Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

The Use of Teaching and Learning Materials on Curriculum Instruction in Early Childhood Development Centres

ABSTRACT The major purpose of this research study was to assess the availability and use of teaching and learning materials in curriculum instruction in ECD centres within Garissa Division. The researcher employed a descriptive survey design. Simple random sampling was used to select teachers and head teachers. Questionnaires were also used to somce primary data. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentage tables were used to summarize and interpret the data. The find...

Community Attitudes Towards Learners In Machakos Rehabilitation School Machakos District Kenya

ABSTRACT This research intended to investigate how the community feels about the learners in the . . . . . . Machakos Rehabilitation School and aimed at how to cultivate a positive acceptance to them. The researcher followed a simple survey design to venture into the community attitudes by collecting data from the chosen local parents through the use of a questionnaire. The data was collected from three different villages and targeted twenty parents. Data was analysed using frequency counts a...

The Impact of Learning Aids on the Academic Performance Of Primary Six Pupils in Social Studies in Kasese Sub County, Kasese District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study was about the effect of learning aids on the academic performance of primary six pupils in social studies within Kasese sub county Kasese District, Uganda. This was intended to determine the profile of respondents in the area of study, determine the effects of learning aids towards the academic performance of learners in the area of study and suggest possible remedies towards effective use of learning aids so as to uplift the academic performance of pupils in Kasese Sub Co...

Play and Its Effects on Early Childhood Education Masinga Division, Kathini Village, Ekalakala Zone in Masinga District of Eastern Province-Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the importance of playing on the early childhood education in Masinga District, Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to determine the profile of the respondents in regards to: age, gender and academic level, to investigate the importance of playing in regards to academic achievements, problem solving, social and egoistic competence confidence building and health development artd to identify the hindrance to children's playing the...

Impact of Teachers, Parents, Pupils and Government Participation Towards Improving Quality of Education Among Selected Schools in Iring Region

TABLE ON CONTENTSABSTRACT .... , ..................................................................................... iiDECLARA TIO)'! ............................................................................... iv:SUPERVISOR iAPPROVAL ...................................................................................... vCOPYRIGHT.! ............................................................ , ..................... viACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........................................................

The Effects of HIV/AIDS on Enrolment of Early Childhood in Kiganjo Nursery School, Kiganjo Location, Municipality Division, Nyeri District, Central Province, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to establish various problems that affect enrolment in early childhood as a result of HIV/AIDS scourge. The objectives of the study were to examine the impact of enrolment in early childhood. The study examines the causes of HIV among learners. The researcher used a case study design. A representative sample was made from the target population though simple random sampling method. A representative sample of 30% was drawn from the target population to satis...

Free Primary Education and Academic Performance of Pupils in Primary Schools in GaTanga Zone, Thika District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................................................ 1APPROVAL .............................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................ IllACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ ivTABLE OF CONTE...

Poverty and Academic Performance of Pupils in Selected Primary Schools in Euw Aso Zone, Euw Aso Division, Kajiado North District of Rift Valley Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The poverty and academic perfonnance of pupils has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only the nonnal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools as well as the wider community and society. The study adopted a quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special education fo...

Learner's Absenteeism and How It Influences Their Academic Progress in Selected Primary Schools of Salawa Division, Baringo County in Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ...................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................... .ivTABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................... vLIST OF TABLES ...

Factors Influencing Pupils Performance in Mathematics in Selected Primary Schools of Makindu Zone, Makindu District in Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ......................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................... ivTABLE OF CONTEN...

The Impact Of Dance On Church Attendance By The Youths In Yatta division, Yatta district ,kenya

ABSTRACT This study was about "The influence of dance to church attendance of the youths in Y atta division, ofYatta district. Sixty youths and 60 elders were used in the study and we are selected from various Christian denominations, The study was administered by the help of selected qelegates given questionnaires to distribute to 20 youths and 20 elders at the same time under the supervision of the researcher. Enteiiainment, encouragement, identification and conquer of the heart of the popu...

Introduction Of Free Primary Education And Its Impact On The Enrolment In Early Childhood Development Education Awendo Division In Awendo District Of Migori Country

ABSTRACT Early childhood development education is the basic foundation of the child. This is the introduction of the child to the reading and writing while building on the listening and speaking skills introduced to the child at home. Therefore it is important to look for ways and means to improve it. The researcher on this note has realized the importance of comparing and contrasting the introduction of free primary education (FPE) in all the public primary schools in Kenya with the enrolmen...

Challenges to Effective Implementation of Free Primary Education in Selected Schools of Tirap Division, Marakwet District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Tirap division, Marakwet district Kenya with an intention to determine and identify the outstanding challenges of Universal Primary Education in Kenya, while reflecting some selected government aided primary schools in Tirap division. On this note, all other authors' works similar to this particular study were revisited and this formed the basis of the researcher's review of related literature. A descriptive survey design was employed since the whole stu...

Impact of HIV/AIDS On Enrolment, Performance and Dropout Rate in Ecd Centres in Chinga Location, Othaya Division, Nyeri District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study is about the impact on HIV/ AIDS on enrollment, performance and the dropout rate in ECD centers in Chinga location The study sampling was done by picking the first four ECD centers purposely. I purposefully sampled three public and one private ECD centre. The schools were visited to carry out the research. A questionnaire was used to collect data the data. This was done through filing gaps in the questionnaire. The questions were based on the number of pupils enrolled in th...

The Impact of Free Primary Education On Early Childhood Development Programmes in Wote Zone, Wote Division, Makueni District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................. iiAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................. iiiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................

46 - 60 Of 327 Results