scope s1.7 Justification of the study 51.9 Conceptual Framework 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.0 Introduction 72.1 The impact of Organizational structure o...

Influence of Cultural Practices in the Promotion of Girls and Women’s Rights

ContentsDECLERATIONCERTIFICATION.iiDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS vEXECUTIVE SUMMERY viiCHAPTER ONEBACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 11 .0. Introduction 11 .1. Background of the study 11 .2. Problem statement 41.3. Purpose of the study 51 .4 Objectives of thee study~ 51 .5. Research questions~ 51.6.0. Scope of the study~ 51 .6. 1 .Contentscope~ 51 .6.2. Geographical scope 61.6.3. Time scope 61 .7. Significance of the study~ 61 .8. Conceptual framework 71.9. Operational de...

Challenges Facing the Independent Media in Kenya a Case study of the Kenya Television Network

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ........................................................................................................................... .iApproval. ............................................................................................................................ .iiDedication .......................................................................................................................... .iiiAcknowledgement. ....................................................

An Investigation into The Challenges for the Enjoyment of Basic Human Rights by Children in Child-Headed Households in Karongi District, Western Rwanda

TABLE OF CONTENTSPageTitle page .............................................................................................. iDeclaration ........................................................................................... iiApproval ............................................................................................. iiiDedication ........................................................................................... ivAcknowledgements ......................................

The Influence of Electronic Media in Socialization Within Urban Area. A Case Study of Nbs Television

ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of electronic media in socialization with in urban area. The objectives of the study include; To highlight the demographic characteristics of the respondents according to; Age, Gender, Marital Status, Income level and the Level of education; To determine the role of electronic media in socialization; To examine television violence within urban area; And to determine the significant difference between the role of electronic media in socialization and t...

An Assessment Of The Parents Socio-Economic Status And Performance Of Students In Secondary School In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page .............................................................. .Table of content .............................................................................. .i-iiiDeclaration .................................................................................... .ivCertification .............................................................. . ·················vDedication .................................................................................

Electronic Media And The Coverage Of Political Events In Jinja-Uganda, A Case Study Of Nbs Radio

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.DEDICATIONAPPROVAL iiiACKNOWLDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vLIST OF TABLES ixLIST OF FIGURES xDEFINITION OF KEY TERMS xCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background information to the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 11.3 Objectives of the study 21.3.lGeneral objectives 21.3.2 Specific objectives 21.4 Research questions 21.5 Scope of the study 21.5.1 Geographical scope 31.5.2 Content scope 31.5.3 Time scope 31.6 Significance of the study 31.7 Justification of...

The Impact Of Domestic Violence On Family Relationships And Development In Kampala District A Case Study Of Nsambya Parish

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION I1.1 Background of the study1.3 Purpose of the study 31 .4 Objectives of the study 31.5 Research questions 31.6. Scope ofthe study 4CHAPTER TWO 5REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 52.0 Introduction 52.2 Factors ccontributing to Domestic Violence 82.3 Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Development 13CHAPTER THREE 22METHODOLOGY 22V3.0 Introduction .223.1 ...

Impact of Technological Advancement On the Dissemination of Information

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................................. iDEDICATION .................................................................................................................... iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS············································�...

An Inquiry Into Economic Cr0wtu And Youth Employment In Kampala Distrjcr Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION iiAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGE~4,fEc~’TABLE OF CONTENT viCHAPTER ONE 1THE PERCEpTION OF THE PROBLEM I1.1 $ackground of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 41.3 General Objectives 41.4 Specific objectives in this study are 51.5 Research objectives1.6 Significance of the study 5CHAPTER TWO 6LITERATURE Rj~VIEW 62.0 Introduction 62.1 Theoretical perspective 62.2 The relationship between economic growth and employment 72.3 Possible solutions to the problem of une...

1321 - 1335 Of 8224 Results