Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Socio-Cultural Influences On Interpretation Of Instructional Materials For Japanese As A Foreign Language: A Case Of Kenya Utalii College, Nairobi

ABSTRACT Foreign language instruction is most effective when it takes place through meaningful, motivating, and interactive activities of cognitive and socio-cultural nature. Foreign languages instructional materials are generally produced by the native speakers of the language guided by their own culture, without consideration of the culture of any other users of the materials. Many learners of Japanese language have been found to have difficulties in mastering the language. This study sough...

Availability And Utilization Of Computers In Teaching And Learning Of Business Studies In Secondary Schools: Westlands District Nairobi County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The use of computers world over has changed the way we do many things. In the developed world, the integration of computers in teaching and learning has proved to be a worthwhile experience. This study sought to establish the availability and utilization of computers for teaching and learning Business Studies in Nairobi County‟s Westlands district – Kenya. The objectives of this research were: (i) to investigate the availability and accessibility of general purpose computers to t...

Reading Abilities Of Class Four Learners Of English In Four Selected Schools In Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The importance of reading skills in today‘s society is great since one has to rely on reading to get information from many sources. This study focused on assessment of learners‘ reading abilities in rural areas of Maara sub-county in Tharaka-Nithi County. This provided insight into the reading abilities of learners during their early grades in primary schools since the main objectives of this study is to assess the reading abilities of class four learners in rural areas, to asses...

A Philosophical Analysis Of Legal Positivism With Regard To The Place Of Morality In The Kenyan Judicial System

ABSTARCT This study is a philosophical analysis of the positivist separation thesis with regard to the role of law in society and the place of morality it. Like any other study in Philosophy, the study is a reasoned response to the claims made by the legal positivist doctrine about law and morality— a response that involves putting forward a counter claim and proceeding to advance reasons why we should believe or accept it. The study acknowledges that the law, through various judicial insti...

Factors Affecting Use Of Computers In Teaching And Learning Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Kisii Central District, Kisii County, Kenya

Abstract The study investigated factors affecting the use of computers in teaching and learning of Mathematics in secondary schools of Kisii central district,Kisii County, Kenya. Previous empirical studies have underscored the important roles of instructional materials in the classroom setup. Studies the world over have also highlighted the roles of computer as an instructional material in the classroom particularly in regard to assisting in enriching the teaching learning experience of perce...

Human Resource Factors Influencing Pupils’ Performance In Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education In Thika West District, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The implementation of free primary education in Kenya gave rise to many problems that the government had not anticipated which affected the quality of education it was meant to improve. The teacher-pupil ratio remains too high in public schools (Too, 2004). The study sought to establish the HR factors influencing academic performance in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in Thika west district. The study used descriptive research design. The target population was all the pupils, ...

Influence Of Utilisation And Design Of Curriculum Digital Content On Biology Instructional Process Among Secondary Schools In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The quality of curriculum and curriculum support materials used by the teachers and learners affects the quality of education that is delivered during an instructional process. For many years, educational materials have mostly been static text with pictures printed in books. These kinds of materials do not have strong potential to provide appropriate learning environment for learners who are technologically savvy and who expect interactive engaging learning experiences. In recent yea...

The Female Voice and the Future of Gender Relationships in the Nigerian Nation in Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus and Half of a Yellow Sun

Abstract This study is a gender appraisal of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie‟s two novels: Purple Hibiscus (2003) and Half of a Yellow Sun (2006). It interrogates how the author projects the female voice(s) in her writing. We explore how Adichie, an African woman-writer suggests a new vision where men and women collaborate in liberation efforts. African women writers often grapple with neo-colonialism, racism, misrule, poverty, gender bias, ethnic animosity, religious fundamentalism, famine and mi...

Influence Of Effective Implementation Of Life Skills Education On Student Academic Perfomance In Secondary Schools In Koibatek District Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate and assess the influence of effective implementation of life skills education curriculum on educational performance in a set of select public secondary schools in Koibatek Sub-County, Baringo County. The objectives herein were: to identify the influence of implementation of LSE on academic performance in secondary schools, established from teachers and students the adequacy of LSE resource/materials used in teaching LSE, find out the head ...

Utilization Of Information And Communication Technology In Management Of Public Secondary Schools In Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT In the twenty first century, technology use has had huge impact in every sphere of life. Information and Communication Technology has been used enormously in school administration as an aid in data control. With high level of investment in Information and Communication Technology, still there is limited integration of Information and Communication Technology in school management. The purpose of this study was to investigate the utilization of Information and Communication Technology ...

Strategies Employed By Secondary School Principals To Improve Academic Performance In Embu West District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the strategies employed by secondary school principals to meet their academic performance improvement goals in Embu West District. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. Research question one aimed at examining the strategies employed by secondary school principals in Embu West District to meet their schools‟ academic performance improvement goals, research question two focussed on establishing the differences between ...

Face threatening acts in the discourse of the academic clinic in kenyan secondary schools.

ABSTRACT In Kenya today, secondary school students sometimes describe themselves as neglected because they feel they are denied the opportunity to express their views. Considering the many communicative events in schools, this is puzzling. The study posits that the communication may be marred, causing the students neither to enjoy nor benefit from the fora provided. This study, “Face Threatening Acts in the Discourse of The Academic Clinic in Kenyan Secondary Schools” is an attempt at a ...

The Effects Of Hiv And Aids On The Completion Rates Of Girls In Secondary Schools In Thika District, Kenya

Abstract Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which has no cure, is a viral disease which weakens the body immune system. The most disturbing fact is that the disease continues to spread, hampering and reversing development by destroying the productive capacity of a nation and is widening the gap between the rich and the poor. It wipes out decades of investment in education which enhances human development, retarding economic and social growth UNAIDS (2004). The researcher aimed at fi...

Impact Of Fuelwood Consumption By Three Tea Factories On Environment And On-Farm Tree Production In Kangema Subcounty, Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The tropical forest loss is increasing by 2,101 km2 per year. The factors causing the increasing tropical forest loss include agro-industrial development and exploitation of fuelwood by many countries. The role of human involvement in the deforestation situation in Africa cannot be understated. Studies carried out in Kenya show that most of the Tea factories rely on fuelwood for their energy requirements. This forces them to heavily contribute to the felling down of trees in the que...

Extent of utilization of laboratories in teaching and learning chemistry in public secondary schools in meru south district, kenya.

ABSTRACT Laboratories are of utmost importance in the teaching and learning of science subjects, Chemistry included. A Chemistry laboratory offers the environment and resources for teaching practical Chemistry skills which help students handle examination and the day to day affairs of their lives. This study was premised on establishing the extent of utilization of Chemistry laboratories in teaching and learning the subject. It was mainly concerned with availability of Chemistry laboratories...

1006 - 1020 Of 1340 Results