Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Post-Spill Impact On Soil, Case Study (K.Dere) Ogoni Land

ABSTRACT The supply of food, water, and agricultural resources is fast becoming a difficult issue. This is because the resources are heavily polluted as a result of intensive crude oil spill, and oil related activities in the state. This study focused on the assessment of soil samples from Ogoni, (k- Dere) community. To ascertain the level of pollution that may have occurred. Different parameters were analyzed, namely pH, total petroleum hydrocarbons, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, zinc, iron...

Assessment Of Groundwater Quality Around Abandoned Quarry Ponds Near Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria

ABSTRACT A field study was conducted on the Assessment of Ground Water Quality around Abandoned Quarry Ponds near Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria. Water samples were collected using 1liter amber glass bottles each fitted with a screw cap and lined with foil from the four abandoned quarry pits measured fifty meters (50m) (165ft) deep. These were labeled ABP1, ABP2, ABP3, ABP4, while the wells were labeled HDW (hand dug wells) measured eighty meters (80m) (264ft) deep and BH (borehole), measured t...

Application Of Geographic Information System In Mapping Solid Waste Collection Points In New Owerri, Imo State

ABSTRACT The unsanitary condition in which solid waste is temporarily dumped and disposed off has generated environmental concern through pollutions and health hazards. This calls for a need to map out suitable collection points and disposal point for effective and efficient management of solid waste to promote hygienic environment. This study is limited to the new Owerri inside Owerri municipal, Imo State. It focuses on site selection for solid waste collection having considered the existen...

Impacts Of Subdivision Of Ranches On Land Cover And Rangeland Resources In Malili Division, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Information on impacts of subdivision of ranches on land cover is important as it forms vital baseline among others for the detection of impacts of degradation of rangeland and economic resources in the area. This study was conducted between May and November, 2012. The broad objective for the study was to assess the impacts of subdivision of ranches and subsequent land use change on land cover and rangeland resources in the study area. The research employed various data collection me...

Differences In Cardiovascular Disease, Biochemical Risk Markers, Physical Activity And Nutrition Between An Urban And Pastoral Sample In Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in blood pressure, cardiovascular disease bio-chemical risk markers, physical activity and nutrition, between an Urban (US) and Pastoral (PS) sample, in the context of the global epidemiological transition taking place globally causing a shift in mortality and morbidity from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases. A total of 133 adults from both samples meeting the inclusion criteria, were randomly recruited from...

The Potential Of Life Cycle Management For Sustainable Production Of Sugar At Mumias Sugar Company, Kenya

ABSTRACT As the international community continues to embrace sustainability thinking in decisionmaking, the sugarcane industry too has to adopt and operate within principles of sustainable entrepreneurship. A key input in this evolving paradigm is application of Life Cycle Management approach, whose focus is to determine sustainability concerns at all stages of a product’s life cycle so as to attune business to economic viability, social responsibility and environmental soundness. This stu...

Analysis Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons And Heavy Metals Concentration In Cassava Tubers Within Okigwe Mechanic Village, Imo State.

ABSTRACT Soils and cassava tubers in Okigwe auto-mechanic village of Imo state were investigated for presence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. Six soil samples of 0 - 15 cm and 15 - 30 cm in depth were collected each, at 3 sites, in close proximity to selected automobile workshops. A distant location was used as the control site. Physicochemical properties of soils from this study area were investigated using standard methods, PAHs in the soil and cassava tubers w...

The Impact Of Increased Population And Sedentarization Of The Pastoral Communities On The Land Cover And The Resources Of Mount Marsabit Forest And The Surrounding Lands

Abstract This study was carried out to examine and determine the impacts of increased human population and the sedentarization of pastoral communities on the land cover and resources of Mt. Marsabit Forest and the immediate surrounding lands. The first objective of this study was to determine the impacts of increased human population and the subsequent land fragmentation and human sedentarization on the resources of Mt. Marsabit Forest and the immediate surrounding lands. The second objective...

Assessment Of Effluent Quality At The University Of Ghana Hospital, Legon

ABSTRACT Hospitals effluent often contain chemical compounds which may have negative impact on the environment and human health if not properly treated. Investigations were conducted to determine the bacteriological and physico-chemical qualities of effluent discharged from University of Ghana hospital into the environment and its effects on agricultural soils and vegetables. Water and soil quality analyses of some physico-chemical and bacteriological variables were carried out on effluent s...

Nutritional Composition Of Aquatic Plants And Their Potential For Use As Animal Feed: A Case Study Of The Lower Volta Basin

ABSTRACT An investigation was carried out to determine the nutritional composition of some selected dominant aquatic plants and their significant effect on chemical and physical characteristics of the water. Four aquatic plants namely Nymphaea lotus, Ipomoea aquatica, Typha ausralis. and Scirpus cubensis were sampled, identified and authenticated at the Ghana Herbarium. The proximate nutritional compositions of the plants were determined using standard procedure outlined in Association of Of...

Monitoring Shoreline Change Using Medium Resolution Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery: A Case Study Of Keta, Ghana

ABSTRACT Shoreline change analysis provides important information upon which most coastal zone management and intervention policies rely. Such information is however mostly scarce for very large and inaccessible shorelines mostly due to expensive field work. This study investigated the reliability of medium resolution satellite imagery for mapping shoreline positions and for estimating historic rate of change. Both manual and semi-automatic shoreline extraction methods for multi-spectral sat...

Roasting Kinetics of Crude Pyrite as Acid Mine Drainage Remediation Option: A Case Study of Merelani

Abstract Large-scale production of mine wastes and their secure disposal has been a problem of global concern. In this work, the chemical kinetics of roasting of crude pyrite, a mine waste from Merelani to form sulphur dioxide, a key precursor in the production of sulphuric acid was studied. Conversion of pyrite into sulphur dioxide revealed pseudo first order kinetic with respect of solid reactant in gas-solid system. The activation energy (Ea) value of 15kJ/mol was deduced from Arrhenius e...

Perinatal Feeding Practices Among Mothers Attending Primary Health Care Facilities In Isi-Uzo Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The benefit of breastfeeding to mother and infant is replete in literature. This study investigated perinatal feeding practices in terms of initiation of breastfeeding, use of colostrum and prelacteal feeds among mothers attending Primary Health Care facilities in Isiuzo LGA. Specifically the objectives were to determine: (i) the timing of breastfeeding initiation among women in Isi-uzo Local Government Area. (ii) what women in Isi-uzo Local Government Area use colostrum for. (i...

Male Involvement In Family Planning In Some Selected Rural Communities In Enugu East Local Government Area In Enugu State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Men involvement in family planning would increase its recognition, acceptance and practice by people especially within the rural communities. This is because in rural communities in Nigeria including Enugu, men are still the gate keepers in our families who control power and major decision making. Some of them decide whether their wives will practice family planning or not and the methods to be adopted. This implies the men seem to have the finally say on the number of children the ...

Knowledge And Utilization Of Post Abortion Care Services Among Women Of Reproductive Age In Obanliku Local Government Area Of Cross River State

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and utilization of post abortion care among women of reproductive age (15 – 49 years) in Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. The research utilized a descriptive survey design and a sample size of 350 women of reproductive age (15 – 49), selected from each of the 10 communities in the area. A structured questionnaire was used as instrument to collect data. Information obtained from the question...

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