Art Education Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Instructional Materials And Pupils Enrolment On Primary School Pupils Academic Performance In Nyeri Municipality Division Kenya

ABSTRACT The study on Impact of Instructional materials and pupils enrolment pupils academic performance was calTied out in 9 schools in Nyeri South Municipality division. The sample area had 42 schools and an enrolment of 19,600 pupils. Thus the visited schools represent 21 .4% of the schools and 1 9.3 % of the enrolment in the targeted division The overall aim of the study was to document the impact of instructional materials and pupils enrolment in Free Primary Education Programme on pupil...

Academic Performance And Epileptic Learners In Inclusive Setting In Migori Zone, Migori District Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was designed to investigate the academic performance of learners with epilepsy in inclusive setting in Migori Zone - Migori District - Kenya. The research was done in sampled schools across the zone. The finding of the research was as below; i. That children with epilepsy had children with epilepsy can learn alongside their peer with no epilepsy, most schools visited had children with epilepsy, which indicated that children with epilepsy get access to regular schools. ...

Discipline And Academic Performance In English Subject Of Ugandan And Sudanese Pupils Of Ugandan Martyrs Primary School In Lubaga Division, Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Objectives: This study determined the discipline and academic performance in English subject of Ugandan and Sudanese pupils of Uganda Martyrs Primary School in Lubaga Division, Kampala District, Uganda. Specifically, these data were gathered: profile of teachers as to age, gender, marital status, teaching experience, educational qualification; the level of discipline in terms of rules and regulations, pupils' behaviour, communication skills and school/home environment; the level of ...

The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children's Academic Performance In Primary Schools. A Case Study Of Makindye Sub-County Kampala District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to explore the effects of domestic violence on children ·s Academic performance in primary schools. The study was conducted in Makindye cubcounty, Kampala district. The researcher collected dat& from parents, children and police officers, self administered questionnaires, guided interviews and observation were the basic instruments. The collected data was tabulated and analysed comparing percentage number of the respondents for the variable under in...

Motivation And Academic Performance Of Students-A Case Of Owimbi Zone Secondary Schools; Rarieda District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study set out to determine the relationship between mc4ivthon and academic performance of students: of Owimbi zone in Rarieda district Kenya. A number of schools were motivating their teachers and students to stimulate the performance in National Examinations. Despite this, the performances of some schools in national exanimations were extremely very poor.The research information was on the characterized personal information of the teachers, subjects taught and grade attained. T...

Importance Of Job Design In Schools: Cases Study Of Job Design And Performance In Selected Hotels In Mombassa

ABSTRACT This study looked into job design and organizational performance and the purpose of the study was to find out whether job design affects organizational performance. The objectives of this study were; to determine whether job design affects organizational performance, to find out the indicators of job design and to determine the factors that affect organizational performance. The researcher adopted a casual comparative research design because the study has a cause effect relation...

The Relationship Between Hiv/Aids And Education: Case Study Of Selected Primary Schools Of Mwlngi District, Eastern Kenya

ABSTRACT fhe purpose of this study was to determine the impact ofIDV/AIDS on the education of 5elected primary schools of Mwingi District Eastern Province Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to, determine the effect of HIV/AIDS on the enrollment of children in school, determine the relationship between HIV/ AIDS and school drop out, determine the challenges teachers face in regards to the HIV/ AIDS pandemic, determine the Impact of IDV / AIDS on teachers' participation in ed...

Causes Of Early Marriages Among School Going Pupils In Selected Primary Schools In Mpumudde Sub County In Jinja District- Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the causes of early marriages among school going pupils in Mpumudde Division in Jinja district. The objectives of the study were the following; it was aimed at: 1. To establish the causes of early marriages among school going pupils. 2. To examine the impact of early marriages on the pupils who engage them selves in this practice. 3. To come up with measures and strategies that can be adopted to reduce the high rate of early marriages a...

Effects Of Orphanhood On Secondary School Students Academic Performance: Case Study Of Butula Division, Butula District- Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of orphanhood on students' academic performance. The objectives of the study were to examine the challenges faced by orphans; find out strategies that would help orphans in schools, and to examine the effect of orphanhood on the academic performance of learners. The tesearcher used a case study design. A representative sample was made from the target population though simple random sampling method. A representative sample of 30% was ...

Attitude Of Parents Tow Ards Education Of Hearing Imp Aired Children In An Inclusive Stetting Of Selected Primary School, A Case Study Of Sarwat Primary School Nandi South District Kenya

ABSTRACT Any society will have attained a condition of equal opportunity of the range of the distribution Of benefits and their distributions within the range is approximately the same for each relevant social group within the student's population. On the s111face it seems that denial of education a majority of people or its limitation beyond the elementary level has usually been justified in terms of their parent's inability to benefit from more education. Nevertheless, this research r...

Gender And Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils. Case Study Of Budalangi District Primary Schools, Kenya

ABSTRACT This paper examines the gender disparities in academic performance of pupils in sample selected schools in Bunyala division. Using the information obtained from the field study of sample selected schools from division, the study tries to uncover the reasons as to why the performance of girls in primary schools is generally poor. The study unveils that though there have been plans by the Kenyan government to ensure that he performance of the girl child has improved much still has to...

Challenges To Effective Implementation Of Free Primary Education In Selected Schools Of Central Division, Garissa District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Central division, Garissa district Kenya with an intention to determine and identify the outstanding challenges of Universal Primary Education in Kenya, while reflecting some selected government aided primary schools in Central division. On this note, all other authors' works similar to this paiiicular study were revisited ai1d this formed the basis of the researcher's review of related literature. A descriptive survey design was employed since the...

The Effects Of Free Primary Education On Pupil Performance In Selected Schools In Sugoi Zone, Turbo Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in five selected primary schools which include; Seiyot primary, Cheramei, Chebarus, Sokyot and Leseru primary schools. The research looked at the effects of free primary education on the academic performance of pupils in Turbo Division, Uasin- Gishu West District Kenya. In an attempt to achieve the above, three objectives were developed. The objectives were; determining the level of free primary education, effects of free primary education on performan...

Influence Of Instructional Materials On Learners' Participation And Academic Achievement In Social Studies In Selected Rural Primary Schools In Banda Sub-County Namayingo District Uganda

ABSTRACT Participation involves working with a partner or in a small group and brainstorming in order to create a stimulating learning environment. The role of instructional materials is to glue information into learners mind as what is seen is understood more than what is heard. During the formative years, learners add increasing qualities of knowledge to what is already learnt through explorations as they grow and expand horizon on the quality of content mastered. To widen mastery of conce...

961 - 975 Of 1340 Results