Curriculum Studies Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Smasse In-Service Education And Training On Biology Teachers’ Pedagogical Skills And Attitudes Towards Teaching Biology In Rachuonyo South District, Homabay County

ABSTRACT SMASSE in-service education and training is a programme for mathematics and science teachers in secondary schools piloted in Kenya from 1999 to 2003 and rolled out nationally in 2004. It was conceived as an intervention to reduce the effects of factors that were perceived to be contributing to poor performance in mathematics and science, key of which are poor pedagogical skills and negative attitudes of teachers. However, its effect on these aspects had not been evaluated in Rachuony...

Teacher Factors Influencing The Implementation Of Tusome Program In Lower Primary Public Schools In Mvita Sub County, Mombasa

ABSTRACT Quality education plays a major role in promoting economic growth, enhancing democracy and good governance. Though access to education has improved worldwide, an estimated 250 million learners of primary school age lacking basic reading, writing and numeracy skills whether in school or not. The Annual Learning Assessment (ALA) carried out in Kenya in February in 2012 by Uwezo revealed that majority of class 8 pupils could neither pass English nor Kiswahili reading tests set at class...

An investigation into the teachers’ attitudes towards the performance of the girl child in upper primary grades in Gokwe South District

ABSTRACT The research was set up to investigate teacher’s attitudes towards the performance of girls in upper primary grades in Gokwe South District in the Midlands province of Zimbabwe. The research was as a result of seeing the plight of many girls who are performing poorly in academics. The poor performance of girls affect their secondary enrolment and also affect their opportunity in the job market. The research design employed was the descriptive survey and this was because of its...

An investigation into the effects of the abolishment of corporal punishment on learner behaviour in schools: A case of Epworth- Mabvuku-Tafara District, Harare Metropoilitan Province.

ABSTRACT The project was carried out recently for the purposes of investigating into the effects of the abolishment of corporal punishment on learner behaviour in schools in Epworth, Mabvuku-Tafara District in Harare Metropolitan Province. The researcher confined the study to six schools due to limited time and financial constraints as well as to make it workable. In the process of carrying out this research, the researcher succeeded in getting the effects into the abolishment of corporal pun...

Challenges associated with implementation of inclusive education in Early Childhood Education classrooms: The case of Tategulu primary school

Abstract This study was carried out at Tategulu Primary school in Cowdray Park cluster under Reigate district with the aim of finding out the challenges associated with the implementation of inclusive education in ECE classrooms. The researcher used a case study design. Interviews and observations were used to gather data. The target population comprised of teachers and parents at Tategulu Primary school. However a sample of 10 participants was randomly chosen comprising of 5 teachers and 5 p...

Morality Through The Philosophy For Children (P4c) Blended With The Unhu/Ubuntu Philosophy In Contemporary Zimbabwean Education: A Case Of Zimbabwe’s Mberengwa District

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Mberengwa district as a qualitative case study at Vanguard primary school. The purpose of the study was to examine how “Morality through the philosophy for children (p4c) blended with the Unhu / Ubuntu philosophy can be enhanced in contemporary Zimbabwean education: A case of Zimbabwe’s Mberengwa District”. In this study the central argument is that Unhu/Ubuntu should be made the guiding philosophy in the Zimbabwean education curriculum so as to resto...

Exploring Teachers’ And Community’s Strategies Of Empowering Pupils On The Importance Of Educational Advancement: A Case Study Of Mabvuku-Tafara Educational Cluster In Epworth, Mabvuku-Tafara

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore teachers’ and community’s strategies of empowering pupils on the importance of educational advancement. Data was collected in Mabvuku-Tafara educational cluster in Epworth, Mabvuku- Tafara district in Harare Metropolitan province. The researcher employed a qualitative research design. Data was gathered through the use of questionnaires from teachers, interviews for School Heads and drop outs and the focus group discussion for pupils. The ...

School-Relatedfactorsinfluencing Effective Implementation Of Primary School Curriculum In Nguu Division, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Schools play critical roles in the implementation of primary school curriculum. However, syllabus coverage and pupils’ academic performance has been dismal. The purpose of this study was to investigate school-related factors influencing effective implementation of primary school curriculum in Nguu Division, Makueni County, Kenya. The study objectives sought to; investigate the influence of schools’ staffing levels; schools’ provision of instructional resources; schools’ provi...

Influence Of Free Primary Education On Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education Performance In Kitise Division, Kathonzweni Sub-County, Makueni

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of Free Primary Education (FPE) on Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) performance in Kitise Division, Kathonzweni Sub-County, Makueni County. Four research objectives were formulated: to assess the influence of pupils‟ enrollment on KCPE performance; determine the influence of quality of teaching on pupils‟ KCPE performance; establish the influence of teaching learning resources on KCPE performance and lastly i...

Relationship Between Instructional Supervisor’s Attributes And Students’ Academic Performance In Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education In Public Schools In Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The education system in Kenya is examination oriented and its quality is seen in terms of the number of students passing national examinations. The issue of poor academic performance in examinations signifies a critical impediment in any country since education is a major contribution to economic growth. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between instructional supervisor’s attributes and students’ academic performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary S...

Headteachers’ Supervisory Role Influence On Pupils Academic Achievements In Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education: Murang’a County

ABSTRACT Murang’a County of Kenya has been performing poorly in National Examinations for four years running as indicated in the background of the study. The purpose of this study therefore was to establish whether head teachers’ supervisory role has influence on pupils’ academic achievement in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in Murang’a County. The study was guided by the following objectives; to investigate the extent to which the head teacher’s supervisory role of building...

Factors Influencing Teacher Participation In Integration Of Ict In Teaching And Learning In Public Secondary Schools In Machakos Sub-County.

ABSTRACT This study was set to investigate the factors influencing teachers‟ participation in the integration of ICT in teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Machakos Sub County. The study was guided by four objectives and two hypotheses which include; establishing the relationship between teacher competency in the integration of ICT in teaching and learning; to assess the extent to which teachers apply computer skills in teaching and learning; to determine the influence of t...

Teachers’ Perceptions On The Influence Of Quality Assurance And Standards Officers’ Supervisory Role On Pupils’ Academic Improvement In Public Primary Schools In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The quality of education provided to children has been a great concern for a long time since it plays pivotal roles for development of the nations. Quality Assurance and Standards as a formal activity exercised by administrators within a school system, did not begin until the formation of common school in 1880s following population growth in major cities in America. This study investigated the perceptions of teachers on the influence of the supervisory roles of Quality Assurance and ...

Factors Influencing Students’ Choice Of Christian Religious Education In Public Secondary Schools In Matungulu Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Curriculum flexibility is one of the important ingredients of curriculum development. This aspect allows students to make choices as to the subjects that they have to undertake after being exposed to the content of most subjects offered in the curriculum at lower levels. In Kenya’s secondary education system, students at lower secondary are exposed to curriculum content that spans across 12 subject areas. After the lower secondary stage, the students are then supposed to choose sub...

Effects Of Computer Based Instruction On Students' Attitude, Perception Of Classroom Environment And Achievement In Rural Secondary Schools In Kenya

ABSTRACT It is a government policy that all institutions of learning in Kenya embrace Information Communicationand Technology (lCT) in all operations including the curriculum as the world moves towards knowledge based economy. The evidence in literature reveals positive effects of computer technology in instruction. However, such studies have concentrated in urban settings. The Effects of Computer Based Instruction (CBI) on Students' Attitude, Perception of the classroom environment and Achie...

166 - 180 Of 264 Results