Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics

Community Activities On Protected Areas A Case Study Of Mount Elgon Nationalpark, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on man’s socio-economic activities on protected areas was carried out on Mount Elgon national park and was specifically aimed at identifying communities and their socio-economic activities, the impacts of these activities on the park and the sustainable park management approaches. The study used simple random sampling for the community members and purposive for the knowledgeable about park management, methods of data collection were questionnaire, interview, observation a...

Challenges And Opportunities Of Inorganic Solid Waste Reuse And Recycling In Thika Town, Kiambu County.

ABSTRACT The recovery of items from waste for reuse and recycling of waste represents an important strategy for waste minimization. The objectives of this study was to determine the type and amount of inorganic solid waste recycled, stages involved in collection, separation, reuse and recycling of ISW, institutional arrangement and policies in place for ISW reuse and recycling and opportunities and challenges encountered in ISW reuse and recycling. Sampling methods used to select the study u...

Impacts Of Subdivision Of Ranches On Land Cover And Rangeland Resources In Malili Division, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Information on impacts of subdivision of ranches on land cover is important as it forms vital baseline among others for the detection of impacts of degradation of rangeland and economic resources in the area. This study was conducted between May and November, 2012. The broad objective for the study was to assess the impacts of subdivision of ranches and subsequent land use change on land cover and rangeland resources in the study area. The research employed various data collection m...

Seasonal Changes In Physico – Chemical Status And Algal Biomass Of Lake Naivasha, Kenya

ABSTRACT Lake Naivasha located at latitude 0 0 45’ S, and longitude 360 20’ E, was designated a Ramsar site in 1995. It is an important resource to many stakeholders and has a fragile ecosystem that experiences rapid changes associated with natural and anthropogenic factors such as huge water abstraction for irrigation agriculture, fertilizer residues runoffs from the agro-based farms and sediments discharged by River Malewa among others. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the leve...

Determination Of Fecal Contamination Status Of Shallow Wells In Dede Division, Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT A shallow well is a hole dug, bored or drilled less than 50M deep to extract water. Contamination of shallow wells with fecal matter presents a grave public health threat in developing countries, such as Kenya, where large numbers of households lack access to clean and safe water supplies and rely on untreated surface water sources or shallow unprotected groundwater for domestic utilization. A report by WHO shows that 1 billion people practice open defecation with nine out of ten of ...

Impact Of Human Population On Land Degradation In Former Lugari District, Kakamega County, Kenya

The increase in human population has put tremendous pressure on natural resources. In Kenya, the growing human population is associated with an increase in developmental needs thus posing a threat to the land resource. This problem has been noted in the high potential areas of the country which support a large population seeking to fully exploit the land resources for their livelihoods and welfare. In Lugari district, human population has been increasing over the years and people have c...

Impact Of Nutrients On Phytoplanton Productivity Of The Coastal Marine Waters Of Mtwapa, Mida And Kilifi Creeks, Kilifi County, Kenya

Major sources of coastal and marine pollution affecting coastal condition vary throughout the world, and there is an increasing body of research indicating that the nature and intensity of development activities, the state and type of industry and agriculture, and the size of human populations are significant contributing factors to each region’s unique problems. This study aimed at understanding the extend and impacts of coastal marine waters from land based pollution sources. The mai...

Effects Of Training Farmers On Integrated Soil Fertility Management Technologies On Crop Yield And Income In Mbale Division, Kenya

Abstract The agro-climatic conditions in western Kenya present the region as a food surplus area yet people are still reliant on food imports. Numerous interventions through Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) practices to this front have not yielded the expected results. With this background the study sought to: (i) identify the contribution of ISFM interventions to farm productivity, (ii) to identify gaps in knowledge translation and (iii) to establish the major factors determining ...

Assessment Of Factors Determining The Choice Of Birth Attendant In Kisau Division, Makueni District, Kenya

Abstract The Kenya Demographic Health Survey (KDHS) 2008 showed that maternal mortality in Kenya is estimated at 488/100,000 live births, and that pregnancy related complications are the leading cause of death (27%) among women of childbearing age (CBS, 2008). Although 92% of women receive antenatal care at least once during pregnancy, a skilled attendant assists only 44% of mothers during childbirth. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the factors determining the choice of bi...

Impacts Of Water Shortage In Githurai Ward, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Water is indispensable for life since it is a major basic need and is also important for economic activities. Information on the challenges of water supply and its socioeconomic impacts is important as it forms a vital baseline for the detection of the positive impacts, the main challenges related to it and how to cope and deal with them. This study investigated the challenges of water supply and its socio-economic impacts in Githurai ward. The study was carried out between Decembe...

Assessment Of Physico-Chemical And Microbiological Properties Of Shallow Well Water In Kawangware Location, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Lack of access to clean drinking water adversely the public health. Kawangware location is undergoing rapid expansion in population, economic growth and urbanization. One of the challenges of this growth is pressure on public water supply. The inconsistent and inadequate water supply for the inhabitants has led to majority of the population relying on ground water for domestic and commercial uses more so, on shallow wells which seem to be relatively cheaper to construct. This has inc...

Current Status, Utilization, Succession And Zonation Of Mangrove Ecosystem Along Mida Creek, Coast Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT Mangrove forests have been destroyed as a result of human activities and this is a threat to the mangrove ecosystem and the living things depending on them. Research on the current status, utilization, succession and zonation of mangrove ecosystem was conducted along Mida Creek, Coast Province, Kenya from September 2009 to February 2010. Objectives were to: assess the changes in the floristic composition of the mangrove forest; identify the most preferred mangrove species; investiga...

Heavy Metal Pollution In Red Haricot Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) And Cowpeas (Vigna Unguiculata) Grown Using Untreated Sewage Water In Ruai, Nairobi - Kenya

ABS TRACT Recurrent rainfall inconsistency experienced across Kenya brings about a reduction in crop production that relies on rain fed agriculture. Nairobi peri-urban farmers have turned to irrigate their residential plots using untreated sewage water. A study was done on P.vulgaris (red haricot beans) and V. unguiculata (cowpeas) between Nov. 2009 and Jan. 2010 in Ruai – Nairobi County. The general objective of the study was to investigate levels of heavy metals: (cadmium (Cd), copper(Cu)...

The Prevalence And Associated Risk Factors For Taenia Solium Taeniasis In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Taenia solium taeniasis is an intestinal parasitic disease caused by infection with Taenia solium is also referred to as the pork tapeworm. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and the risk factors that may lead to T. solium taeniasis amongst the community in Thika Sub County. A cross-sectional study design was used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. The study was carried out in Thika Sub-County from November 2016 to January 2017. The study...

Assessment Of Impact Of Climate Change And Variability On Food Security In West Pokot County, Kenya

ABSTRACT There is an increasing need for food security assessment in the wake of today’s challenge of climate change and variability. This study aimed at assessing the impacts climate change and variability on food security in West Pokot County for the period 1980-2012. Objectives of the study were to: characterize rainfall and temperature data for the specified years, evaluate spatial variability in relation to climate change and variability in the county using remote sensing and Geograph...

91 - 105 Of 351 Results