Art Education Research Papers/Topics

The Aesthetics Of Semantic Incongruities And Lexical Deviations In Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s Murogi Wa Kagogo

ABSTRACT The study focused on aesthetics of semantic incongruities and lexical deviations in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s text Mũrogi wa Kagogo. The study is premised on the knowledge that style is a vital element especially for the purpose of delivering the message of a literary writer. The study therefore sought to investigate the rationale behind Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s employment of semantic incongruities and lexical deviations in his text Mũrogi wa Kagogo. In an environment where schola...

The Nature Of Homonymous And Polysemous Relations In Ekegusii

The Nature Of Homonymous And Polysemous Relations In Ekegusii

Gender Differences In Mathematics Performance Among Secondary School Students In Bureti Sub-County, Kericho County Kenya

ABSTRACT In all developing countries, mathematics education is being called upon to play an even more important role for the future. For an all round contribution, there is need to involve both men and women. This study focused on the gender differences in performance in mathematics among form three secondary school students in Bureti Sub-County. It focused on the influence of students perception, parental expectations, teachers’ characteristics and perceptions and school environment o...

Determinants Of Differential Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education Performance And School Effectiveness In Kiambu And Nyeri Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between school effectiveness and academic performance in public secondary schools of Kiambu and Nyeri Counties, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to: establish the strategies being employed by public secondary schools to improve students‟ academic performance; determine the relationship between the academic performance improvement strategies employed and the performance of students in KCSE; and identify academic perf...

Impact Of Strengthening Of Mathematics And Science In Secondary Education Programme On The Teaching And Learning Of Physics In Mixed Day Secondary Schools In Lari District, Central Province,

ABSTRACT This study focused on the impact of the Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) programme on the teaching and learning of Physics in Mixed Day Schools in Lari District of Central Province. The SMASSE programme is a joint venture between Kenya government represented by the Ministry of Education and the government of Japan through Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). It came into being in 1998 when the constantly poor performance in Mathema...

Representation Of Ecological Consciousness In Henry Ole Kulet’s Vanishing Herds And The Hunter

ABSTRACT This study endeavours to bring a fresh insight into the role of literature in the global campaign against environmental degradation. It examines how human culture impacts the natural environment in Henry Ole Kulet’s novels: Vanishing Herds and The Hunter. The study engaged the critical tools of postcolonial ecocriticism in the analysis of the author’s conceptualization of nature, the relationship between colonialism and ecology, and the impact of culture on how characters’ exp...

The social, cultural and economic impact of ethnic violence in molo division, 1969 – 2008.

ABSTRACT This study investigates the social, cultural and economic impact of ethnic violence in Molo Division, Nakuru County, Kenya in the period 1969 – 2008. The Division is inhabited by several ethnic groups although the Agikuyu, the Kipsigis (a sub-group of the larger Kalenjin) and the Abagusii are the most populous. Since the introduction of multipartysm in 1991, their political and cultural differences have been exploited by politicians; the result has been ethnic based violence that ...

Effect Of Physics Instructional Videos As An E-Learning Resource On Performance Among Secondary School Students In Githunguri District, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Of the three secondary schools‟ science subjects taught in Kenya, physics has the lowest enrolment of about 30% compared to chemistry and biology which have an average of about 95% and 90% respectively. This has been caused by poor performance in the subject at the lower classes leading to few students opting for the subject in the upper classes. This study explored the use of physics video as an additional media resource in teaching and learning of the subject as a way of improvin...

The Impact Of Asei Movement On Students’ Achievement In Secondary School Biology In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the extent to which the ASEI movement and lecture method of instruction had an impact on students‟ biology achievement in Nakuru County. The objectives of the study were threefold: the first objective was to find out the attitude of students towards the teaching/learning of biology. The second one was to find out the type of teaching/learning methods/approaches used by teachers of biology in teaching the subject; to find out the extent to whic...

Effectiveness Of Cost - Saving Measures In Improving Kcse Performance In Public Secondary Schools: The Case Of Marakwet West District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the effectiveness of cost saving measures in improving KCSE performance in public secondary schools in Kenya. Specifically, the study aimed at meeting objectives such as analyzing resource endowment of public secondary schools, the effectiveness of cost saving measures in improving KCSE performance and make recommendations on the effectiveness of cost saving measures in improving KCSE performance in public secondary schools in Marakwet West district. Gener...

The Contextualization Of Lexical Items In Chinua Achebe’s Arrow Of God

ABSTRACT The study is on the contextualization of lexical items in Chinua Achebe’s literary work, Arrow of God. The objectives of the study were; to identify the lexical items which reflect the society’s worldview in Arrow of God, to find out the similarities and differences in the semantic and pragmatic use of lexical items in the literary work and to explain the features of context brought about by the use of the lexical items by the writer. The social language theory and the Sapir –...

Comparative Assessment Of Syllabi And Implementation Of Physical Education And Sports Programmes In Primary And Secondary Schools In Kenya And Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to compare the Physical Education syllabi, and the implementation of Physical Education and sports programmes in primary and secondary school in Kenya and Uganda. Content of the syllabi, statutory time allocation, time tabling, teaching organization, teaching Physical Education, mobilization and utilization of resources, funding, organization of sports programmes and school competitions, and challenges facing teaching formed the core of the investigation....

Phonological Variability In The Esl Of Students: A Case Study Of Mikuini Secondary School, Machakos District

ABSTRACT The present study examined phonological variability in the spoken English of secondary school students in a co-curricular Kenyan secondary school in Machakos District. From the onset, this research purposed to do the following: identify and describe phonological variation in the spoken English used by Mikuini Secondary School students; use the social network construct to describe the density in relation to their Christian denominational leanings and to describe the correlation b...

Disaster Preparedness In Public Secondary Schools In Githunguri District, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate disaster preparedness in public secondary schools in Githunguri District. This study was prompted by the many disasters that have affected schools in the district especially fire disasters, therefore the need to determine how well prepared the schools are to handle disasters. The objectives of the study were: to examine disaster preparedness policies in schools; to assess disaster awareness among the school community members; to identify th...

The Potential Of Open Distance And E-L In Broadening Female Students Access To Universities In Kenya: A Study Of Kenyatta University’s Marsabit Centre

ABSTRACT In Kenya, female students and especially those from Arid and Semi-Arid and marginal areas are underrepresented at various educational levels, particularly at University Level. The interventions to widen access and participation in Kenya for female students have been instituted centrally using affirmative action which led to increase in female access and participation but has also led to socioeconomic and regional inequality. This is because it has given advantage to female stud...

991 - 1005 Of 1340 Results