Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

The Impact of Free Primary Education On Early Childhood Development in Ongoche Primary School, Migori District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENT·DECLARATION: ............................................................................................................... iiAPPROVAL ...................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. ivDEDICATION .................................................................................................

Challenges Faced by Gifted and Talented Learners in Regular Public Primary Schools in Bondo Zone, Migori District (Kenya)

ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges faced by the gifted and talented learners in regular primary schools in Bondo Zone, Migori District. Quantitative approach using questionnaires~s used to collect data for the study. Twenty teachers and six Head teachers from six regular primary schools took part in the study. The findings of the study show that most teachers understand learners who are gifted and talented but their needs are overlooked. Since they beha...

The Impact Of School Feeding Programme On Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils In Marafa Division, Magarini District, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION: ............................................................................................................... IIAPPROVAL ...................................................................................................................... IIIDEDICATION ................................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................

Free Primary Education Policy And Academic Performance Of Primary Schools In Mosiro Zone, Narok North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research study was intended to establish the effectiveness of fi'ee primary education in Kenya with j\;Josiro zone within Narok North district serving as an illustrative example. In the gathering of secondcny source iliformation, all other scholars· 11•orks viewed relevant to the study were utilized.The study employed a descriptive design since much of this study was qualitative in nature. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data ...

The Prevalence And Plight Of Pupils With Emotional And Behavioral Disorders In Inclusive Primary Schools Of Luanda Division, Emuhaya District Of Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Luanda division, Emuhaya district of Kenya to investigate on the prevalence of and challenges facing pupils with emotional and behavioral disorders in an inclusive setting. The following objectives were formulated to guide the study; to investigate the prevalence of pupils having emotional disorders, in selected inclusive primary schools, to examine the problems which these pupils face in inclusive learning setting and to assess the school based interven...

Academic Performance Of Orphaned Children Affected By Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome In Regular Primary Schools In Central Division Isiolo District-kenya

ABSTRACT. The study recounted the academic performance of orphaned children affected by Human immunodeficiency virus/ Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV I AIDS) in regular primary schools in Isiolo District- Central division. The writer used quantitative approach, design used was case study. The population was all schools in Isiolo District Central Division. The sampled schools are 5 primary schools and convenient sampling was used to pick the schools, systematic sampling was used to get...

Challenges Faced By Pre-School Teachers In Teaching Learners With Reading Difficulties In Mukuru Kwa Reuben Slum In Nairobi, Keny

ABSTRACTThe study was carried out in Primary Schools in Mukuru Kwa Reuben Slum in NairobiKenya to find out the challenges encountered by pre-school teachers in teaching learnerswith reading difficulties. The problems found to be responsible were lack of knowledgein handling the this children especially those with special learning problems; they werelooked at as slow learners, lack of effective teaching, poor teaching methods, and lack ofspecialized personnel, poor intervention measures, and h...

Society Participation In Early Childhood Programmes And Childcare In Langobaya Division Malindi District.

ABSTRACTThe research is aimed at establishing the factors affecting! influencing community participation in ECD programmes in Langobaya division, Malindi district Kenya.Secondary sources were adequately used and these helped to give a clear picture of how the whole study was to be conducted. The study utilized a descriptive survey design to investigate community participation in ECD programme andchildcare. Questionnaires and interview guides were employed and used as the i...

Effects of Untrained Teachers On the Academic Performance of Learners in Ecde Centers Within Uasin Gishu District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ..................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL. .......................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ....................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................... ivTABLE OF CONTENTS .......

Introduction Of Free Pruviary Education And Its Impact On The Enrolment In Early Childhood Development Education Centers In Chuka Division, Kiangondu-Karingani Zone, Kibugua Village In Meru-S

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT~ ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vACRONYMS viiABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE:GENERAL INTRODUCATION 11.0 Introduction 11.1. Background Information 11.2. Statement of the Problem 21.3 Purpose of the Study 21.4 Objectives of the Study 31.4.1 General Objectives 31.4.2 Specific objectives 31.5 Research Questions 31.6 Significance of the Study 31.7 Basic Assumptions 41.8 Definition Terms 41.9 Limitations and Delimitations 4CHAPTER TWO:LITERATURE REVIEW 62.1 In...

Teachers Attitude Towards Academic Performance of Learners with Learning Difficulties in Selected Schools in Chebunyo Zone, Bomet District, Kenya

Table of ContentsDECLARATION: ............................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................... iiACKN 0 WLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................. iiiDEDICATION ..........................................................................................................

Commitment and Teacher Performance of Early Childhood Development Teachers in Public Schools of Siaya County Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ADeclaration B iiApproval Sheet iiiAcknowledgement ivAbstract vTable of Contents viList of Tables ixCHAPTER ONE PAGETHE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 1Background of the Study 1Statement of the Problem 5Purpose of the Study 6Research Objectives 7Research Questions 8Hypothesis 8Scope 8Significance of the Study 9Operational Definitions of Key Terms 10CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 11Concepts, Ideas, Opinions From Authors/Experts 11viRelated theories 17Related Studi...

Analysis of The Factors Responsible for Pupils Drop Out in Schools in Maragua Division Gathera Sub location Nginda Zone in Ihumbu Village Central Province of Murang' A South District Kenya

ABSTRACT The maJor objective of the study was to examine the causes of school dropouts in Maragua Division, Murang'a South district, Kenya. The study was conducted in Maragua Division Murang'a South district Kenya. A total of 60 respondents were chosen; I 0 politicians, I 0 religious leaders, I 0 political leaders, and 30 parents consulted during the study. The study findings were collected in line with the research questions of the study. The first research question sought to find out the ca...

Gender and Girls’ Academic Performance in Science Five Selected Schools Chuka Division, Meru South District, Kenya

Table of contentsDeclaration ....................................................................................... iApproval. ....................................................................................... iiDedication ...................................................................................... iiiAcknowledgment ............................................................................. .ivTable of contents ...................................................................

Challenges of Universal Primary Education in Kenya a Case Study of Selected Primary Schools in Sirisia Division, Bungoma West District, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT iiiDEDICATION iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE IINTRODUCTION I1.0 Background to the study 11.1 Statement of the Problem 21 .2Theoretical perspective of the study 3I .3Objectives of the Study 41.3.lGeneral Objective 41 .3.2Specific Objectives 41 .4Research Questions 41.5Significance of the study 5CHAPTER TWO 6LITERATURE REVIEW 62.Olntroduction 62.lDefinitive review of Universal Primary Education 62.2Universal...

61 - 75 Of 327 Results