Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Impacts Of Climate Change And Variability On Food Security In West Pokot County, Kenya

ABSTRACT There is an increasing need for food security assessment in the wake of today’s challenge of climate change and variability. This study aimed at assessing the impacts climate change and variability on food security in West Pokot County for the period 1980-2012. Objectives of the study were to: characterize rainfall and temperature data for the specified years, evaluate spatial variability in relation to climate change and variability in the county using remote sensing and Geograph...

Evaluation Of Slum Upgrading And Redevelopment In Promoting Sustainable Urban Human Settlements: A Case Study Of Pumwani-Majengo Housing Project, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT The existence of slums has posed a huge problem for achievement of sustainable urban development in most ACP countries. Slum upgrading and redevelopment measures have been adopted worldwide as key components of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) under goal number seven which emphasizes the need to tackle the problems posed by slums. In the Kenyan context, slum upgrading and redevelopment as intervention measures are critical to the attainment of both Vision 2030 and Millennium ...

Levels Of Environmental Noise And Perceived Health Implications In Bus Termini In Nairobi Central Business District, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Environmental noise is noise emanating from all other sources except the industrial workplace, main sources include road, rail and air traffic, industries, construction, public works and social activities. WHO and NEMA provides permissible environmental noise level standard to be 75 and 60 dB (A) respectively. Noise pollution has been linked to many adverse health effects and there is limited documentation to this effect within the CBD termini of Nairobi.The aim of this study was to...

Contributions Of Conservation Education Centres Towards Sustainable Environmental Awareness In Schools, A Case Of Giraffe Centre Nairobi County.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to evaluate the contributions of conservation education centres in creating awareness to promote sustainable environmental conservation in schools. In this regard, public education is critical in raising levels of awareness in environmental conservation. The results of this study will contribute to future review and improvement of environmental education and awareness programmes offered by other conservation education centres. A descriptive survey design...

An Analysis Of How Small Scale Arable Farmers Are Adapting To The Impacts Of Climate Variability: A Case Study Of Chisare Village In Cherangani, Transnzoia East Sub-County

ABSTRACT The recent irregular trends in weather patterns have brought about challenges and opportunities in key sectors of the economy especially in developing countries. Agriculture and tourism are just but examples of these sectors that have been widely impacted by climate variability. Countries as Kenya where agriculture and tourism are the leading earners of the economy has seen a downhill scale in the recent years and climate variability is one of the factors that can held responsible. ...

Investigation Of Public Open Spaces In Machakos Town Municipality, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Public open spaces form an important part of urban life, giving services to people and protect urban environment. In effective regulations and standards for establishment, setting, management and maintenance of public open spaces have always been a stumbling block in ensuring their sustainability, hence the existence of poorly performing, unplanned, and poorly distributed public open spaces. This study sought to establish why the public open spaces in Machakos municipality, Machakos...

Factors Affecting Aloe Propagation And Cultivation In Kieni West Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The thesis resulting from this study intended to investigate factors affecting aloe propagation and cultivation in Kieni West division, Kenya. The rationale for the study was informed by the fact that aloe propagation and cultivation is one of the identified strategies for aloe conservation and management outside protected areas with both ecological and social-economic benefits. The study was based on the awareness that Kenyan aloe species are listed under Appendix II of Conventio...

Safeguarding sanitation in high population density urban settlements: A case study of Kibera slums Nairobi county.

ABSTRACT Sanitation has been a thorny issue especially in many informal settlements all over the world with the third world countries being highly affected. Therefore people living in these affected areas are exposed to these deplorable conditions. Kenya is not spared either and therefore our informal settlements are suffering from myriad of sanitation related problems that are causing slum residents to be unprotected from all manner of exposures. Since there are a lot of underlying factors ...

Effects Of Soil And Water Conservation Technologies On Sediment And Maize Yield In Tharaka-Nithi And Embu Counties Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Decline in crop yields in Tharaka-Nithi and Embu counties is linked to poor agricultural practices and climate variability. Research has reported positive results from implementation of mulching, tied ridging, minimum tillage and intercropping. This study was set up to: i) determine effect of soil and water conservation technologies on runoff ii) evaluate effect of the technologies on sediment and nutrient loss iii) investigate effect of the technologies on maize yield, and iv) anal...

Inadequecies Of Solid Waste Management Among Public, Private And Community Based Organisations In Kasarani Constituency, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Most of our activities as human beings generate solid waste. As much as the solid waste that is generated may not be harmful in its current state, the methods through which this waste is handled, stored, collected and disposed can pose risks to the local populace as well as the community. The situation is aggravated by the fact that solid waste has no owner, and therefore the provision of quality solid waste management services is left for those who can afford it. The objectives of ...

Assessment Of Selected Trace Elements In Soil And Vegetable (Spinaca Oleracea) In Ruai, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Urban farming makes a substantial influence on the household economy of the urban poor especially in developing countries. Urban soil the hot spot of urban farming is a natural sink for contaminants especially the potentially toxic trace elements derived mainly from anthropogenic activities. The sources of trace elements include effluents from sewerage drainage system, unprocessed wastewater from neighboring manufacturing industries in addition to farming activities along polluted r...

Effect of Intercropping Coffee With Fruit Trees on Coffee Eco Physiological and Soil Factors at Coffee Research Foundation in Ruiru, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The coffee plant (Coffea Arabica L) originated in the forests of Ethiopia, where it evolved as an understory tree species. Mimicking this native growth habit, coffee farmers have for centuries grown coffee under shade and intercropped with various fruit tree species to provide shade, foods, and income. The impact of these intercrops on coffee production is little known hence the need for this study. The study was carried out in an existing coffee intercropping plot at Coffee Researc...

Ecosystem Services In Climate Change Adaptation Projects In The Least Developed Countries Of West Africa

ABSTRACT  Ecosystems are largely dependent on the prevailing climatic conditions. The ever changing climate across the world has necessitated climate change adaptation projects as a coping mechanism to the adverse effects of climate change. The main objective of the study was to assess ecosystem services in climate change adaptation projects in the least developed countries of West Africa. Specifically, the study sought to; (i) assess the ecosystems changes in the Least Developed Countries o...

Implementation Of Community Led Total Sanitation Program In Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Open defecation refers to defecating in bushes, fields, water bodies and other places that are open. Across the world, approximately 1 billion people are practicing open defecation. This is worse in sub-Saharan Africa where about 215 million people defecate in the open. In Kenya, an estimated 5.6 million people practice defecation in the open. The introduction of Community Led Total Sanitation strategy by the Ministry of Health has not achieved its goal of improved sanitation and hyg...

Impact Of Oil Spillage On The Water Quality Of Abuloma River In Port-Harcourt, Rivers State

ABSTRACT The activity of the oil prospecting companies in the study area is mainly that of crude oil extraction from the subsurface. As a result of these petroleum activities, there is a continuous destruction of aquatic lives – flora and fauna destabilizing the entire aquatic eco-system. This study was focused on the impact of oil spillage on the water quality. Different physico-chemical parameters were analyzed, including Temperature, Taste, Colour, Odour, Total Dissolved Solid, Conducti...

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